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"Forthcoming 1812 Saxon heavy cavalry from Eureka (28mm)" Topic

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3,021 hits since 18 Jan 2012
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Duke of Plaza Toro18 Jan 2012 10:49 p.m. PST

A sneak peak at some of the completed 28mm master figures for our forthcoming 1812 Saxon Heavy Cavalry – just in time for the Borodino 200 Anniversary! Alan Marsh has done an especially fine job with these.

Zastrow Cuirassiers in the first picture, Garde du Corps in the second. Just the charging troopers shown here. More passive "At rest" poses also available, along with all the appropriate officer, standard bearer, and trumpeter figures.



The official release date for these will be at Salute in London 21st April (yes – Eureka will be there), but if you cannot wait until then there is still time to pre-order them on our website via their 100 Club entry and we will start shipping the figures to you in early February.

Once we have the full range moulded I will endeavour to get some pictures posted here of the other figures in the range.

Our thanks to the numerous people who assisted with the research for these figures.

John Chadderton
Eureka Miniatures

Sparker18 Jan 2012 11:15 p.m. PST

That is fantastic news – I might get them painted up in time for our Borodino refight in September!

Great looking figs!

French Wargame Holidays19 Jan 2012 4:43 a.m. PST

looking good John,

A few trainspotter points

any reason why no plumes on the helmet?

do the Garde have breast plates on? as none were taken to Russia by the Garde du corps.

Why only a single bridle, not a german double bit-bradoon?


fitterpete19 Jan 2012 1:30 p.m. PST

One piece castings! You guys are killing me.I've been waiting for these since they were first announced and now have to wait for someone else to do them.AAGGHH!

Corporal Agarn19 Jan 2012 4:10 p.m. PST

Ordered my three regiments to cover 1812-1813. Zastrow's , Garde du Corp and the life cuirassiers. Love the look of the trooper casualty too!

Duke of Plaza Toro19 Jan 2012 4:18 p.m. PST

blue willow –

All my advisors / sources agreed – Plumes not generally worn in combat by the troopers, but officers were expected to look their best (and were officially reminded of this before Borodino) so we've kept the plumes on the command figures (it also helps to differentiate them).

No cuirass on the Garde du Corps in 1812 – hence the greatcoat rolled around the body.

(If you think you can see a cuirass in the monochrome pictures it is probably a trick of the light caused by the difference in contrast at the junction between sculpting putty and white metal where arms have been added to torsos).

As for the bridle? Well, all the horses are double reined and the reins located at points to suggest a double bit bridle – which seems good enough to us for a wargames figure. If we have missed some subtlety of Saxon horse tack then our apologies.


Hopefully some of you when you see the figures close up will notice the trouble we've taken to get many of the small details right – such as the differences in sword hilt design between the two regiments and also between officers and troopers.

fitterpete –

I am sorry you don't like one piece castings for some reason. As it happens, casting horse and rider together was largely a technically driven decision because these dynamic charging poses are easier to cast this way. As mentioned our "at rest" versions are still separate castings so perhaps we can still tempt you. A quick reference shot of a Garde du Corps trooper below –


John Chadderton
Eureka Miniatures

fitterpete19 Jan 2012 4:41 p.m. PST

They really are awesome figures, beautiful detail, and I love chargers.
I have a few one piece castings,Perry French Cuirassier, they just seem to "lose something" for me(narrower than the 2 peice and the swords bend at hellashish angles).
I'm not the only one either.When Great War Miniatures announced their Light Brigade for the Crimea there were a few people disappointed with the single piece cast(I've never seen anyone say they wouldn't buy cav figures because they are 2 piece castings BTW).No fear Warlord announced Light Brigade a week later,seperate cast,
So maybe Front rank or someone will do Saxon heavies next week(:.
Thanks Pete

French Wargame Holidays19 Jan 2012 5:56 p.m. PST

thanks for the closeups John, much appreciated!

I will add some plumes to mine I think, as my models prefer to die "well dressed"!

I could quite see the garde du corps if they had breastplates, so I was just checking!

I would like to see the double halter and headstall, I have a lot of bridle images if you need them, that way the horses would be suitable for heavy horse from 1750 to now.

Still a member of the 300 club, so buying them anyway!

I need to build both regiments for the Aussie Borodino game in 28mm, I am building for Gen de brigade, so 48 figs+!

Pete the standing will be separate castings mate


Sparker19 Jan 2012 6:37 p.m. PST

So maybe Front rank or someone will do Saxon heavies next week(:.

I don't think so. I wrote in to Front Rank recommending that they do the Saxons, (not having a crystal ball so at the time unaware of what Eureka were up to) and they are concentrating on the Wurtemburgers this year…….

Sparker19 Jan 2012 7:05 p.m. PST

Ok so I think I have pre-ordered 18 of each…But didn't get any opportunity to nominate which figures I wanted. Does that happen further down the line, or is it a bit of a lucky dip?

(For those as electronically challenged as me I eventually found the information about these beauties in their '100 Club' 'in production' page – not the 'news' section, not the '100 club Horse and Musket' page, not the '100 club 19th Century' page, not the 'Wars of the French Revolution' page, not the …..)

Nic Robson19 Jan 2012 7:52 p.m. PST

A quick link to the In Production section of the site:

As soon as I downlaod your pre-order, I will send you a list of all the code numbers and you can pick and choose which figures you actually want.

Nic Eureka Miniatures

Cardinal Hawkwood20 Jan 2012 5:51 a.m. PST

How many Borodino refights in NSW are there going to be?.Nice to see someone taking care of the Saxons at last .Chevaulegers and Uhlans next I presume, followed by Hussars? Maybe some Baden hussars?

EagleSixFive20 Jan 2012 6:47 a.m. PST

late figures for all the Saxon Army would be great.

summerfield20 Jan 2012 7:50 a.m. PST

Look forward to seeing you at Salute.

Sparker20 Jan 2012 12:57 p.m. PST

Thanks for the info Nic, can't wait to get my mitts on these lovelies!

How many Borodino refights in NSW are there going to be?

AFAIK you have the same info as me, Cardinal – 2 so far: September at the Hall of Heroes, roughly on the date of the bicenntennial, and November at Goulburn at the Australian National Kriegspeilers Congress.

And as Borodino is something of a Napoleonic icon, this seems only right and proper?

late figures for all the Saxon Army would be great.

Don't forget Calpe do the late Infantry in campaign dress in 28mm…

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