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"Dunmer (dark elf) proxies?" Topic

6 Posts

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3,983 hits since 31 May 2012
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Detective Malone01 Jun 2012 10:05 a.m. PST

In retrospect it's not the prettiest of games, but the fourth Elder Scrolls game Morrowind remains my favourite game.
So I was looking for some miniatures that could work for the dark elves (Dumner) from the game (in the scale of 28mm).
Below are a few pictures of what I'm looking for. Clothing and armour are the big things, hair and the likes is an easy enough conversion.





Sumatran Rat Monkey01 Jun 2012 10:32 a.m. PST

Just a small point, but Morrowind was the the third Elder Scrolls game (following Arena and Daggerfall, and preceding Oblivion and Skyrim), not the fourth.

As for figures, I considered doing something similar myself, back when the game was new, and the best I could come up with was a mix of pieces from GW's Dark Eldar (40K) and Dark Elves (WHFB), and the odd piece from Reaper, etc., to use as a base.

Even then, the plan involved a lot of converting, sculpt tweaking, and so forth, though- I never did find any figures that matched out of the gate, although in years since I've been unable to shake the feeling that I've overlooked something obvious.

Now, finding models to represent the Sandstrider giant transport fleas, there's a further challenge for ya. :)

- Monk

Palewarrior01 Jun 2012 11:18 a.m. PST

Some of the Privateer Press Nyss elves / blighted elves would work;



For the sandstriders, use a dead one of these :P

Lion in the Stars01 Jun 2012 1:08 p.m. PST


Privateer Press Nyss Hunters:

Mooseworks801 Jun 2012 8:33 p.m. PST

privateer press nyss-hunters
These are very cool!

Detective Malone02 Jun 2012 9:56 a.m. PST

A small point, but still a shameful mistake! haha
What makes Dunmer particularly tricky is that they're totally different from the 'typical' dark elf look you see in Reaper or GW's dark elves.

I know Perry have promised some American War of Independence figures in plastic, if these sets were to include plastic indians they would be a far better base for some conversions than GW dark elves.

Seen as everyone and their mum is wearing this armour in Skyrim:


The nyss elves would be perfect for Dunmer in Skyrim, given the bloody close resemblance of armour. Shame the figures are bloody expensive! O_o

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