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9 Posts

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1,230 hits since 5 May 2012
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Aliosborne06 May 2012 10:35 a.m. PST


We had an Apocolypse game arranged by my good friend Laurie

We had 3 games going which affected the ain game

Game 1 – The catacombs
2000 points, Grey knights are trying to go under the city walls via the old catacombs in order to get to the shield generator and take the shields down

They meet a suprise and find some Necrons, the Grey knoghts are defeated leaving the ground forsces needing to take out the fortress walls in order to take out the shield

Game 2 – BFG
3000 points, an allied fleet, Eldar, Space Marines and Mechanicus try and breack the Nurgle fleet to gain access to the planet to land reinforcements

Game 3 – Main board
This was the main apocolypse game attacking th efortress wall we had a phantom, and 2 revenants on the Allied side and 3 warhounds on the rebel side, the allies took the wall down and the shield gen but the rebels did a supprise attack wih reinforcements and stopped the attack. the result was close but a minor allied win

More pics are here link



DesertScrb06 May 2012 11:31 a.m. PST

Nice! I like linked games like the ones you did.

wargame insomniac06 May 2012 1:06 p.m. PST

Looks cool. Like linked games. Would have been even better in Epic scale…..

Samulus06 May 2012 3:00 p.m. PST

Very cool, I really like the linked games, all at different tempos. Would have been ace if you could have topped it with an Epic battle as well but I suppose the apocalypse game covers this.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP06 May 2012 4:53 p.m. PST

We have played a couple of linked games – works out very well – not so predictable!

Moqawama07 May 2012 10:55 a.m. PST

I can't really find anyhting positive to say about "Apocalypse" 40K and I thank my lucky stars to have gotten out of the GW maelstrom in 1995 well before such nonsense ever raised its ugly head.

Let's face it people, 'Apocalypse' 40K is a way to make people play an Epic-level scenario spending about 200 times the amount of money an Epic engagement requires but with 200% plus awkwardness and unbelievability due to "bumper-to-bumper" vehicle parking lot deployement and utterly unbelievable weapon ranges and effects.

I usually don't comment threads about GW games such is my disdain for what USED to be funny and intriguing games but have been reduced to SCAMS to swindle people out of their money through two decades of sheer corporate insanity.

ubberdorc08 May 2012 10:44 a.m. PST

@ Moqawama why bother posting at all – this was a positive thread no need for your personal opinion about a game system…

They had fun – that is all that matters.
Awesome looking games for sure!

Moqawama09 May 2012 10:27 a.m. PST

As long as I checked there was still freedom of speech on the board, everyone is allowed to disagree with me and call me a meanie.

ubberdorc09 May 2012 10:17 p.m. PST

Yep – freedom of speech – and I voiced my thoughts on your negative post that I felt was un-needed. No worries 8)

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