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"6mm Basing for Maurice and a new painting technique..." Topic

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Count Belisarius24 May 2012 12:56 p.m. PST

I've just done a long post on my blog about my plans for basing for Maurice link but I also did a sample few strips of Baccus SYW to try this out. They are not the best I've done in 6mm as I'm still struggling to get back into 6mm from months and months of 28mm. I used to do all 6mm with a black undercoat but a recent thread on the Baccus forums suggested using a grey undercoat with a black wash. This seems to work quite well and I think I'm going to pursue it. Anyway, here's a quick pic and there is more comment on the blog.




Angel Barracks24 May 2012 2:01 p.m. PST

what was wrong with 40x20?

I think this looks OK:


Would 5 bases make it look even better or is that just creating more problems/work?

Count Belisarius24 May 2012 2:17 p.m. PST

It's partly to do with the depth and allowing space for 'extra figures', and to get cavalry in two ranks. And partly so I can do the whole Column of March thing and then just turn the unit to face without shuffling bases about to make room… 40x20 doesn't allow that, 30x30, 30x40 and 40x40 do.

At least with 30x30 I get compatibility with the 60x30 players and need fewer strips to make a unit…


Angel Barracks24 May 2012 2:24 p.m. PST

Ah, oh well.
At least you are back on the 6mm train.

Yeah baby!


Little Big Wars24 May 2012 5:43 p.m. PST

20x20mm… but then again I'm probably going 2mm.

Khusrau25 May 2012 1:47 a.m. PST

60 x 30 mm love it, can be used for all sorts of games systems.

Sysiphus25 May 2012 1:59 a.m. PST

If you went with 4 x 30 by 30 mm then you'd have the four base arrangement for Maurice. Also, if you play Might and reason that would give you two units for that system ( uses two base units).

Count Belisarius26 May 2012 5:59 a.m. PST

Despite the fact I like the look of the 40mm frontage I'm beginning to think that 40x40 is too big. So I'm thinking maybe 30x30 is the way to go and to preserve some sort of compatibility!

Thanks for all the comments


Nick The Lemming26 May 2012 6:04 p.m. PST

We're using 60x30 for compatibility with Might and Reason, but which fits ok with Maurice too.

Musketier10 Jun 2012 12:44 a.m. PST

Coming late to this party as 6mm not my size, but having a mounted officer, and file closers behind the line, looks great!

Actually, 40mm squares should be just the ticket – the gaps in a column of manoeuvre provide just the right look: At full distance the platoons would maintain intervals wide enough to swing back into line "without shuffling … about" as you so aptly put it.

For 18mm figures, I'm hesitating between 40 and 50mm squares for the same reason. I'd already settled for 3 bases of 50mm, in order to have the command group in the centre of the line, before Sam had to come along and write rules for which 4 bases are essential…

Count Belisarius10 Jun 2012 1:38 p.m. PST

Been on hols in France for a week so no progress so far! Thanks for the comments though. I'm hoping to get enough painted over the next week to mock up the 30x20 and 40x30/40 options and make the decision then…


Nadir Shah24 Jun 2012 1:57 a.m. PST

I liked the 40mm by 20mm look personally if you are going that way. Good luck with your project :)

TodCreasey25 Jun 2012 8:38 a.m. PST

We used 60mm x 30mm but with a 30mm frontage. You can turn them sideways or use an alternate base for the rare times you are in columns.

One of the guys in the club pointed out that we base everything so small to accomodate columns which actually get very little use.

Marshall Davout23 Aug 2012 6:16 p.m. PST

I was wondering if anyone puts British units in two ranks and the French in three ranks for Napoleonics?

danikine7406 Sep 2012 5:27 a.m. PST

I was wondering if anyone puts British units in two ranks and the French in three ranks for Napoleonics?

yes, me! i do put a 36 fig/batt as follows:

french, tree ranks of 12 fig on a 60x40 with some voltig on the front

a picture link

english, the same 36 fig on two ranks of 18 on a 80x30mm base, with some skirm fig in front

Count Belisarius06 Sep 2012 12:12 p.m. PST

Thought I'd best update this so people know the result of my planning! I ended up going or 40x30.


You can see the explanations and excuses on my blog: link

danikin, I really like the look of those bases. I'd always thought that to get three ranks to look good you would need a longer line but yours look fine! What rules are you using?

Cheers all


danikine7407 Sep 2012 3:44 a.m. PST

No rules at all! i tried to look good and able to play some. I think the rule that fit better is in the name of the glory. le feu sacre… i have to make some changes

but i think it suits fine for almost every rule set

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