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1,788 hits since 9 Mar 2012
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Eli Arndt09 Mar 2012 1:00 p.m. PST

In a recent thread on the 15mm Scifi board, Jon from Khurasan Miniatures dropped this hint regarding future releases for 15mm Fantasy

Yes, actually they have been made for months now--more Orc melee weapon poses, an orc general, wargs with or without Orc riders, evil men of the east spearmen, evil men of the east nobles and chieftain, trolls (by Bob Olley), balrogs, Beasts of the Great Enemy (giant scorpions), the great enemy himself (by Tom Meier), even the golden deceiver, a great wingless worm of incredible cunning and malice, and not to be confused with a golden retriever, which has precious little of either.

That's quite a pile of stuff coming out. I hope that his trolls share some of the same wonderful character that his Angus McBride inspired orcs have. with names like Bob Olley and Tom Meier in there I am excited!


Spudeus09 Mar 2012 1:20 p.m. PST

I thought those orcs looked a little odd, but I'm definitely glad the line is getting back on track!

Eli Arndt09 Mar 2012 2:01 p.m. PST

I quite like the Khurasan orcs. I'm glad to see the range is continuing forward. I have seen a picture of his dragon that he put out a bit ago and it looks amazing.

Bob Olley has done some good trolls in the past and I will assume that his 15mm trolls will bear all the signature artistry he brought to his 25mm ones. I wonder if they will be armored or more savage looking.

I am curious to see what direction Jon goes with his wargs. Will he go with the evil wolf angle or something more unique like the Jackson films (I like those).

And if all that wasn't enough, I'm really quite curious to see how he interprets The Great Enemy and the Evil Men of the East.


CPBelt09 Mar 2012 2:34 p.m. PST

The orcs look like the old Hildebrandt Tolkien orcs. I like them.

Eli Arndt09 Mar 2012 2:49 p.m. PST

It would seem that Jon clearly was inspired by these sorts




CPBelt09 Mar 2012 3:09 p.m. PST

I just realized I typed Hildebrandt when I meant Angus McBride. The brain is getting old! Thanks for posting those pics, Emu. The top is the classic McBride orc!


Landorl09 Mar 2012 3:11 p.m. PST

Ooooo. Can't wait! I hope the trolls look something like the pic above. I will be doing the happy dance then!

CPBelt09 Mar 2012 3:14 p.m. PST

I'd also love to see more Wights!


doug redshirt09 Mar 2012 3:19 p.m. PST

I have been looking for orcs in mail or less armor for awhile to use in a Battle of Five Armies game. I have Dwarfs and Wood Elves from Splintered Light, but need orcs/goblins in mail that are between dwarf and human in size.

SonofThor09 Mar 2012 9:36 p.m. PST

I like the Khurasan orcs too, the lack of pose variations was the only reason I haven't bought any yet. I can't wait for the expanded ones to come out!

doug redshirt10 Mar 2012 2:13 a.m. PST

Also the best thing about the orcs in the paintings is that they are not GREEN. Really think he captured what Tolkien described in the books.

Barks110 Mar 2012 5:34 a.m. PST

Cool, thanks! I hadn't noticed that post.

Jojojimmyjohn10 Mar 2012 4:35 p.m. PST

The Khurasan orcs have become my favorite orcs in any scale – nice, crisp detail and suitably menacing. The wights are awesome too. Can't wait for the trolls, balrogs and Glauru…. er The Golden Deciever.

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