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"Bretonnia ... a dead nation" Topic

29 Posts

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3,041 hits since 29 Apr 2012
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Royal Marine29 Apr 2012 10:12 a.m. PST

The army lists have been changed so many times by GW ("they who know best") such that I don't want to play with them any more … no more proper lance formation for the knigts, archers that are simply worthless, heavy infantry that can't hurt a fly etc.

Have been trying to ebay them so someone else can have them, BUT prices are so stupid that decent painted models are going for pennies.

This is mine: auction but there are only 4 watchers and no bids.

So is Bretonnia dead? I think it is.

Samulus29 Apr 2012 10:31 a.m. PST

You didn't put 'pro painted', that's where you're going wrong :P

CPBelt29 Apr 2012 10:49 a.m. PST

You misspelled "Look". It should be L@@K. It's those little details that count. ;-)

I've been thinking of picking up Bretonnians to use in other games.

Pictors Studio29 Apr 2012 11:08 a.m. PST

An odd advertisement: Buy these worthless figures!

Space Monkey29 Apr 2012 11:26 a.m. PST

They were cooler back when they were corrupt French, with a lot of rabble troops on foot.
I've been looking at building a Bretonnian army for 2nd/3rd edition… I want lots of Rapscallions and Rascals… but I think I'm gonna opt, mostly, for proxying in historical figures, way cheaper and less goofy looking.

Black Cavalier29 Apr 2012 12:02 p.m. PST

Interesting way to get around the "can't post sales or auctions in the general forum boards" rule.

nickinsomerset29 Apr 2012 12:03 p.m. PST


stick to the 3rd edition! See you next Saturday,
good to see your painting is getting a little better!

Tally Ho!

GarrisonMiniatures29 Apr 2012 1:13 p.m. PST

Have you included meaningless magic words like 'Rare' or 'OOP'?

CeruLucifus29 Apr 2012 1:27 p.m. PST

The lance formation was ridiculous, not because it didn't make sense, but because it required explaining to every opponent in every game how it worked. Replacing it with a narrow rectangular formation was a good change -- it plays just as effectively as before and nobody stops the game to ask if you're playing your army right.

Sane Max29 Apr 2012 2:14 p.m. PST

i preferred the old Bretonnians as well. The 6th ed 'democratically elected knights' is all a load of old rimblocks.


Royal Marine29 Apr 2012 2:50 p.m. PST

Democracy? In a Kingdom! L@@K See what I am saying here!

John the OFM29 Apr 2012 3:23 p.m. PST

It's only "dead" if you are so brainwashed that you can only play the current iteration. Why do you let yourself be a slave to GW's latest whims?
Heck, you even insult them yourself, by referring to them as ("they who know best").
Why do you put up with it?

Heh, heh. Seriously, though. I know the answer.

John the OFM29 Apr 2012 3:26 p.m. PST

The 6th ed 'democratically elected knights…

Is that like Queens in Star Wars, elected and with term limits?

tberry740329 Apr 2012 3:37 p.m. PST

This way, in the next iteration, they can change them back to the way they were and their fans will say:

"Hurray, they brought back the GOOD Bretonnians! Now I wish I hadn't gotten rid of my old ones. Guess I have to buy all new ones."

Or am I just being too cynical and mean spirited?


chuck05 Fezian29 Apr 2012 5:01 p.m. PST

It's only "dead" if you are so brainwashed that you can only play the current iteration. Why do you let yourself be a slave to GW's latest whims?

Probably because if he wants to game at the local store he has to use the current edition.

Mithmee29 Apr 2012 5:32 p.m. PST

They just might go the way of the Squats, Slann, Genestealer Cults, GW has a proven track record on killing thing off.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian29 Apr 2012 6:22 p.m. PST

Why not keep the figures, but try a new set of rules?

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP29 Apr 2012 7:46 p.m. PST

Sad, I think, that you can be dictated as to what your preferences are. Oh well, carry on.

Ironwolf29 Apr 2012 10:21 p.m. PST

WE stopped buying at 3rd edition. A couple times a year we still drag it out and play a game or two.

basileus6629 Apr 2012 11:25 p.m. PST

It's the price. You ask too much for your painted mini. Painted minis don't sell too well, except you offer a whole army. People don't like, usually, to have miniatures from different painters/styles. They like homogeneity. The same miniatures offered unpainted would have sold better.

Sane Max30 Apr 2012 2:53 a.m. PST

Is that like Queens in Star Wars, elected and with term limits?

Yes, and for the same reason – a RenFairre love of poiny hats and floaty veils, and crowns and bowing and Pageantry, while not wanting to upset anyone with the nasty truth about how Kings and Queens and Nobles got made in the real world – by taking power and passing it on to their offspring, however useless they are.


kreoseus230 Apr 2012 4:46 a.m. PST

Download Kings of war for free, have a fun game.


Regards30 Apr 2012 6:36 a.m. PST

I tend to find that the GW painted sales work best if you are selling a unit.

You might do better having the photo of the entire unit (I believe there is a reference to nine others similarly painted).

Try a couple of photos of the Questing Knights as a unit of 9 or 10 from both a "top" angle shot and a "eye level" shot.

Then repost as a unit and see if you have better luck.

Hope this helps,


Ratbone30 Apr 2012 7:28 a.m. PST

No historical precedent for this "democracy" "electing" the rulers. Especially not in the Holy Roman EMPIRE or the Roman Catholic Church, or…

you get the idea.

Thomas Thomas30 Apr 2012 1:17 p.m. PST

The Bretonian army book just prior to the latest (why don't they number them….like DBA3.0 etc) was one of the best every produced by GW, the latest one of the worst.

The Wedge worked reasonalby well and the archers were much more "historical" and fun to play. The new "wedge" with the huge exposed flanks makes no sense at all (the purpose of the wedge was to cover the knights flank).

The reason no one uses earlier editions is all your opponets will be playing the lattest and if you want a pick up game at a store/club your stuck. New rules edition does Bretonia no favors.

Here's the solution – just put there figures on a 60X20mm base and play Hordes of the Things. (Mounted use 2 figures per 60X50mm).


kallman30 Apr 2012 7:46 p.m. PST

Royal Marine I feel your pain. Fortunately for me most of my "Bretonnians are historical HYW figures so I just use them for Warhammer Armies of Chivalry. However, I do have quite a few nicely painted GW Britonnian knights and Pegasus riders which just are not going to be seeing any action on the gaming table under the current edition of Warhammer Fantasy. The new game also gutted my Dogs of War which had not had an update since 4th or 5th edition I think.

When one of these type of threads comes along there are always those that say go with another game system. While perhaps not a bad idea it neglects the reason one collected a particular GW Fantasy army to begin with which was the background story of the Warhammer world. It also neglects the fact that like it or not a lot of people play Warhammer at gaming stores and if you are trying to find folks to game with that is what you have to play. Believe me I have tried to get my gaming group to look at other fantasy rules systems and either those rules were found wanting or could not generate any excitement in my gaming group.

Also as I have gotten older and taken stock of the hobby I find I am not inclined to make the change to a new edition any more. Been there and burned too many times. I have also found that for me there are at least more interesting games systems either in historical settings, or in alternative history such as VSF that are just more fun to do. Oh and of course the cost of miniatures for historicals or alt-history are far more cheaper.

I know none of this helps you out RM. Given the tournament mentality that has become Warhammer fantasy the reason your nicely painted Bretonnians are not selling is probably due to the fact the army is not considered "hard" enough to compete. Same goes for the Dogs of War. I say put them away for now and hope for a better day or for when you find a suitable alternative. Here is one thing I am considering with my Warhammer Fantasy armies which is to base them in order to play 28mm size games of Warmaster.

Space Monkey30 Apr 2012 10:19 p.m. PST

The reason no one uses earlier editions is all your opponets will be playing the lattest and if you want a pick up game at a store/club your stuck.
It also neglects the fact that like it or not a lot of people play Warhammer at gaming stores and if you are trying to find folks to game with that is what you have to play.
I've never had a desire to drag my minis down to a store and look for games with random strangers… that just seems… odd, to me… and not very pleasant.
I guess I'm lucky to have a few friends who are happy to try different things… who have been around gaming long enough that the 'hot new thing' doesn't have the draw it used to have.
I would have thought that even in a gaming club there'd be a more general enjoyment of games that would lead to a 'Play my game and then we'll play yours' sort of atmosphere.

Sane Max01 May 2012 5:20 a.m. PST

No historical precedent for this "democracy" "electing" the rulers. Especially not in the Holy Roman EMPIRE or the Roman Catholic Church, or…

you get the idea.

Yes, but in those examples a small group of privileged Electors chose the King, Emperor or Pope. The faithful were not given a ballot slip at Mass, nor were the subjects of the King of Poland or the Holy Roman Emperor given a say in who became King. Nor for that matter did the king stay elected for 7 years, and no pope ever had a haircut like Amidala's.

In the WAB Brettonian 6th ed universe peasants became knights, kings etc. While in some feudal states (Some German Prinicplaities and England) it was possible for a poor lad to become a knight through sheer prowess in battle, this was NOT the case in France. Turning Bretonnia from 'Corrupt Mediaeval Ancien Regime Parody' into 'shiny cod-democracy' was therefore especially wrenching.

Silly thing to debate like it matters. But the old 3rd ed< Bretonia was fun. Remember the pervy Dwarf sent to the Empire as Bretonnian ambassador as an insult to the Emperoror?


billthecat02 May 2012 10:34 a.m. PST

Watery tarts distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!

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