"6mm terrain, a few shots of what I have made so far." Topic
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grambo | 11 May 2012 3:23 p.m. PST |
As this is a relatively new project and my first serious dabble into 6mm using Baccus figures I had to create terrain pieces. The roads and stream sections are made from flexible plastic sheet, the trees from clump foliage on sticks, the fields from flock and the village bases from various scenic scatter materials plus Time cast buildings. I need to make more trees plus some hills next. I find it a great scale to work in. Still much to do.
Caesar | 11 May 2012 3:35 p.m. PST |
ironlegs | 11 May 2012 3:56 p.m. PST |
Fantastic work. Yes more trees are needed. I based mine on irregular shaped bases so they can be either part of a forest or individual clumps to break things up. I also did a bunch of miscellaneous rocks and bushes to fill in gaps. For 6mm, even coarse gravel would break things up. They may not be obstacles on the board, but serve to break up the big green patches to the eye. Before flocking and bushes
Simulating a large wooded area –
Some more shots here – link Great to watch your progress on things.
Cheers Ironlegs 10mmnapoleonics.blogspot.com |
79thPA  | 11 May 2012 6:40 p.m. PST |
wolvermonkey | 11 May 2012 9:48 p.m. PST |
Great looking stuff all around. |