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matgc8302 Jun 2012 6:19 p.m. PST

Why is there nobody talking about this game aorund here?

The latest GW price hike due to june had me swearing never to buy another 40k model again, so I'm looking for options on the 28mm sci-fi genre.

How does the tabletop version (Warfare) of Dust works? Does the rules afford massive number of minis on a single game as 40k?

I'm turning to Warmachine, but since the rules are not scaled for large games, it is basically skirmish level, and I prefer lots of models on the table.

With a squad of 5 being sold for around U$10.00-11.00 Dust would be THE option for me to begin a new large 28mm army.

Still, I'd like to hear some feedback on how well the game plays out.

sillypoint02 Jun 2012 6:41 p.m. PST

The mech models are great, but I would not recommend the game as a "staple". More a once in a while game, got the PDF, it really only converts the move action/distances to 1= 6", does not have Soviets. I have every mech and to me that was worth the game (an investment you may note is in the xxx £€¥$$ category). A bit less than my investment into 10mm Star Wars, but a bit more than my 1/35 MaK collection.

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian02 Jun 2012 7:16 p.m. PST

Stupid bug. I'm not retyping all that. Suffice to say, look on the Weird War 2 boards for other discussion, not under scifi, and be aware that (contrary to sillypoint's post) the rules are a far more elaborate set of changes than simply changing movement to inches. The turn sequence and scenario generation system are the real strong points of the game, and far more sophisticated than anything in Tactics.

Mighty Essoq02 Jun 2012 9:00 p.m. PST

I'm enjoying the heck out of Dust Warfare. I don't personally think the rules are too simplistic like some people complain, but then again I don't like games that seem about as fun as algebra. There are dynamics involved with unit actions and reactions that make it a little different than 40K. And Suppression plays a big factor in the game – firing on units and hitting, even if no damage ends up being done, suppresses the unit, which can limit their actions. Close combat is quite different as well. Models don't have to be base to base, and if you are attacked with close combat weapons, you can only fight back with close combat weapons.
I would highly recommend buying the rulebook and reading it over. It is well thought out and produced. All current units for the Axis and Allies are in the book. Newer stuff and the Sino-Soviet army info is in the newest campaign book, Operation Zverograd.
As for your comment about massive number of minis on the table, I would say it is more like a Space Marine army than an Ork horde. We typically play 300 point games, and my Allies field around 30 models total. You can play larger point games and obviously put more models on the table if that's important to you.


Chef Lackey Rich Fezian03 Jun 2012 4:32 a.m. PST

Newer stuff and the Sino-Soviet army info is in the newest campaign book, Operation Zverograd.

I think that box set has stats only for Dust Tactics. From reading the FFG site, I believe the Dust Warfare SSU stats are coming soon in a seperate product. Love to hear I'm wrong – I won't touch Tactics with a ten-foot pole, but having an excuse to buy the box for Warfare and get those hero figs would be nice.

Mighty Essoq03 Jun 2012 7:56 a.m. PST

There's an Operation Zverograd for both games – the one for Warfare is a $20 USD book, but it may not have been released yet.


Lfseeney03 Jun 2012 10:20 a.m. PST

I had AT-43 so I stayed away from this.

Fire Broadside03 Jun 2012 3:01 p.m. PST

I've decided to take the plunge and get a bunch of SSU units after having played a couple of games with a friend. I've been out of the "large army scale" games for ten years and have stuck to skirmish and 15mm stuff. However, Dust Warfare brought me back.

We tried Tactics a few times but didn't really enjoy it all that much, so I was very happy when Warfare was such a different (evolved) beast.

I've been blogging about it a fair bit:

Dust Warfare First Impressions link

Additional Thoughts link

Battle Report link

SSU Infantry Review link

The second part of the SSU review (with the chopper and the first Hero walker will go up tomorrow.

Hope it helps!

@Lfseeney – Why would you stay away from Dust Warfare because of AT-43? Few similarities beyond the visual design.

matgc8303 Jun 2012 5:15 p.m. PST

Fire Broadside,

Yours is one of the blogs that got me considering starting a Dust army in the first place! :-)

Oh, boy, I already have more armies/fleets than shelves to fit them onto… Is there really any difference between hobby enthusiasm and obsession?

By the way, just got the PDF rulebook and I'm loving it. The Reaction rules are just what I always missed in 40k.

Chef Lackey Rich Fezian03 Jun 2012 6:28 p.m. PST

A lot of the game's tactics revolve around minimizing your opponent's opportunities to actually make reactions, of course. That and the command phase tricks really add a surprising amount of depth to the game. Many, many easily stolen ideas for improving homebrew rules. :)

tnjrp03 Jun 2012 11:48 p.m. PST

We (as in "my gaming group" of 3 guys total) are rather disappointed with the game based on our two games so far. We had rather similar experiences as Fire Broadside had in his "first impressions" and I admit that usual caveats (such as "did you play that one right?") may well apply. Nevertheless it doesn't have that big an appeal ATM and it certainly hasn't sparked any interest in WWWII gaming in me – the other guys are a little more keen but they don't seem to find it the bestest thingee since sliced bread either.

tnjrp05 Jun 2012 2:17 a.m. PST

Also, I have to mention that it makes me even a little less enthusiastic to commit to DW that you don't get any of the DW stats for new minis in the DT minis boxes – but then it does say on the tin taht it is a game that uses Dust Tactics miniatures.

I can understand that FFG wants to do business and thus sell the Sino-Soviet expansion book as a separate item but there are a couple of Axis and Allies new minis featured in the "Operation Zverograd" as well… If you want to use those in DW it looks like you'll need to buy the book even if you don't give a toss about the Russkies per se.

I suppose they might put their stats on the site as "freebies" but that remains to be seen.

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