pbhawkin | 17 Apr 2012 4:39 p.m. PST |
Hi all. I think this is the best place to put this? I am holding a competition for my upcoming 1/144 'Gold' series Wellington Mk.III model by Petersplanes :D . You can enter by reading the rules below and going to: link to post your pictures or read the questions. The rules (so far) are: The competition will be based on points (thirty (30) maximum). There will be twenty (20) questions at one (1) point each. They may be multiple choice or short answer. There will be about two (2) questions a week on average. It will NOT be the first correct answer so time zones will NOT play a part (IE if ten people get a question right they all get a point). Questions may be of any nature from historical or model related BUT will relate to aircraft generally. There will ALSO be a model building section. You will have three (3) months to enter a unbuilt model aircraft (in 1/144) of ANY make and finish it. 5 Points will be given for each completed model (maximum one per person). The 'best' looking model will be judged by Martin (owner of the above forum) and an ADDITIONAL 5 points given to the winner. So, the winner of the model section will have 10 points and all other completed models 5 points and potentially another 20 will be up for grabs from the questions. People NOT entering a model can still win BUT must get most or all questions right and hope the model winner doesn't! The reason I am holding it like this is to encourage model building in our beloved 1/144 scale but to allow those who 'only' collect to have a chance too. If there are more than one person with the most points then whoever got the most questions right will be the Winner. If it is still a tie then a deciding round of 3 (difficult) questions will be asked of those in the tie. The competition will start on May the first and end on August the first. Please submit a picture of your UNBUILT model entry into the above thread from first May onwards and when finished submit maximum of two (2) pictures also into that thread. You WILL need to be members to post. Any questions can be asked here too. regards and good luck Peter
pbhawkin | 30 Apr 2012 3:31 p.m. PST |
Go to link and the first question is up. enjoy regards Peter |
pbhawkin | 07 May 2012 4:01 p.m. PST |
you have to be in it to win it guys. So far we are about to ask Q3, and as the questions can be answered up until competition closing time (1 August) it isn't to late to have a go! Remember this is for a resin Wellington B.Mk.III CAD drawn and CnC milled (with the new fine tip cutter). see here: link |
pbhawkin | 28 May 2012 4:24 p.m. PST |
To make it more accessable for those who don't want to join another forum I will also put the questions here. PLEASE when replying mention that you are from TMP and your user name so I can then track where people are answering from on my spreadsheet. Answers are ONLY to be sent to my email address: pbhawkin@optusnet.com.au DO NOT REPLY HERE in this THREAD! You can always come back to a question and answer it later it is not closed until 1 August. Q1. Which organisation is this WW2 aircraft plan issued by? NOTE I am NOT asking what the plane is, but what is the name of the organisation that issued this series of aircraft plans from WW2 is/was.
Q2: What plane is this?
Q3: This plane is reported to wear either of two colour schemes. One is Grey fuselage and Silver wings. WHAT is the OTHER scheme it is suggested it was in?
Q4: Which plane achieved the following: - First sortie of the war for it's side. - First bombing raid. - First to use air to air radar. - it sunk the first enemy submarine for it's side. - First decorations of the war were awarded to this plane's crews. Q5. Who is the artist for this box art?
Q6: WHAT is (was) this thing aircraft's name? BONUS point if you can also tell me from what origins it got it's name?
Q7: Which WW1 aircraft had new pilots voicing concerns, fearing serious head and neck injury in the event of a crash? and that is up to date for now, more to follow. |
pbhawkin | 06 Jun 2012 9:30 p.m. PST |
Q8: A oldey but goodey! How many planes can you identify? Number and names (1 point if ALL correct, 1/2 point for number only)
pbhawkin | 13 Jun 2012 4:18 p.m. PST |
Well, Q8 looks like it was too hard with only one correct answer so far! So here is a easy one, you have a 50-50 chance of getting it right Q9:
pbhawkin | 18 Jun 2012 10:51 p.m. PST |
Q10. What is the name of the aircraft that links a famous WW2 aircraft designer with India's aircraft industry? |
pbhawkin | 28 Jun 2012 3:46 a.m. PST |
Q11: Which model company included a starter truck and revetment in with the model? NOTE there is a reboxed version by another company as well and a bonus point if you tell me their name too! |
pbhawkin | 02 Jul 2012 6:37 p.m. PST |
Q12: What is the name of this plane?
pbhawkin | 18 Jul 2012 4:51 p.m. PST |
Q13: If you have a resin part with pinholes (tiny airbubbles) in it, why should you try to fill them in rather than sand them out (Not counting health reasons to do with resin dust.)? Q14: This machine is 'flying' using a particular aerodynamic effect , what is the name of this effect?
pbhawkin | 26 Aug 2012 8:46 p.m. PST |
Q15: What is the name of this shoe box plane?
here is a model of it:
Q16: There were a number of aircraft in WW2 with remote turrets in the engine nacelles (not just guns as in the Heinkel 115 or crewed as per the Airacuda or Pe-8). There are four that I know of, What are they? 1/4 point for each correct answer. Q17: Match the name to the plane:
Each answer is worth 0.2 of a point (IE all five correct is 1 full point). Q18: Again match the name to the plane.
Each answer is worth 0.2 of a point (IE all five correct is 1 full point). last few days and the comp is neck and neck! |
pbhawkin | 04 Sep 2012 4:26 a.m. PST |
Well after 4 months of gruelling questioning and model making we have the final few who made it through. Unfortunetly, there were quite a number who started and dropped by the wayside and others who started a model and never finished it. So, as there is only one completed model it automatically wins the judgement as 'best' (makes Martin's job as judge very easy )!! The winner with 14 questions correct (out of 22) and 5 points for finishing a model and 5 points for winning best model is
. 1. Wege The person with the most correct answers at 20.75 and who started a model but didn't finish it (and thereby missed out on 5 points and would have won ) was
.. 2. Bg_451 And in third place with 19.75 correct but no model entered was
. 3. Jir7802 So, I have decided that BOTH Wege and Bg_451 will get a Wellington for their outstanding efforts. Jir7802 as third place can choose one of the following: Beaufighter, Beaufort, Blenheim or Do17. I have to admit that I was dissapointed that more interest wasn't shown in 1/144 circles. It seems that the chance of a free model in return for answering some questions is too much to arouse interest. regards Peter H |