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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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WeeWars26 Nov 2012 9:54 a.m. PST

Post 55: Look at my extension!


WeeWars05 Dec 2012 5:43 a.m. PST

It's 10mm and it's looking like a pigsty!

see Post 56 – just click on the 'Winter Quarters ~13' button


Gazzola07 Dec 2012 9:15 a.m. PST


Not my scale but a nice site!

WeeWars07 Dec 2012 11:59 a.m. PST

Not my scale but a nice site!

Cheers! Michael

WeeWars07 Dec 2012 12:44 p.m. PST

Post 58: Another post, another building. This time, a Kibri N scale rebuild.

normsmith09 Dec 2012 9:07 a.m. PST

Michael, when doing links, could you link direct to the article rather than the front page, thanks.

I have just taken some Pendraken 10mm Nap Frenh to try them out, really pleased so far, so the building side of things is starting to interest me.

WeeWars09 Dec 2012 9:35 a.m. PST

Michael, when doing links, could you link direct to the article rather than the front page, thanks.

My original apology in the OP was because I chose to use Flash for my Blog. A Flash file is a frame-based movie. The pages you see are frames that I code to stop and start. When you see animation, the movie is playing through a number of frames. This all means that any external link would have to end up at a specific frame within the movie. This can be achieved but my experiments showed that it only worked with some browsers and only after more time-consuming work. It is frustrating and I do apologise again. However, I believe that providing links that won't work in some browsers would be even more frustrating for some folks, so I just had to let that one go and put my time into doing other (hopefully wargames) stuff. However, another solution might surface – like HTML5! Meanwhile, keep hitting the Advance Posts button!

I have just taken some Pendraken 10mm Nap Frenh to try them out, really pleased so far, so the building side of things is starting to interest me.

Don't forget the Pendraken Forum, too!

WeeWars05 Jan 2013 5:31 p.m. PST


2013 has begun with a major blog rebuild. My Flash version – which was basically one big movie file – served my blog aspirations well throughout 2012 but it had its quirks. Page linking, use of back-button, and the movie taking longer and longer to load as the Blog got bigger being the main issues.

A new HTML software package arrived in time for Christmas 2012 and the holiday period was spent re-building the existing site, which has meant recreating over 90 pages as HTML pages. HTML means proper page links and use of the back button – every page can now be bookmarked and linked to. I've also been able to add more external links within the text. The flag buttons of the Flash site have been replaced with a navigation bar, allowing one-click links to every Blog Post. Another improvement is that the site should now be able to be visited on devices that can not access Flash sites, like some handhelds and phones.

I did appreciate how the screen in the Flash site retained its position whatever the window size. This meant that on smaller devices the page didn't keep jumping back up to the top every time the user clicked on the ‘last post' and ‘next post' buttons. I've tried to achieve something similar with my HTML site. It's not perfect but if the top of a screen is level with the foot of the banner image, the pages should not need scrolling down as the ‘last post' and ‘next post' buttons are used.

It's still early days. The old Flash entry screen hasn't been changed yet. The April 1809 Calendar hasn't yet been rebuilt in HTML, so it will be missing for a while – unless it's greatly missed. And Napoleon's signature still needs redoing! It's been a lot of work (there're bound to be some rough edges I haven't noticed yet) but I hope it improves the experience of visiting the Blog.

Cheers, Michael

Link to the home page:

WeeWars31 Jan 2013 3:09 a.m. PST

Posts on a few simple French Napoleonic 10mm conversions:


Cheers, Michael

WeeWars21 Mar 2013 4:07 a.m. PST

10 Posts featuring Pendraken 10mm 1809 Napoleonics:


Cheers, Michael

WeeWars10 Apr 2013 5:32 a.m. PST

Posts 81 & 82, 10mm French drummers and voltigeurs:


TelesticWarrior10 Apr 2013 5:47 a.m. PST

Someone's been a busy bee! Fantastic Blog and a great project you have going on there WeeWars.
I think you made the correct campaign choice, 1809 has some great battles and no army looks quite as good as Napoleonic Austrians IMHO. (Well, maybe Warhammer High Elves but they're not a real race as far as I know. I guess you can tell that I like white-coloured battle-lines!)

Keep up the good work!

WeeWars10 Apr 2013 3:33 p.m. PST

I think you made the correct campaign choice, 1809 has some great battles and no army looks quite as good as Napoleonic Austrians IMHO.

The Austrian is a much underrated Napoleonic army. Really repays the effort painting the Habsburg masses -- and I haven't even started on the glorious hussar regiments!

TelesticWarrior11 Apr 2013 2:22 a.m. PST

I agree, The Austrians are fantastic and great fun to paint. Especially the Hussars!

WeeWars02 May 2013 5:08 a.m. PST


The Blog's 1st Birthday!


Cheers, Michael

138SquadronRAF02 May 2013 6:06 a.m. PST

Many happy returns.

Going through your last 20 or so posts reminds me just how fine Pendraken figures are and why I'm a 10mm convert.

WeeWars02 May 2013 2:38 p.m. PST

There's a subject index on my Blog


and lots of Pendraken there!

Cheers, Michael

WeeWars26 Jun 2013 5:04 a.m. PST

9 more Blog Posts since last time I posted on TMP!


Cheers, Michael

Obsidian2309 Oct 2017 4:52 a.m. PST

Hi Michael,

I just picked up some Austrians and Hungarians from Leon at Salute a few weeks back. While I was looking around I came across your blog. Now I know I have come late to this party but I guess better late than never. I would really like to commend you on both the blog which was a joy to go through and also the great work you have done from your conversions to the finished painted product.


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