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Psyckosama20 Feb 2012 9:21 a.m. PST

Does anyone have any images of the following vehicles with any 15mm figures?



Both are from

Felonmarmer20 Feb 2012 9:32 a.m. PST

I have the second one from when it was a GZG model, I'll take a photo when I get home from work with some 15mm stuff for comparison.

AVAMANGO20 Feb 2012 9:44 a.m. PST

I have the first one(the flying brick)also when it was in production from GZG,its ment to be 1200th scale but i think its better for N scale being 7 inches long by 4 inches wide its an idea size for a troop transporter dropship, plus i think it has a large cockpit better suited for N scale. This is what i entended to use for my 4 squads of Bluemoon Orion heavy infantry and a medium APC,here is a photo of it i found ages ago on the net but with some 1200th scale miniatures…

captainquirk20 Feb 2012 10:29 a.m. PST

It was originally sold for 1/300th. And those are 1/300th miniatures next to it… Scotia vehicles.

blackfang20 Feb 2012 10:47 a.m. PST

Wow that flying brick is terrible, looks like maybe 3 hours of plasticard work.

Felonmarmer20 Feb 2012 10:52 a.m. PST

Here's the photos of the second one…





Shown with Old Crow vehicles (the larger ones) and GZG Hammer Slammers hover vehicles. 15mm figs are Mad Robot's Harook and GZG's UNSC.

You could get 2 of the GZG vehicles inside, 1 of the larger Old Crow APC's

ski206020 Feb 2012 11:48 a.m. PST

Wow! Thanks for those shots Felonmarmer! I was looking for the same comparison shots after seeing those vehicles in the thread over in sci-fi discussion.

I think I may have to pick up at least one of those 28mm versions to use as my dropship.

Oh, and mighty fine looking minis you have there!

MajorB20 Feb 2012 1:12 p.m. PST

Wow that flying brick is terrible, looks like maybe 3 hours of plasticard work.

If it flies, do you care what it looks like?

ordinarybass20 Feb 2012 1:42 p.m. PST

Very interesting Felonmarmer,
By flipping the cockpit section over, it really maks it useable in other scales. It'd be great for my 10mm sci-fi stuff!

How tall is the dropship in your pictures?

Psyckosama20 Feb 2012 1:48 p.m. PST

Hot damn! That does look good with 15mm. I'm glad my instincts were right on that one. How does the other side of the cockpit scale up to 15mm?

And the brick, I'd still love to see pics of it with 15mms. I think it looks like it would be great as a utility shuttle.

Eli Arndt20 Feb 2012 1:54 p.m. PST

Wow that flying brick is terrible, looks like maybe 3 hours of plasticard work.

Not everyone has the time, skill or inclination to bother with a scratchbuild.


Dragon Gunner20 Feb 2012 3:07 p.m. PST

Thanks for the post I never look at 6mm products and now these are on the the list to get.

Felonmarmer20 Feb 2012 3:18 p.m. PST

Ordinarybass, the truth is when I put it together I thought the cockpit windows were air intakes for atmospheric use. I couldn't see them as windows as they are square on to the direction of travel, I can't see them surviving re-entry with windows like that!

Anyway, who needs windows in the future. Just a weak point in the hull.

AVAMANGO20 Feb 2012 11:50 p.m. PST

Very interesting Felonmarmer,
By flipping the cockpit section over, it really maks it useable in other scales. It'd be great for my 10mm sci-fi stuff!

How tall is the dropship in your pictures?

Its approx three and a half inches tall and with the landing gears down three and three quaters.

blackfang21 Feb 2012 4:01 a.m. PST

If it flies, do you care what it looks like?

If it did actually fly, I probably wouldn't, no :)
It's not that it looks bad, I just wouldn't buy it because it doesn't look any better than something I could make.

Not everyone has the time, skill or inclination to bother with a scratchbuild.

True. Although regarding time, I imagine cleaning up a resin cast of that size wouldn't be much faster than just building one from scratch.

The other one looks okay, it has some decent detailing on the landing struts and engines and an interesting shape for the front part that would take a fair bit of planning to get right if you wanted to scratch-build it.

Psyckosama21 Feb 2012 4:23 a.m. PST

Avamango, would you be willing to take a shot of the brick with some 15mms?

also on the Dropship subject, Iron Wind Metals is still planning on bringing back their 'Mech scale Leopard class Dropship. I have one. Want me to take some shots?

earthad21 Feb 2012 6:36 a.m. PST

love the flying brick, just saying 8)

AVAMANGO21 Feb 2012 9:24 a.m. PST

@ Psyckosama i will see if i can get to my camera this week and take a few snaps, ive been meaning to take some pics of some kitbashed mechs to post up on LOTB so why not kill two birdswith one stone…

AVAMANGO22 Feb 2012 5:32 a.m. PST

Here are two photos of my old Ground Zero Games ‘Flying brick' dropship that's currently going through another repaint, for scale purposes I have used the superb Exterminator marines from Khurasan. In the bottom photo I have used one of the amazing flight stand from CorSec Engineering so I have the option of this dropship actually in mid flight or landed on the drop zone, now taking into account the ‘Flying brick' weighs about a kilo because its cast in solid resin finding such a sturdy flight stand was a bit of a challenge but the CorSec Engineering flight stand is rock solid…

Micropanzer22 Feb 2012 5:51 a.m. PST

that makes a great drop ship for 15mm troopers. Even the cockpit is not bad size.

any one in the states carry these?

AVAMANGO22 Feb 2012 10:24 a.m. PST

that makes a great drop ship for 15mm troopers. Even the cockpit is not bad size.
Which was a point that i made in a earlier post, the cockpit on the 'Flying brick' looks far better in scale with 15mm miniatures than it does with 1/300th scale, if used in 15mm games i would say that this dropship would be able to transport 4x 8 man squads and a couple of light APC's plus the ships crew.

RTJEBADIA22 Feb 2012 11:24 a.m. PST

Both of these drop ships are big enough to be free traders, too.

Lion in the Stars23 Feb 2012 10:18 p.m. PST

"Flying brick: yet another triumph of brute thrust over aerodymanics!"

von pumpernickel24 Feb 2012 4:18 a.m. PST

I just picked up a Revell Star Wars Attack Shuttle.

Haven't put it together yet but it should turn into a nice dropship :) and cheap too for its size.

devilinthedetails24 Feb 2012 5:20 a.m. PST

I pickd this up from Tk Maxx for £12.00 GBP

Scales up nicely I think.


Ravenstar24 Feb 2012 5:51 a.m. PST

hey since every one is talking Dropships. do you prefer a drop ship with teh boarding hatch/ramp in front of the rear of the dropship?

alien BLOODY HELL surfer24 Feb 2012 7:35 a.m. PST

pickd this up from Tk Maxx for £12.00 GBP

what tk maxx? I have one near me (Watford) so hopefully it's a national thing – that'd be great with my WEG Star Wars 25mm's!

ski206024 Feb 2012 7:44 a.m. PST


I thnk side or rear ramps would look better on an orbital drop-ship. Front ramp would be harder to armor and more chance of a hit to troops coming in to a hot LZ.

Lion in the Stars24 Feb 2012 8:11 a.m. PST

Plus, your hottest point after re-entry is the bow. It takes what, ~30minutes before the shuttle has cooled off enough to open the hatch by the nose?

devilinthedetails24 Feb 2012 1:16 p.m. PST

pickd this up from Tk Maxx for £12.00 GBP GBP

what tk maxx? I have one near me (Watford) so hopefully it's a national thing – that'd be great with my WEG Star Wars 25mm's!

Interchange Retail Park in Bedford.

If you have no joy let me know and I'll see if Bedford have any left.

AVAMANGO24 Feb 2012 1:51 p.m. PST


AVAMANGO01 Mar 2012 3:08 a.m. PST

Well i am just pleased that i already have the old 'Flying Brick' dropship as its a pretty damn good stand in for the Prometheus in the prequel Alien film of the same name that's been directed by Riddly Scott due out later this year. The plot line is the exploration to discover the origins of man kind but instead what is discovered is the space jockies and the origins of the Aliens. Check out the three related video film trailers below and be prepared to buy loads of EVA suited miniatures if you want to start gaming this story line…

McWong7301 Mar 2012 6:06 a.m. PST

The second one reminds me of a cut down GI Joe Nightraven.

Chrome02 Mar 2012 9:52 a.m. PST

If you're willing to get your hands dirty, you can build this one yourself. It should work fairly well for 15mm vehicles. Those are CAV models in the photos, so they're around 12mm.

Psyckosama02 Mar 2012 3:01 p.m. PST

I already have a Hercules.

I strongly suggest cutting out the wings and a number of other pieces as one instead of sectional, and to make it faster, print it on normal printer paper, glue that to the fome core, and cut rather than tracing.

Thornhammer02 Mar 2012 4:54 p.m. PST

Is that Imperial shuttle a toy or a model?

devilinthedetails02 Mar 2012 5:14 p.m. PST

"Is that Imperial shuttle a toy or a model?"

It's the Revell snap fix kit.

Thornhammer02 Mar 2012 5:26 p.m. PST

Oh good, I guessed right.

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