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"What armies in the Next 40K boxed set?" Topic

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Pictors Studio19 Apr 2012 8:17 a.m. PST

I'm going to go ahead and assume that Space Marines would be one of the armies, as they have always been.

What would be the ideal other force for you? What would be your top three? It is my thread so I'd like to limit answers to what you want rather than what you think is likely. But this being the internet I suppose you can take it in whatever direction you want.

Mine would be:

1. Necrons: I think Necrons would be a pretty cool choice, they can be painted up pretty quickly by people new to the game, they are stylisitically pretty neat looking. Some 2 piece plastic warriors would be a big help for Necron players now that they are only 13 pts each. Plus they could put something in there that right now is in resin, like the tombspyder.

2. Chaos daemons: A long shot as they are a pretty specialized force that probably not many people play. They are also pretty dependent on special rules and are pretty much a one trick pony as far as where their best tactics lay so they don't seem like a good choice from an "introducing new players to the game" point of view, but a bunch of 2 piece plastic plaguebearers would really get me going on building up a Nurgle army. I think this is probably the most unlikely choice of all of them though.

3. Eldar: They haven't done Eldar yet. They aren't exactly viewed as the traditional bad guys in 40K so it might be a bit unlikely but they do have some cool troop types. Again from a new player point of view they can be a bit tricky to use but if you put some Dire Avengers in there and some reapers you could probably come up with a force that wasn't too fragile while still being relatively hard hitting. The trouble with the Eldar is that the temptation to make a fragile and very hard hitting army is hard to resist and can be very effective, but GW could put a more balanced force in there that would combine numbers with some punch. Again the advantage of having some plastic aspect warriors that are not Dire Avengers would be nice. Maybe even throw in a plastic Avatar.

wargame insomniac19 Apr 2012 8:53 a.m. PST

Supposedly Dark Angels and Chaos

WarpSpeed19 Apr 2012 9:01 a.m. PST

Wow,the Dark Angels were the fence sitting chapter during the Horus heresy,chaos bystanders in Imperial guise.

Farstar19 Apr 2012 9:32 a.m. PST

Is that how they've re-written the fluff these days?

The Gray Ghost19 Apr 2012 9:38 a.m. PST

Imperial Guard and Tau

Feet up now19 Apr 2012 9:50 a.m. PST

Squats and Slann……..runs away.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP19 Apr 2012 10:11 a.m. PST

They did Dark Eldar vs. Marines back in 3rd edition or something, didn't they? I'd agree with the Necrons. That's a more appealing mainstream concept than Chaos, thanks to the Terminator movies.

Only Warlock19 Apr 2012 10:17 a.m. PST

Jokaero and Zoat!!!

TheCount19 Apr 2012 10:38 a.m. PST

Jocks and Geordies.

BigNickR19 Apr 2012 10:49 a.m. PST


billthecat19 Apr 2012 11:20 a.m. PST

One resin marine, one resin demon, one 5" x 7" rulebook, a 100 page catalog and painting guide, and special resin dice?

Well, I guess I like the Necrons idea… but only so that cheap necron troops flood the second hand market.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP19 Apr 2012 11:29 a.m. PST

Touche, Mr. Billthecat!

Mlatch22119 Apr 2012 11:50 a.m. PST

Space Marines vs. Space Marines! I don't know if this is how it works in the rest of the world but it seems that about 90% of the games I saw played at my various FLGS (when I lived in a place with such things) had this combination.

ordinarybass19 Apr 2012 12:14 p.m. PST

Yep Javelin89,
It was 3rd ed.

Here's what the matchups have been so far:

Rogue Trader- Marines Vs. Orks. No figs, but there were printable counters
2nd Ed- Marines Vs. Orks. Lots of nearly monopose figs.
3rd Ed- Marines Vs. Dark Eldar. Real multipose figs and vehicles. The same ones you could buy separately!
4th Ed- Marines Vs. Tyranids. Back to monopse, but with more variety.
5th Ed- Marines Vs. Orks. Still mostly-monopose, but even more detailed. Unofortunately the raised shoulder isignia limits the marines to "Codex Asartes" compliant Chapters.

I've heard the Dark Angels and Chaos rumors also. I'd be disappointed if they continue to make the marine figures chapter-specific/limited. One of the neat things about 2-4th edition marines is that they could be used for any chapter. Those of us who have chosen a different chapter have less and less incentive to buy the boxed set.

I'll likely do what I did in 5th ed and just find someone who will sell me the mini-rulebook from the boxed set separately.

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP19 Apr 2012 12:34 p.m. PST

Space Marines vs. Space Marines!

Ah, you're referring to the original "Adeptus Titanicus/Space Marine" approach. Sure, why not?

PygmaelionAgain19 Apr 2012 12:39 p.m. PST

I'd like to see the Eldar, but buying multiple starter sets won't get you "ahead".

You can always use more Ork Boyz, more 'Nids, and more power Armor. The Eldar are just too varied, with low unit sizes that you're unlikely to "spam" (if you'll pardon the term).

Unless they include a hand full of guardian/direavengers, and a bunch of aspect warriors which are treated as I.C.'s or sargeants (thus requiring a rules change), you'll end up with a shedload of spare Eldar chaff.

As proof of this, I present to you the Dark Eldar from the 3rd ed boxed set… once you had 2 sets of them… why did you need more?

Then again, who knows, maybe they'll change it up and Eldar Guardians will become deadlier than ever before, and everyone will be running 6x20 man squads of them. That'd show me!

Space Monkey19 Apr 2012 12:52 p.m. PST

Bring on the Slann! (just about the only thing that could be in the box that would get me to buy it)

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP19 Apr 2012 1:48 p.m. PST

Maybe they could include Harlequins…?

Mithmee19 Apr 2012 7:18 p.m. PST

"Wow,the Dark Angels were the fence sitting chapter during the Horus heresy,chaos bystanders in Imperial guise."

Don't you go bad talking my Dark Angels they were the first and only decent Space Marine Chapter.

Plus the ones that turn against the Chapter really not Chaos. But they will still all be hunted down.

infojunky20 Apr 2012 7:29 a.m. PST

You mean there is an edition after 2nd?

Or I found that 2nd to be more useful around the house than the tournament rules that became further editions.

And with the rules for adding new units being available makes it much more playable. Though I believe there is later set kicking around the house as a Battle for MacCrage box did show up here.

Cadian 7th20 Apr 2012 8:35 a.m. PST

I'd like to see guard and eldar in the box or even guard vs renegade guard. That would give two very equal forces if GW went with the later.

DocMagus20 Apr 2012 10:34 a.m. PST

Maybe it's time to intro a new group? Elementals?

nvdoyle20 Apr 2012 10:40 a.m. PST

guard vs renegade guard

I would buy so many boxes of this…

Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP20 Apr 2012 11:36 a.m. PST

Some other ways to mix things up:

Guard vs. Orks
Guard vs. Eldar
Guard vs. Necrons
Orks vs. Tau
Orks vs. Eldar
Tau vs. 'Nids
Necrons vs. 'Nids
Squats, Slann, and Jokaero vs. GW's Legal Dept.

Farstar20 Apr 2012 11:46 a.m. PST

A reason one side has always been Marines is that it allows a low model count for that "half" of the box forces. This makes IG vs most others unlikely…

leidang20 Apr 2012 12:21 p.m. PST

Something silly with skulls vs something else silly with spikes

Crucible Orc20 Apr 2012 1:45 p.m. PST

IG vs eldar might work, assuming the Eldar were focused on dire avengers and other aspect warriors(might not be drastically different from marines vs orks, number wise, accept IG are smaller then eldar, so you can get more n the sprue for the same material)

for the space/material of an SM captain ,a dreadnought5 termies and a tac squad you could probably do 12 dire avengers, 2 squads of 5 or 6 aspect warriors and an autarch.

15mm and 28mm Fanatik20 Apr 2012 1:49 p.m. PST

Eldar vs. Tau. It's time to let these girls have their little cat-fight.

Smokey Roan20 Apr 2012 10:11 p.m. PST

How about a new player in the 40k World? I'd like to see a sort of Sand People/Mahdist like horde of humans or almost human marauders, who are horde like, but with maybe some tactical abilities like hidden movement, ambush, sniping from cover, feigned retreats, etc.

Maybe a polyglot force, aliens, humans, etc.

So many Colonial style scenarios are great for sci fi (My Rorkes Drift and Sudan inspired Tatooine games for Star Wars are some of my favorites.

I guess that is too much of a stretch for the 40k system?

Farstar24 Apr 2012 1:45 p.m. PST

The existing 40k armies that everyone else loves to hate are those that have easy access to tactical redeployment: Eldar, Tau, and Dark Eldar. Any of them can haul a heavy weapon or troops to wherever on the board they need to be.

Horde (aka: too many to kill): Tyranids and Orks

Hidden movement and ambush: Tyranids

Sniping from cover: Guard, Tau

Feigned Retreats: Marines

All of those under one flag would be too good for the game's existing forces.

Wolfprophet25 Apr 2012 3:33 p.m. PST

A new race would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.

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