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"Names on bases?" Topic

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Thorfin1123 May 2012 5:49 a.m. PST

What are your thoughts on putting character names on the edge of bases for skirmish games and how best can I do it?

I never thought it would be for me but seeing how my kids identify with some models that have names on (from e-bay) I am really tempted to go ahead with some more. I'd be really interested to hear from those who have done it on what the effect was. Also from those who have thought about it but decided against it.

If I go ahead, what is the best way to do it – white paint; some special sort of pen; printed off stickers or some other method?

Pleased to hear any input you may be able to give.

MajorB23 May 2012 5:57 a.m. PST

I put a code underneath the base that uniquely identifies the model. The scenario then gives each character a name and the code for the model that represents that character.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP23 May 2012 6:10 a.m. PST

For BloodBowl, I paint the names on the jersey/armour or helmet, as well as the players' numbers on sleeves. A lot of players put numbers on the bases instead, but I find it a lot more fun having it on the character's model.

For skirmish gaming, you couldn't read a name tag above the breast pocket on a uniform, so in that case I imagine having the name on the base would add a lot more personality and identifying with the characters than not having it.

I'd write the name on with a Miron Art .005 pen; archival ink -- it doesn't run when varnished. Or a Faber-Castell india ink pen XS. Do not use a Sharpie!

MajorB23 May 2012 6:13 a.m. PST

Writing the name on the model's base means that model can only ever represent that named character. Using a code instead means that a single model can represent different characters depending on the scenario.

Sundance23 May 2012 6:20 a.m. PST

For skirmish games I identify the base with a code also – usually a platoon/squad identifier and then just a letter to place the individual within the squad.

Omemin23 May 2012 6:25 a.m. PST

I use small paper tags attached to the base, the same as for ACW, ECW, AWI, etc. The tags are easily removed so that the figure can be someone else in another game, but it's there if the players want.

Samulus23 May 2012 6:48 a.m. PST

Here's an idea, haven't done it yet, and probably never will as I don't skirmish game.

On the edge of the unit's base attach some thin magnetic paper (the self-adhesive stuff) then cut out some name placards in thin iron paper. Write the names on the iron paper, or paint them or whatever. Then you can stick whatever name is appropriate for the scenario onto the figure. No fuss. No codes. Infinitely interchangeable. Problem solved.

CeruLucifus23 May 2012 7:11 a.m. PST

I've played a demo of LOTR Skirmish where the character names were painted on the bases, and it definitely added interest.

At least it did for the characters that appear in the books. I was running Orcs and couldn't care less what my captains were called.

But maybe that's just me.

Xintao23 May 2012 7:16 a.m. PST

If your kids like it. Go with it. If your figures have the standard Warhammer Slotta base, it shouldn't be to hard to paint a name on there. Or just tape a small tab of paper sticking out the back with the name printed on it.

Cheers, Xin

richarDISNEY23 May 2012 7:32 a.m. PST

I use a HB or 3B pencil on the back of the base so only you can see them.

The HB or 3B is a softer lead that if you are not looking for it, it will blend in with the black base, but shiny enough for you to see it and call out the name of the fig.

It wacks opponents out when I have named all of my Imperial Guard and use their names when shooting…

dmebust23 May 2012 7:48 a.m. PST

I did this with my Starship Troopers miniatures. They have a rased base with a nice edge. I sat with the phone book and did a random thumbing of the pages and stuck my finger down. That person was the name I used. I did the labels on the computer using font size 6 and then created a box around each name. These were printed and cut out using the box as a cutting guide. Simple Elmers glue to attach. If I ever want to remove I can soak with water.

Farstar23 May 2012 9:34 a.m. PST

I've considered this for spaceship games, but not for the Warhammers since Rogue Trader days (when GW painted names on bases).

Yesthatphil23 May 2012 4:21 p.m. PST

I print names and laminate them then cut them out and glue them on the side of the base. They would peel off, but I don't want them to.


(15mm figures on commercial plastic 20x20 square bases of the slotted slope-sided type: Parliamentarian commanders at Naseby)


(30mm flats on custom made plastic bases – cut for me by Warbases – 6mm thick: personalities from the battle of Plataea)

It looks OK when applied to MDF, too (in this case I have sloped the edge with a file to give the caption a nice angle):


(15mm: King Charles with the Royalist reserve)

The upstand on those 20x20 plastic bases is easily enough to carry a very clear and legible text.


Ancestral Hamster23 May 2012 8:25 p.m. PST

So far only figures who have performed above and beyond the call of duty have a permanent name written in pen on the side of their base. They are then fielded under that name thereafter, and bragged about. Otherwise, miniatures are left unnamed, and only named on the army roster or character sheet.

The Angry Piper24 May 2012 5:25 a.m. PST

I don't paint names on bases.

Yesthatphil: I like the idea of highlighting a character model by using a lighter color base than the rank and file. I never thought of that before, but your King Charles looks great like that.

Fisherking24 May 2012 9:28 a.m. PST

The few times I've done it I've used the computer to print a lable. I used the adhesive lables available at Staples (office supply store here in the US). Change the font size on your word processing software and print multiple names on one lable. Cut them out and affix to back side edge of base. They can be switched out easily so one miniature need not always portray the same person. They can also be switched mid game to include altered status ie wounded, zombiefied etc etc. Finally the different fonts available can be used both to instill personality and to help differentiate commands of similar soldiers.

skyking2024 May 2012 9:32 a.m. PST

Sorry but I hate names on paper or painted on the edges. All that hard work to paint a nice fig and decorate the stand then you add a bright yellow sticky note!? take photos (they do not have to be great quality) paste them in word, title the pic and print out a single seperate piece of paper.

billthecat24 May 2012 10:41 a.m. PST

Lots of good ideas here. RicharDISNEY's stunt made me laugh.
Now what about 15mm ???

spectre24 May 2012 11:27 a.m. PST

Every time I give a figure a name, he dies in the next battle. Too many reserves on the front line. They usually don't last long enough for me to remember, or even care about, their names.

Thorfin1124 May 2012 3:19 p.m. PST

Wow, thanks for all the ideas. We'll try printing some out this weekend.

Impressive work, Yesthatphil, thanks for the pictures.

Forager25 May 2012 12:36 p.m. PST

I have done it for my 28mm ACW skirmish figures. I used white paint and a marker. Figures are named after counties of their unit's state.

Lfseeney26 May 2012 6:46 p.m. PST

For the Convention game, of It Came From Beyond the Still, I will have names on them somehow, harder to do with 15mm.

The bottom is all I have come up with, so far.


The Angry Piper29 May 2012 7:43 a.m. PST

Lfseeney: I'll be in that ICFBTS game at Gen Con. It's one of the few events I registered for that I actually was able to obtain tickets.

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