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Macunaima29 Mar 2012 8:11 a.m. PST

I think the main problem is scale creep – which is something Combat Wombat cannot be found guilty for.

15mm these days means anything from 12mm (i.e. Quar) to almost 25mm (certain power-aromored troops), with an average range of 15-20mm.

My first impression of CW, looking at pictures alone, was that is was "small". Looking at the WWII size comparison photos, however, I see that they are right within the mid-range for 15mm.

Seeing as how I plan to buy O8's NVL troops, which are also on the "small" side for 15mm, I think I'll have no probs with CW, so the above discussion was really useful for me!

As for sizes of tanks, there are some basic restrictions, which anyone can suss out. These do not require hands-on knowledge or the status of being a veteran to figure.

First of all, crew size is a huge problem. If you're going to have a 2 human tank, there's only so far you can go in reducing the vehicle size. An Italian L3 tankette is probably close to the limit.

Secondly, there's a reason MBTs have hovered around the 50-70 ton range over the last several decades and hardly ever top 100 tons: they need to be able to drive over existing infrastructure, which cannot support excessively heavy weights.

This second problem can be addressed through changes in materials technology, but as long as we're talking near future vehicles, it remains a problem.

I can't wait to buy me three Saracens from Combat Wombat! They are just what the doctor ordered for a hover recon group!

combat wombat29 Mar 2012 8:25 a.m. PST

porfirio rubirosa: The point is this one individual continually makes comments that are pointed attacks: instead of "for my tastes" His are " unbelievable, useless, tiny" If you notice looking thru any thread where my stuff comes up, he makes some smart@ss comment about the size. I have nothing against criticism and use it you make each of my next projects better. I spend plenty of time designing and making these kits and I take these attacks personally.
I will back my philosophy on any vehicle based on my personal experience with AFVs. Thats where military experience does come into play. Sitting in a tank for 2 minutes in a museum gives you a completely different perspective on compfort than riding in an MRAP for 13 hours straight thru indian country.
MY stuff is based of the industry standard at the time and that was jon at GZG. things are getting bigger and thats awesome. The Siler is an amazing kit and everyone should have at least a platoon of them! If you dont like it, fine but dont be a hack either.
I would like to thank the many members defending me on this thread. Enough is enough.

Grabula29 Mar 2012 10:30 a.m. PST

I'd also note that if you play regular 15mm games of WWII you'll come to find vehicles are 'smallish'. Tanks weren't very big back then (a few exceptions of course) but I think it's their effect on the game, in my opinion that makes or breaks them on the table. If they look good, who cares what size they are?

Moqawama29 Mar 2012 3:31 p.m. PST

I am utterly amazed at how cliquish, mean spirited and bigoted some people have proved to be on this thread,

I just stated an opinion, which is based on the very sensible (for me) preference to see MBTs which are both longer and larger than APCs.

Someone (I don't even care to check out who was) posted a pic of 15mm sci fi vehicles close to 15mm WW2 vehicles to point out: "Hey, the sci fi tank is larger (actually only wider and by a small margin) than the WW2 ones!".

Too bad the WW2 tanks are both longer than the Sci-Fi one and the Elefant/Ferdinand, manages to look considerably more imposing than it.

Not bad, to have a futuristic MBT dwarfed by a 1943-vintage piece of equipment.

But the real bugbear for me is the comparison between the Sci-Fi APC and the MBT.

The APC is larger.

This utterly ruins the usefulness/believability of the MBT for me (and for me, I repeat).

Just to carry over WW2 comparisons (since someone here seems to be enamored with them), having an APC dwarf an MBT is like having an M3 halftrack or Hanomag 251 outsize an IS-2 or a King Tiger.

This is my point, you can snipe at me, you can critique my 'lack of experience with AFVs', you can do all this over and over again, I don't care, I am not an Engineer, not a tanker, not a General, I am a GAMER and a COLLECTOR, when I put MY TOYS on the table I like the APCs to be SMALLER THAN THE TANKS.

This is the end of it, I think I have stated my point clearly enough and I won't return on it.

combat wombat29 Mar 2012 4:06 p.m. PST

The problem is it not just this thread but any thread. I like this Cliquish bigoted gang that practices the "if you don't have anything nice to say then dont say anything" rule. People put a lot of time and effort into these projects and if you dont like them then move on to something else that meets your tables needs. there is a difference between straight and constructive critism. There are plenty of products out there that do not suit my needs but I will never bash the usefulness or believability of something someone put their hard work and effort into. Just by it being out there makes it awesome even if it does not fit into my tastes. Feel free to try your hand at it.

RTJEBADIA29 Mar 2012 4:58 p.m. PST


I'm of the belief that Combat Wombat vehicles are just fine, and can even be used alongside other manufacturers (certainly GZG-- they're the same size, basically).

The more variety the better, I say.

Interestingly, a Stryker IFV is basically the same size as an M1 Abrams. Abrams is a few feet longer (not counting the gun), a foot or two wider, and almost a foot shorter.


BlackWidowPilot Fezian29 Mar 2012 6:16 p.m. PST

1/72 scale kits of modern US AFVs and an A-10 Warthog thrown in for good measure:


German Marder IFV and Leopard MBT:


Shots taken from the collection of the late Mr. Jacques Littlefield:




Which reminds me, I am waaay overdue to visit that collection…evil grin

Leland R. Erickson

combat wombat29 Mar 2012 6:43 p.m. PST

Can I come with you??? His collection is awesome!

wminsing29 Mar 2012 6:57 p.m. PST

This thread is not reflecting well on any of the participants. Just my two cents.


BlackWidowPilot Fezian29 Mar 2012 7:11 p.m. PST

Can I come with you??? His collection is awesome!

PM sent…

Leland R. Erickson

combat wombat29 Mar 2012 7:28 p.m. PST

wminsing: You are probably right but one must stand his ground eventually.

Micropanzer29 Mar 2012 7:32 p.m. PST

"Someone (I don't even care to check out who was) posted a pic of 15mm sci fi vehicles close to 15mm WW2 vehicles to point out: "Hey, the sci fi tank is larger (actually only wider and by a small margin) than the WW2 ones!"."

That was me if you did not care you would not have posted and let it die -- APC is taller not longer or wider Turret size is narrower than king tiger -- That might be the issue overall. -- I think it is narrow my self.

ass end of tanks trads all touching.

At the end of day it is personal taste – me I like big -- love 40k tanks esp forge world -- you see my heavy weapons? I like space opera some like hard science -- GZG and CW are what I consider hard science. others not so much -- love khurasan and critical mass as well as rebel minis vehicles.

end of day CW and other small fry guys lose money or make less than a family vacation a year in profit-- we do it to be the ultimate nerd. Don't get me wrong I wold love to become the GW of 15mm but if GZG has not done it by now then there is no hope for me.

I did not think this post would get to 50 so now I am shooting for 60.

Macunaima31 Mar 2012 8:57 a.m. PST

[Sighs as he sees the Saracen laid out against the ruler.]

Gotta get me three of those.

CW, how much do you charge for shipping to Brazil? Rio de Janeiro, specifically.

combat wombat31 Mar 2012 3:44 p.m. PST

Not sure brother but it will be at cost. Contact me at

Maxshadow31 Mar 2012 6:34 p.m. PST

King Tigers, Pz I's, Stuarts this thread has too many attractive WWII models and tanks. Please don't tempt me to start a WW2 collection as well.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian31 Mar 2012 8:55 p.m. PST

King Tigers, Pz I's, Stuarts this thread has too many attractive WWII models and tanks. Please don't tempt me to start a WW2 collection as well.

Resistance is FUTILE! Submit and be assimilated into the Cult of the Almighty Treadhead!evil grin

You know you want to.evil grin

Leland R. Erickson

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