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"25/28mm Size Comparison" Topic

4 Posts

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TigerJon27 Feb 2012 5:41 p.m. PST

Hello All,

When I first took up the hobby of ACW miniatures, one of the very first questions I had was, "what figures will mix and match well?" I recently finished a unit representing the 20th Maine and in all include a mix of 4 different manufacturers including Sash & Saber, Perry plastics, Foundry and a model of Col. Chamberlin by Redoubt. In my opinion, the Perry, S&S, and Foundry mix quite well, but the Redoubts are a little larger, however, I like their quality and the ability to make each model look different by using different heads. I like the Foundrys too, but they are way too expensive for my blood (I got a bunch of them on eBay for a good price). Hope this helps any of the newer members to the hobby.

ArchitectsofWar27 Feb 2012 7:23 p.m. PST

Very nice

TigerJon27 Feb 2012 8:08 p.m. PST

I do need to figure out how to label the different lines. I want to leave them as they appear (to show how they look in LOB), but may photoshop in labels.

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