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"To do Game of Thrones in 28mm, what figures?" Topic

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kallman27 May 2012 1:33 p.m. PST

I think this has been a thread before but I will bring it up again. My older son loves both the books and the HBO series and he has been interested in our war gaming the setting. I recently bought some of the Perry WOTR plastics and he of course wanted to co-op them for Game of Thrones. I dashed his hopes a bit as I mentioned these figures where going to be painted up as Burgundians for Late Medieval games. But this lead to the discussion of how to go about putting together forces for running games set for the books/TV show. Of course the WOTR figures are an easy stretch for the main kingdoms of the series but I mentioned that if he wanted to run a convention game why not do the siege of the Wall? For me an easy choice would be the plastic Chaos Marauder figures for the Northmen plus some toy mammoths you can get from nature museum gift shops, but what figures for the Black Watch? Would the WOTR figures fit your image of the keepers of the Wall. What affordable but quality options would you consider. Because now my son has me considering helping him run this game.

Pictors Studio27 May 2012 1:39 p.m. PST

You could certainly use the actual Dark Sword figures for the characters.

Felix Fox27 May 2012 1:56 p.m. PST

The Dark Sword figs are great, but are rather large compared to 28's. The Wildlings could be represented with some sort of ancient barbarian army: Gauls, Germans, Dacians or the later Goths or Franks. You would just have to find figs that looked clothed enough to fit.

As far as the wall defenders, the Old Glory 25's range of WOTR figures are great for generic late medievals. And dirt cheap if you are an OG army member.

Pictors Studio27 May 2012 2:25 p.m. PST

Another option would be to use the plastic GW figs. It seems like Rohan guys on foot would work for the Watch.

chronoglide27 May 2012 2:44 p.m. PST

I've recently picked up a load of LotR figures and Warhammer empire troops for attempting my own Game of Thrones game….the Lotr figs suit nicely, but the empire figures tend to be more medieval looking, rather than the dark ages look i was aiming for….seconding pictors….rohirrim make good northeners and crows and i'm using Minas Tirith guards for Lannister household troops….had a quick game with Chrono Junior #2 yesterday, Robert Baratheon, 'Headless Ned' and a unnamed Baratheon knight versus Jon Connington, one of his banner knights and some footsoldiers. Game was set during Robert's Rebellion and ended fairly historically with Fred Flintstone and Sharpie triumphing….used Bladestorm as a system, cos it's a great game and fits the skirmish level just right….

chronoglide27 May 2012 2:46 p.m. PST

one thing of note, there's a noticable size difference between the finer sculpted LotR figs an the bulkier, more cartoony Warhammer ones….

kallman27 May 2012 5:01 p.m. PST

Hmmm…Rohan foot for the Crows and perhaps Ancient Germans for the Wildlings, now that is a thought and both are available in plastic at a good price. I like the Dark Sword figures but I know they are too big for the majority of what I would want to use for the battle. Anyway all of the above are good ideas keep them coming and what are your thoughts on how the war could be rendered on the table. I am thinking lots of Styrofoam shaped to look like an ice wall with actual stone towers worked into the wall. Of course there will have to be the gate and out side of the wall while there would not be many trees up close you would have lots of thick pines and other trees the attackers could stage there attack from. I think I have plenty of siege engines, catapults and such. I cannot remember other than the Mammoths did the Wildlings have any other siege gear?

fantail27 May 2012 5:34 p.m. PST

Frank(quality figure painter) over on Lead Adventure forum used Perry War of the Roses plastics mixed with some Gripping beast plastics to create these…


Katzbalger27 May 2012 5:48 p.m. PST

You could use viking or Saxon figs for the Northerners--the good news is that thay're relatively cheap (the plastic ones from Wargames Factory and Gripping Beast). Of course, the GW LoTR plastics are good, as mentioned above.

If you are just looking at cheap, you could also go with HAT 28mm Reconquista range…


dwight shrute28 May 2012 1:33 a.m. PST

Definitely Saxons/Vikings for the greyjoys .. Renly had Norman tapestries in his tent the day of his ''assasination'' – so that may give u some further options . The figure game ''battles of Westeros'' may give further ideas as will the FFG book '' artwork of game of thrones '' . Lots of the GW LOTR human typesare spot on , as are perry plastics , gripping beast plastics , fire force men arms . GW Dire Wolves … etc , etc . Above all this should be a fun project …

Derek H28 May 2012 1:35 a.m. PST

The Northerners on the TV series always seem to be wearing fur capes round their shoulders.

LostPict28 May 2012 9:51 a.m. PST

I like the GW LOTR Dunlendings, Wildmen, and Ruffians…

Lost Pict



thestevothedivo28 May 2012 7:09 p.m. PST


Have you the original Lead Adventure thread you got that image from please?

Lafayette183428 May 2012 7:24 p.m. PST

Personally, I think the plastic "Rangers of Middle Earth" would serve splendidly as crows – some dynamic and captivating poses; they're all cloaked and hooded; and there's little to no armor showing.

kallman29 May 2012 7:24 a.m. PST

This has been a good thread and some great affordable ideas to make it happen. That conversion that fantail showed is just stunning.

fantail30 May 2012 2:04 p.m. PST

The lead adventure thread was just photos from the lead adventures' painting comp.

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