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"15mm Corinthian Helmet Heads?" Topic

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Elohim04 Apr 2012 7:40 a.m. PST

I'm looking to make some pseudo-Republic troopers for some SF gaming, and I'm just going to put Corinthian helmeted heads on GZG's New Israelis. Can anyone recommend a manufacturer of disembodied heads in Corinthian helmets?

Eli Arndt04 Apr 2012 7:59 a.m. PST

I am not sure if anybody does separate ancient heads.

Depending on how many you need, it might be best to just snag an Ebay or clearance lot ofancients and do some head clipping.

Heck, you might find somebody who wants the bodies to convert to something else like beastmen or orcs or something.


(I make fun of others)04 Apr 2012 9:43 a.m. PST


[invalid sarcastic link]

Eli Arndt04 Apr 2012 9:46 a.m. PST

Not getting anything on that link.


(I make fun of others)04 Apr 2012 10:05 a.m. PST

Keep trying.

Eli Arndt04 Apr 2012 10:23 a.m. PST

I've already tried it a couple of times on a couple of computers. Who's it a link to?


ThorLongus04 Apr 2012 10:40 a.m. PST

its a clever goof on anyone that tries htp
he's havin a laff

Eli Arndt04 Apr 2012 10:49 a.m. PST

Though not Corinthian, maybe you might due with…

Tin Soldier has Late Imperial Roman helmets link in 15mm but that might be too much of a stretch.

The only Greek they have are Pilos and I know that's not what you want.

As for Porfirio, I figured, but wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Seems he's changed to spoofing people with useless links now.


Elohim04 Apr 2012 11:47 a.m. PST

Thanks for the help emu2020, but I'm specifically looking for Corinthian helmets for that closed face with a sort-of T in the centre. I figure if I greenstuff it it'll look cool for a visor.

That said, I wasn't aware of Tin Soldier before now, so tangentially – cool! =]

Eli Arndt04 Apr 2012 11:49 a.m. PST

To be honest, I never knew they did separate heads before today.

I have drooled over some of their Aztecs and such before, but their Universal Soldier range has me intrigued.


(I make fun of others)04 Apr 2012 11:49 a.m. PST

Seems he's changed to spoofing people with useless links now.

Yes, because after all you needed to be devestatingly clever to figure out that the link was fake.

Eli Arndt04 Apr 2012 11:51 a.m. PST

To be honest, I never knew they did separate heads before today.

I have drooled over some of their Aztecs and such before, but their Universal Soldier range has me intrigued.

I've looked for separate Corinthian helms long ago when I had hopes of doing a force of Mandalorians from Star Wars. Never found any.


Eli Arndt04 Apr 2012 12:08 p.m. PST

Yes, because after all you needed to be devestatingly clever to figure out that the link was fake.

Never said anything of the sort but you hardly have a moral leg to stand on here after intentionally posting a broken link in a post for help.

In fact, when was the last time you contributed anything useful to a TMP thread?

Some of us actually come here to discuss the hobby and share ideas rather than Deleted by Moderator.


(I make fun of others)04 Apr 2012 1:00 p.m. PST

Never said anything of the sort but you hardly have a moral leg to stand on here after intentionally posting a broken link in a post for help.

Would you be happier if, in making an obvious joke, I posted a functional link that actually took you somewhere? Relax already. And really, do stop trying to control conversation on the board, you don't "own" it just because you post up and down the board.

Eclipsing Binaries04 Apr 2012 1:09 p.m. PST

Jeez, some people!!

What about using Peter Pigs seperate heads with WW1 French Dragoon Helmets?

Those may work (and that is a real link)

Eli Arndt04 Apr 2012 1:25 p.m. PST

Thanks EB,

The Dragoon heads are great conversion heads for pulpy fair.

As for Porfirio, I had typed something I'm not proud of, but have deleted it.

I don't normally believe in stiffling, but I figure it may be time to change my tune.


Jeff W04 Apr 2012 1:31 p.m. PST


I've never actually noticed Eli make any attempt to control the conversation on this board. I have seen him post his WIPs, ideas, suggestions and constructive criticisms.

We seem to be fortunate on this particular board that most folks contribute positively to the conversation in this particular slice of the community. What you dish up isn't engaging, helpful or insightful. Its using the forums to shine the spotlight on yourself; I can't fathom what amusement you are indulging in.

The recent Combat Wombat thread is a good example. You had NO horse in that race. Your posts only served to poke Leland with a stick. The only threads in which you post more than once are those in which someone rises to the bait of one of your back-handed remarks.

(I make fun of others)04 Apr 2012 2:23 p.m. PST

And look, Deleted by Moderator.

The recent Combat Wombat thread is a good example. You had NO horse in that race.

We all have a horse in that race – someone who had the nerve to offer a critical opinion was being shouted down by the clique of regular posters and mates of the manufacturer.

Meanwhile Deleted by Moderator.

Jeff W04 Apr 2012 2:39 p.m. PST

Save it, dude. You weren't posting to support the underdog in that thread. You were just looking for a fight.

Keep trying to deflect it from yourself with disingenuous comments. I've never told one person on this board to shut up.

(I make fun of others)04 Apr 2012 2:41 p.m. PST

Ah, Deleted by Moderator.

Speaking of "just looking for a fight…", look who's posting in this thread for the first time, and why. How ironic.

Elohim04 Apr 2012 2:57 p.m. PST

Eclipsing Binaries: Those dragoon heads are pretty cool, and would be great for Republican Guards or similar, but a little open-faced for my line troops. Essentially, I just really want that pseudo-Star Wars-y "T" in the face – I'm not necessarily stuck on Corinthians.

Eli Arndt04 Apr 2012 4:03 p.m. PST

I didn't remove it because I was afraid of being dawghoused. I removed it because it was over the top and I'd rather not come off that way even though that is exactly the sort of thing that is fighting to get out.

The way you conduct yourself speaks quite clearly for what your intentions were.

Nobody's asking you to agree with everything, but you might want to try not to be such an ass about it when you do. I'm also waiting for you to really contribute something useful or constructive to the forum.


Yesthatphil04 Apr 2012 6:07 p.m. PST

Back with the OP, I have made some progress with a Greek myth 15mm project, and used heads cut from Zvezda 1:72 hoplites. In fact, specifically the Corinthian style helmets.

No pictures as yet (that I can find), I'm afraid.

But there's not much between chunky 15mm and traditionally anatomical plastic 20mm these days (if you have any spare, you might take a look)


Pole Bitwy PL04 Apr 2012 9:50 p.m. PST

Zvezda is 1:72 – isn't that near 24mm ?

Eclipsing Binaries05 Apr 2012 2:21 a.m. PST

I'm looking forward to seeing how those turn out. I may get those Dragoon heads myself and try for a "guard" unit… need some donor bodies first though.

You know, if the initial joke on this thread had actually been funny, or clever, I may have sided with the guy getting slagged, but it wasn't and your (porfirio rubirosa) responces are way off the mark. The guys have been nothing but welcoming since I joined here, and are more than happy to add a bit of humour. I posted last week with comments on the scale of some figures and they disagreed, we continued the conversation with me stating my case, and there was no put "shouting down" of my "critical opinion". Just a balanced chat, which is what we're here for.

Apologies to Elohim for slipping off topic again.

John Treadaway05 Apr 2012 3:08 a.m. PST

Has anyone tried looking up porfirio rubirosa on the interweb and seeing what his namesake's only claim to fame is?

Hmmmm. What an interesting choice for a nomme de plume: 123 stifles and counting…

Appologies to all for slipping away from the topic.

John "Use your actual name on the internet and stand by your arguments" Treadaway

Yesthatphil05 Apr 2012 3:57 a.m. PST

Zvezda is 1:72 – isn't that near 24mm ?

As with 'size' reference blankets in general, I used the term as a broad definition – as in '20mm soft plastics'. In fact, the Hoplites in the set I have are not particularly big and the plastic is really quite hard.

(I make fun of others)05 Apr 2012 6:23 a.m. PST

You know, if the initial joke on this thread had actually been funny, or clever, I may have sided with the guy getting slagged,

Oh dear. I guess similarly you're all for free speech as a principle … unless you disagree with what the other person happens to be saying?

Eli Arndt05 Apr 2012 7:18 a.m. PST

Sorry posted with the wrong login.

I won't bother reposting it in it's entirely.

Porfirio is going to be who he's going to be regardless of what we say. If he had any social graces, he wouldn't be conducting himself in the manner in which he does. Lacking those graces, there is absolutely no reason to think that anything we say or do will change his manner.

If he choses to conduct himself in a borish, childish manner, mocking, distracting, and interfering with proper discourse on these boards, that is his failing until such a time as he either tires of his games or TMP changes to make actions such as his less tolerable.

Free speech is not the issue here. Nor is this an us versus him in any other respect other than the fact that he has angered many people, insulted others, and done a general diservice to the greater community here.

It would be one this if he was more up front about his attitute instead of hiding behind his rights and his passive agressive sense of persecution. but he cannot even be bothered to be honest with himself and us. he is quick to tell us we cannot know his true intentions, but he has never offered up any sort of indication of what those are.

That is all,


P.S. I put my name on nearly everything I post. Try using it.

Rothgar05 Apr 2012 7:27 a.m. PST

I got the joke.. Maybe I'm just a nerd..

Eli Arndt05 Apr 2012 7:34 a.m. PST

But would you find it funny if you asked for help on a forum and that's all you got from somebody?


Eclipsing Binaries05 Apr 2012 8:15 a.m. PST

@ porfirio rubirosa
You ask "I guess similarly you're all for free speech as a principle … unless you disagree with what the other person happens to be saying?"

No, I agree with free speech full stop, but not when it's to the detriment of others.

You made a post that was supposed to be humourous. You may have caused embarrassment to members, but rather than say "sorry, that was a joke" you said, and I'm quoting you, "Yes, because after all you needed to be devestatingly clever to figure out that the link was fake." Suggesting that the person who had maybe fallen for your hilarious jape was not clever…

And when I find that offensive you spout about free speech and make out I'm oppressing you?


(I make fun of others)05 Apr 2012 8:26 a.m. PST

Your argument is morphing, not surprising as it's a rather pathetic argument to start with.

First you say, "it was a joke so I would have supported the person telling it if the joke had been at all funny."

Now you say, "it was a joke but then you went on to make the people who didn't get the joke cry."

Do tell us when you've arrived at an argument you're comfortable with, won't you?

And of course emu immediately resorts to personal attacks, which you will note I have refrained from, as it's not necessary if you have anything at all to say.

Eli Arndt05 Apr 2012 8:42 a.m. PST

Ah yes, "weak arguement" coming from the "man" who resorts to using baby talk to defend himself…

And look, Emu has even brought his wittle friend in to help him tell people to shut up.

Nobody has told you to shut up. Get over yourself and stop playing victim.


Jeff W05 Apr 2012 8:45 a.m. PST


"And of course emu immediately resorts to personal attacks, which you will note I have refrained from, as it's not necessary if you have anything at all to say."

From your post directed at me in this thread-

"Ah, emu's friend knows what everyone's real motives are. He's special that way."

You're a hypocrite.

Jeff Worley

Eclipsing Binaries05 Apr 2012 9:14 a.m. PST

When quoting me, please quote me, and don't just make something up.

Here's the clarification…
If, and it's a big if, you had made a joke that was both funny and clever, and people had shouted you down, I would have supported you. What you did was make a poor attempt at humour, and then made personal attacks at people who, correctly, didn't see it as funny.

Was that easy enough for you? I think I feel comfortable with that consistent argument, thank you very much. And WOW!! No morphing!!!

Elohim05 Apr 2012 1:42 p.m. PST

@ YesThatPhil: Thanks for the tip – I should have a few Caesar hoplites kicking about, so I'll give them a hacking.

@ThePorfirioDebate: Given that I stifled Porfirio about three posts in (though I rarely stifle people), this has been a one-sided conversation of Newhartian proportions.

- Matt

Eli Arndt05 Apr 2012 1:53 p.m. PST

Sorry Matt,

It was never my intention to erode your thread and I did try to offer what help I could.

It's unfortunate that Porfirio decided to pick your thread for one of his hijinks. There are some of us who are quite fed up with him.



Jeff W05 Apr 2012 2:03 p.m. PST

My apologies for aiding the derailment. I hope to see one of your figs after the conversions are done.

Fritadas05 Apr 2012 2:15 p.m. PST

As to porfirio, it's like the dog whisperer says on South Park – if you directly engage him as a result of his actions, all you are doing is validating his behavior, good or bad. Let's just stop interacting with him – I suspect that he's an intelligent if angry 15 year old.

@ Elohim – be sure to post pics of these conversions; I've been thinking of doing something similar, albeit with some Blue Moon Confederation troops. Maybe. Grrr…so many choices…

Eli Arndt05 Apr 2012 2:17 p.m. PST

I'll remember you next time I'm decapitating figures for fantasy conversions :)


Elohim06 Apr 2012 5:45 a.m. PST

No apologies guys, I like Bob Newhart =]

And no fear, I'll bring the product of our labours back to show off!

BlackWidowPilot Fezian02 May 2012 1:34 p.m. PST

Has anyone tried looking up porfirio rubirosa on the interweb and seeing what his namesake's only claim to fame is?

Hmmmm. What an interesting choice for a nomme de plume: 123 stifles and counting…

Pardon me for being late to the party, John, but yes, and yes… spotted same straight out of the gate in the Combat Wombat thread…

Appologies to all for slipping away from the topic.

Ditto that, however since you're not a supporting member (ie., I can't PM you), I had to "improvise"…

John "Use your actual name on the internet and stand by your arguments" Treadaway


Leland R. Erickson

John Treadaway02 May 2012 3:37 p.m. PST

Ditto that, however since you're not a supporting member (ie., I can't PM you), I had to "improvise"…

No probs with an email at any time Leland. I figure my address is plastered all over the place (judging by the amount of spam I get grin ).

John T

Eli Arndt04 May 2012 4:41 p.m. PST

Decided to go this route now.

I sign my name to everything anyhow, so why not just use my own name as a screen name.


John Treadaway05 May 2012 12:38 p.m. PST

Way to go Eli

I just figure it's a smoke screen that allows way too many people* to be nasty so that the good ones still get punched in the whole 'freedom of speech' malarky.

So – fun as it can be with a nomme du plume – when it becomes a nomme du guerre, I'm out!

John T

PS – and on the positive side, for his activities on this thread, porfirio rubirosa (141 stifles and counting) got muzzled so… not a total loss, all told grin

*Not a majority, sure, but just a few too many

Pole Bitwy PL06 May 2012 2:03 a.m. PST

Elohim: You may also be interested in those alternate heads once they become available next month.

TMP link

If you have an idea for additional head types please post. I will definitely need to expand this head sprue to include more variants.



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