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"Citroën Kégresse P28 in 15mm?" Topic

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DuckanCover15 Apr 2012 9:04 p.m. PST

Anyone know of a manufacturer for this interwar monstrosity in 15mm?





Thanks all, in advance.


anleiher16 Apr 2012 6:00 p.m. PST

Let me know if you find one. I'll buy them in a heartbeat.

Saginaw16 Apr 2012 6:42 p.m. PST

Looks like someone needs to scratchbuild a master.


DuckanCover17 Apr 2012 1:48 a.m. PST

I've developed a fascination with some of these more unusual vehicles…. I think they've genuine potential for a variety of Science Fiction, What-If, and ImagiNation environments. The trouble is, finding some of the weirder ones. Predictably, this has a lot to do with their inter-war origins.

anleiher- I've bookmarked this post. If I find a source, I'll bump the post.

Saginaw- Agreed, that may be the case but,
i) I've no talent for such things myself.
ii) Even in the country of origin of some of these, there seems to be a serious shortage of reference material (very little in English). Admittedly, limited numbers of boutique kits have been/are available for some, in larger scales. But, once again, I'm not up to the job of reverse engineering the model, even if the relevant kit is still available.

One fact that may also be against gaming models surfacing of these things- many historically have truly atrocious mechanical reliability, which is often all too well documented. That doesn't make for a popular kit. We all know of "hangar queens" of one sort or another. This particular vehicle is a case in point.

Where I find models or photos of decent quality, of some of the stranger ones, I'll keep putting them in posts, just to see what might be hiding out there. grin


{edited to add} These are photos from two different sources of a completed 20mm scale resin kit. I don't know if it's still available but, if anyone wants to know the maker, I'll look it up again.

Duck Squared

ptdockyard28 Apr 2012 12:02 p.m. PST

I want to do this in 15mm but cannot find a drawing

Dave G
The PT Dockyard

GrumpyOldMan28 Apr 2012 6:01 p.m. PST

Hi ptdockyard

On page 43 of "1914-1938 Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFV Plans)" by George Bradford there are some detailed plans of this half track (Schneider AMC P16 (M 29)) in 1/35 scale.

It looks like George Bradford has a website at link where plans can be bought separately (min 5)



ptdockyard30 Apr 2012 4:49 a.m. PST

Thanks fir tr tip. I'll check it out.

That sounds like the earlier one that Battlefront just released. No one makes the one pictured in 15mm yet.

GrumpyOldMan30 Apr 2012 2:31 p.m. PST


I tracked down some plans for p16 at (very handy site), not sure if these plans will show up but joining is free.



Only able to track down side view of p28:-


Hubert Cance has a 3 view drawing available for purchase link



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