streeters | 29 May 2012 1:25 p.m. PST |
I'm a big fan of SGII and am slowly getting some people I know into it, but they all want to use their WH40K minis rather than the 15mm I love. Has anyone found some decent plastics in 28mm that work ok for SGII? |
ComradeCommissar | 29 May 2012 1:38 p.m. PST |
The old Warzone plastics work and are pretty cheap: link |
Von Teug | 29 May 2012 1:40 p.m. PST |
SG2 is generic, so anything will work. That said, look at Defiance Games, Wargames Factory, EM-4, and Prince August (Warzone). |
Mako11 | 29 May 2012 1:58 p.m. PST |
Star Wars figs. The plastics are about 32 – 33mm. |
palaeoemrus | 29 May 2012 2:44 p.m. PST |
Wargames Factory Sci-fi Greatcoats/Shock troops. A little over a buck apiece. Sold in boxes of 18. MSRP $20 USD a box. The Warstore can beat that ($16 + $6 USD per order flat rate shipping).
link There is also a Heavy Weapons Set for the same price with 8 troops including command and gunners, and three heavy weapons. ---- Defiance Games UAMC Marines A little over a buck apiece. Sold in boxes of 24. MSRP $30 USD (plus shipping) a box. Agains, the Warstore can beat that. ($24 + $6 USD shipping) link
---- Warzone is the best deal in that it gives you two armies of 40 pieces each, 80 total, including havy gunners and sergeants. BUT it comes from Ireland and takes a while to arrive. It's about $31 USD US dollars for 80 troops in two distinct types (An English WW1 trencher style, and a goofy Pickle Haube Iron-Man Prussian style, both with gas masks. And a set of dice. You have to order a set of dice to get your order up to 20 Euros. I ordered some on the 24 and am still waiting for mine. I'm told that it can take a about a month to get to the US. link
Unrepentant Werewolf 2 | 29 May 2012 3:07 p.m. PST |
Are the Prince August figs still that horrible plastic that doesn't take model cement at all and superglue only works occasionally? |
ordinarybass | 29 May 2012 4:13 p.m. PST |
All the plastic options that have been mentioned are good. The Defiance marines are probably the plastic figs that most fit the hard-sci-fi feel of Stargrunt. However, if your friends are using 40k miniatures, the Prince August (will stay together fine with gel superglue), Wargames factory, or EM4 figs would be fine As they haven't been pictured/linked yet, check out the EM4 plastics as another option.
linkThey've got a retro 80-90's scifi look, but they're easy to convert and there are some add on options for new weapons and torsos at the link above. Also, don't give up entirely on metal. The Denizen Sci-Fi figs are really well done and cost $1.50 USD each! There are 4 factions available 1)Federation: Humans in Armored Suits 2)Ventauran: Aliens in armored suits (can also be used as humans except for 1-3 sculpts.) 3)Federation Mid-Tech: Humans in light gear (a'la colonial marines). 4)Khiff: a lizard/dog headed alien race in hooded cloaks. All are very realistically proportioned and armed and each faction has a complete list of options including basic troopers, officers, SAW operators, Missile or RPG launchers and a few other weapons options You can see pics of some that I painted here: TMP link scroll down for some even better examples by Mr. Treadway that really show the excellence of the sculpts. Such as this Ventauran trooper:
They are smaller than most heroic 28mm stuff, but not unusably so.Here's a pic that Saxon Dog put up The Denizen Ventaurans are on the far left and right.
In the USA In UK |
JimSelzer | 29 May 2012 8:42 p.m. PST |
the old space rangers plastics (can't remember the maker) |
Von Teug | 29 May 2012 8:49 p.m. PST |
Space Rangers are sold by EM4 as well. Good cheap power armor. |
streeters | 30 May 2012 12:21 a.m. PST |
Great stuff guys, thanks. I'm looking at plastic over metal because I don't want to take particularly good care of these figs, if you know what I mean. I have limited shelf space, which is mostly consigned to carry my 15mm SG and FoW stuff. I'm really looking for figs I can paint up in half an hour and can survive being thrown in a box. |
tmason | 30 May 2012 2:19 a.m. PST |
If your mates want to use 40k, have a look at link As for plastic figures, the star wars ones are pretty good and certainly survive being tossed in boxes etc. You don't even have to paint them. If you don't want to care about them, just buy some old GW stuff from ebay. You should be able to find all sorts of cheap stuff. Another alternative is to get some of the bolt action 25mm plastic ww2 figures and call them sci fi or add a few bits and pieces from your mates' GW bits boxes. |
alien BLOODY HELL surfer | 30 May 2012 3:38 a.m. PST |
I've a 100+ figure strong IG army (painted to a basic standard – not by me) going for a $1 USD a piece on the basic troops, and a bit more for the 9 hvy wepaons teams
.. ;-p |
Lion in the Stars | 30 May 2012 5:09 a.m. PST |
I think your friends are going to discover a desire for more special weapons as they play Stargrunt! Oh, one important thing: Snipers are (realistically) powerful in the game. ONE in a platoon is plenty. 3 will lock down a platoon so hard they can't move. |
ubberdorc | 30 May 2012 6:13 a.m. PST |
@alien BLOODY HELL surfer – you got pics? |
Splod89 | 30 May 2012 6:28 a.m. PST |
Also, considering you're playing SGII how about having a look at the GZG minis? The Stargrunt range is one of my favourites and not that much more expensive than some of the other options out there. They're selling for $2.95 USD aus a piece from Nic at Eureka and are some of my favourite miniatures ever. Also 1.50 quid from GZG for you on that side of the world. |
streeters | 30 May 2012 9:30 a.m. PST |
@Lion: Oh, I've been on the receiving end of a sniper enema more than once in SG. We only ever use them in specific scenarios just to see what will happen. We once played a scenario with 1 real sniper and 3 dummy markers and the entire purpose was to flush out the sniper in 5 turns or less. The still survived. |
Knockman | 06 Jun 2012 3:43 a.m. PST |
Streeters, if you decide on the WF Greatcoat Shocktroops, a work colleague of mine has some stock for sale. I got them for whatr seems to be the same reason as you – a quick opposition force, quick to make and paint. |
alien BLOODY HELL surfer | 06 Jun 2012 3:52 a.m. PST |
ubberdorc – yes I have, my email is hug_aliensurfer AT hotmail DOT com and I'll send you some pics – they are all Cadians – green and brown camo – a quick dip would make them easily respectable enough for the tabletop. I also have a few metal specials and characters in there. |
Lampyridae | 08 Jun 2012 5:33 a.m. PST |
I'm surprised that no-one here has mentioned Mantic
the Corporation Marines have a slight Starcraft "Confederate" feel to them and fit in will with 40K stuff (Mantic being a rabid GW rival). |
Rick the Grumpy Gnome | 08 Sep 2022 7:12 a.m. PST |
A decade later and plenty more inexpensive plastic sci-fi Infantry out there to bring your Stargrunt gaming to life. Wargames Atlantic has several sets that would work. North Star Miniatures has the Stargrave boxes. Warlord Games has Gate of Antares (for now, keep an eye open for potential sales in the future). |
Capt Flash | 02 Nov 2022 7:13 p.m. PST |
Doesn't Wargames Atlantic have the old Wargames Factory Shock Troopers? |
David Johansen | 12 Jan 2023 6:17 p.m. PST |
Nope, they don't have any ex-Wargames Factory kits. Just new versions of Dreamforge stuff. |
Oberlindes Sol LIC  | 14 May 2023 8:19 p.m. PST |
I read somewhere that whenever you necropost a kitten dies. |