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"Wargamers here who are currently or have been reenactors" Topic

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17 May 2012 3:45 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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darclegion17 May 2012 1:53 p.m. PST

A. Historical (anything)
B. Fantasy (LOTR,etc)
C. Scifi (Star Wars, etc)

And if so,

What type of wargames do you play, with some info, types, scale, etc.

1. Historical
2. Fantasy
3. Scifi

Post some pics if you like.

I myself…
A thru C and 1 thru 3

I myself am a Jousting Knight for a company called Noble Cause productions and joust on horseback at various Renaissance faires mostly in Kansas City, Oklahoma, and Texas.


I have also before that dressed in Lord of the Rings armor and went to various Renaissance faires.

pic number 6

Prior to that I was a Stormtrooper in the 501st costuming club.

I game in
ACW and AWI in 15mm (Historical)
Greek and Egyptian Mythology or Fantasy in 28mm (Fantasy)
Greek and Macedonian Wars in 28mm (Historical)
Spartan Wars in 28mm (Historical)
Star Wars Miniatures (Fantasy)
AT-43 28mm (SciFi)
Planet of the Apes 40mm (SciFi)
Halo 40mm (SciFi)
Lord of the Rings 28mm (Fantasy)
Warhammer 28mm (Fantasy)
Vietnam 15mm (Historical)


Lord Raglan17 May 2012 1:57 p.m. PST

I have nothing against you guys, however its simply not my cup of tea.

Good luck to you sir.

Mick A17 May 2012 2:25 p.m. PST

A, 1,2 & 3…

Started with dark age reenactment then went onto Wars of the Roses but have not done any for about ten years now. I play any game/period that takes my fancy.


Kaoschallenged17 May 2012 2:28 p.m. PST

1.Civil war,WWI to Vietnam

I Reenact ACW. I have been a member in the H Co. 4th Texas in the past.I am in B Co. 116th Pennsylvania and 54th Mass right now. And I am currently working on a uniform for a Polish AK/Home Army Fighter 1944 Uprising impression. I have reached the point in all my years of Reenacting that like wargaming I don't really care what others think of what I do laugh. Robert

darclegion17 May 2012 2:43 p.m. PST

I agree, never gave it a thought what other thoughts, its all about fun and doing what make you happy. I myself, had thought joining the 1st Texas Confederate Cavalry, just needed a Sorrel horse. It would be cool to ride in a cavalry charge at Gettysburg one day. I ride this jousting horse that once used to be a Civil War cavalry reenacting horse, smooth ride.


Tommy2017 May 2012 2:45 p.m. PST

A. Historical (ACW)
B. Fantasy (SCA)

1. Colonials, WW2
2. Warhammer
3. Space: 1889/VSF

historygamer17 May 2012 2:54 p.m. PST

A and A. Couldn't tell by my handle here, could you? :-)

I game AWI, ACW, and WWII.

Aires de Saldanha17 May 2012 3:02 p.m. PST

Never really seen the attraction of Cosplay.

Royal Marine17 May 2012 3:08 p.m. PST

D. Never quite saw the attraction of re-enactment, so did it for real. Live rounds sound better.
1. Historical gaming – yes.
2. Fantasy – yes; Warmaster rather than Warhammer – proper stuff.
3. Sci-Fi – yes; Future War Commander Epic Armies – proper stuff.

Rrobbyrobot17 May 2012 3:13 p.m. PST

I was once in the SCA, but that was over twenty years ago.
I war game WWII Eastern front in '41. (I hate winter.)
Also British Colonial. In Egypt, and the Sudan. Plus I have a Zulu army. All in 15mm.

138SquadronRAF17 May 2012 3:21 p.m. PST

Historical wargamer doing Horse and Musket period.


Previously ECW – Artillery and Cavalry – yep I was an Ironside.
Currently Civil War Union Arillery
WWII – mostly do the RAF ground crew now, but have done Canadian Para, streight British infantry and GI streight leg infanrty not one of the "Bandwagon of Brothers"

Fantasy – I love doing the steampunk as dressup a convensions, but that's no really reenacting.

Here you are one man and his gun:


djbthesecond17 May 2012 3:22 p.m. PST

My reenactment was mainly in Viking age and early crusader with a bit of 17th century thrown in before I packed it in altogether.

I started wargaming when I was under 10 yrs old moving units for my dad in WRG ancients games. I also played WRG napoleonics and then wrg brought out a version of ancients with the one page fantasy variant (5th ed?). from then on I was after decent fantasy battle rules and started with warhammer 2nd ed. I dabbled in 40k but now mainly play fantasy.

so that makes me A 1-3 I guess…

richarDISNEY17 May 2012 3:27 p.m. PST

Not a reeinactor or LARPer.
And I am NOT saying those are the same thing.

darclegion17 May 2012 3:32 p.m. PST

I was a USMC Marine, in the Infantry in the 2nd Mar Div in the 6th Marines, machine gunner and in Desert Storm/sheid and was in the lead Division that attacked the trenches, etc….so I know about lead….and that wasnt acting.

And I play Desert Storm as well….forgot about that.


Edwulf17 May 2012 3:40 p.m. PST

I'm ex 45th Nottinghamshire.

Did it for 3 years. Stopped in my first year at uni.

Rrobbyrobot17 May 2012 3:45 p.m. PST

I was a Cavalry Scout for twelve years. That was not reenacting. I almost called it acting, but that has way too much of a Hollywood ring to it.

Sundance17 May 2012 4:05 p.m. PST

Came really, really close to doing AWI (even started collecting equipment) and was interesting in FIW for a while, but never actually did it.

Charles Marlow17 May 2012 4:31 p.m. PST

I've never done it, although, I think it looks like loads of fun. I think Dark Ages historical would be interesting… a Norman knight, maybe? And, sf would probably be great fun as well, maybe, some sort of steam punk colonial explorer?

tigrifsgt17 May 2012 4:33 p.m. PST

A1 Currently a 1st Sgt in a Tiger Rifle Company, and working on a Saxon and Viking army.

Cerberus031117 May 2012 4:41 p.m. PST

ACW for 20 years before I got fed up with the silly personal politics. Went to WW1 and laughed rather hard at the wanabe Marines. Very impressed with the ones that did the British Impressions and the French that flew across for the event were quite a great bunch of guys.

Now I do Airsoft with a great bunch of guys and game everything from sticks and stones to pulse cannons.

To those that dont know better CosPlay and reenacting are two very different animals.

SCAdian17 May 2012 4:42 p.m. PST

My Handle pretty much says it.
SCA for 28 years
U.S. Army (Mostly Cav) for 21 years.

I game
Historical: BKC (12mm)
Fantasy: WHFB 3rd Edition, No Quarter
Historical Fantasy: Flintloque
Sci Fi: FWC, Lightning Strike, No Limits
SteamVictorianWesternPunkHorror: Malifaux

I'm in blue…


Wolfprophet17 May 2012 4:56 p.m. PST

Never done re-enacting, but the SCA taught me some archery skills and a little bit about making chainmail.

ubberdorc17 May 2012 5:50 p.m. PST

Hey Tom!
I worked with you at OKRF a few years ago.

A. Historical-
1.Play a German landsknecht at Oklahoma Renaissance Festival
2. also do weapon demonstrations at a local school showing weapons and armor throughout the ages
3. Tell the story of Beowulf for an English Highschool class dressed in Viking gear.
4. Murder mysteries at Dave and Busters.

2. Fantasy 28mm Warhammer (don't play but like the miniatures)
3. Scifi Warhammer 40k, 5150

Post some pics if you like.

Blog – interestingly enough I just made a post about how my hobby inturupts my miniature painting hobby today.
pics at blog:

Glengarry 417 May 2012 6:15 p.m. PST

No, not much historical reenacting going on on Canada's Pacific Coast… we're lucky never to have had a major conflict on our soil or ocean and SCA was never my thing… however, I have seen pictures of a Pig War reenactment group on the San Juans! I game mostly 18th-19th Centuary conflicts: War of 1812, African colonials, Napoleonics, 7YRS War (in North America and Europe), plus 16th century Japan. I do recall years ago a man showed up at our annual convention in full 18th centuary highland uniform!

darclegion17 May 2012 6:23 p.m. PST

Small world!! Very cool! Good to see you on here!

And I know what you mean about interuptions….

Just got back from Scaborough this past weekend. Back to painting myself….500 Bretonnians and a few apes


Willtij17 May 2012 7:56 p.m. PST

I was an ACW reenactor for 8 years back in the 80's. Was in the 14th Tenn. Co. B.

Was lucky enough to participate in a couple of the big 125th Anniv. reenactments of that time (Gettysburg and Shiloh).

Did some Wild West reenacting as well.

John the Greater18 May 2012 5:52 a.m. PST

I reenact with Company B, 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (4th Regiment, Irish Brigade). Currently serving as Captain.

I game ancients, Renaissance and ACW primarily. Also Paraguayan War when I can convince members of my group or when I put on a game at a convention.

YouTube link

vojvoda18 May 2012 6:16 a.m. PST

ACW and U.S. Army Cavalry 1890s in the Army.

I wargame mostly ACW,Punic, Napoleonic, Star Wars, Zombies, and Pulp Gansters.

James Mattes

21eRegt18 May 2012 7:07 a.m. PST

A: F&I, AWI, War of 1812, Napoleonic
1: Anything land, sea or air from 1700-1945. Used to do 2, but moved away from the group.

Who asked this joker18 May 2012 7:45 a.m. PST

Reenacted with Rice's Battery (80s) and Carpenter's Battery (90s). I don't reenact anymore.

I'll do just about anything up through WW2. Mostly land warfare but any scale and any level of play. I also like fantasy and Sci-Fi.

Dynaman878918 May 2012 7:47 a.m. PST

I do not but a couple guys in my game group are ACW reenactors. One of the guys I used to board game with (seduced away to computer games…) was a WWII re-enactor.

I used to play Paintball, so it sorta counts as re-enacting.

Aires de Saldanha18 May 2012 7:52 a.m. PST

Hmmph! Not one poster brave enough to admit they enjoy dressing up as a Japanese schoolgirl in a Hello Kitty costume?

Come on, nobody will judge if you if you do. :-)

I will admit to a period of playing dress ups. That was when I was in the reserves and the government was kind enough to pay me for it. I only wish they would demonstrate similar generosity when it comes to playing with toy soldiers.

corporalpat18 May 2012 9:31 a.m. PST

A: F&I period (is dressing up for Uncle Sam everyday re-enacting?)
B: some Ren fest stuff. Also my late wife and I did living history storytelling/education programs for about 10yrs. Our favorite was our "Haunted Hosts" bit.

Gaming? 1 through 3 inclusive! I'll play anything and have collections in many periods!

Martin Rapier18 May 2012 2:00 p.m. PST

I dabble in WW2 (see profile pic).

I mainly play historicals.

Malbrook18 May 2012 6:27 p.m. PST

and married to brown bess for 20 years (far longer than the real AWI).

Don196219 May 2012 9:57 a.m. PST

I used to reenact American Civil War, but eventually had to quit because I got fed up with the prevailing attitudes that typify most reenactors. These include:

* possessing little knowledge about REAL history of the period. I was stunned at the number of reenactors who had read nothing beyond Michael and Jeff Schara's fictional novels.

* little/no effort to actually get into 'character' and try and reflect the worldview of a mid-19th century person.

* outside of wearing wool uniforms and drill, an almost total disregard for authenticity in food, camping, equipment, etc.

* the proliferation of overweight old guys, many of whom were only a few steps away from a heart attack and should have been on the sidelines.

Doing the Civil War on table top with painted miniatures allows for a far more satisfying venture into historical time travelling.

Sergeant Paper19 May 2012 11:05 a.m. PST


just visiting20 May 2012 8:25 a.m. PST

Me at Hastings 2006:

But I am not actively involved in reenacting, as there is no local group of "Vikings" or anything remotely rebated steel combat oriented; I refuse to get involved with SCA or anything LARPish.

My main focus wargaming-wise is "1066 and all that" with anything ancmed as a close second. I do not do guns, but am perforce acquainted with gunnes up to the beginning of c. the 16th century….

Dasher06 Jun 2012 9:49 p.m. PST

American Civil War.

ScottS07 Jun 2012 9:44 a.m. PST

Okay, I'll bite.

- I'm a wargamer. Primarily Historicals (WWI, Napoleonics, Ancients) although I've played a bit of 40K/WHFB.

- I'm a reenactor. WWII and American Revolution.

- I'm a veteran, 8 years in USMC armor.

- I know a little about history, what with having a degree in the subject and all.

By John 5410 Jun 2012 11:14 a.m. PST

Was in a Napoleonic British Cavalry unit for nearly 20 years, had an amazing time, but then I realised that I had utter, utter, contempt, for about 90% of every reinactor I met, so I chucked it in, also, falling off a horse, started to hurt!


Grand Duke Natokina10 Jun 2012 12:26 p.m. PST

Historical reenactor--cowboy, SpanAm War, Vietnam
Historical gamer--WWII to contemporary with the occasional WWI game.

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