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palaeoemrus03 Jan 2012 4:11 a.m. PST

I am planning to do the 'dog bites man' German power armor thing with some old GW SPace Marines and a pack of sci-fi 'Stahl helm, and gas mask' heads from..somewhere. Maybe I'll go with Pig Iron Kolony militia heads, or maybe I'll get some of the sci-fi great coats and use the spare heads. I'm not sure yet.

But I need some loose WW2 28mm weapons as a starting point, and I'm not sure who makes them.

I think a couple of MG-42's, some panzerschrecks,some panzer fausts, a 20+ mm fun, and a flame thrower would be a good start.

ANY advice in this are would be much appreciated including links to maufacturers and picture of similar conversion that any of you might have done.

Thanks ahead of time for your help in this matter!

I hope to modify the Panzer shreck with a big four-round box magazine on the back or by making it look like a break-open loaded thing since the PA guy will not have a loader as a partner.

I already know about existing retro-PA like the Panzer Soldat from Northstar/Scarab's project X, and the German paratrooper drop armor from West Wind's SOtTR game. But I really want to use up these old space marines )I have about twelve of them and I already sanded the eagles, skulls, and crap off their chest plates.

I haven't decided on jump packs yet or not but I think I may just have them be ground forces and load them up with big packs and grenade belts. I may give one of them an "armor-cutting" saw, or a plasma cutting-torch thing or a hydraulic or chemical explosive piston spike or a big set of crashing clamp/shear things. I'm not sure yet.

I am also sort of thinking of an anti-tank petard explosive long-pike type of thing where the explosive is rammed into the target on the end of a lance.

I might also put some camo netting around their shoulders like a cape.

One might even get a sniper piece with a big exotic scope and a bipod on it that is like the mother of all super-deer rifles .

Aliosborne03 Jan 2012 5:07 a.m. PST

Westwind do sell weapons and head packs for there nations so these may help, include rifles, Ass rifles, SMGs rocket launchers etc

Also if you aks them for specific components from any of there ranges, mech weapons etc (best emailing) they do custom orders though may cost a little more per component etc

Also I blieve Warlord do some WW2 weapons packs

I hope that helps


CmdrKiley03 Jan 2012 6:16 a.m. PST

The Assault Group sells weapons.


Westwind also sells Weird War II weapon sets in their Secrets of the Third Reich line. I find these tend to be a bit crude and blocky, but their extra chunkiness may work well with your Space Marine conversions.


I've also used some Tamiya 1/48 plastics for some gear like helmets, ammo pouches and Panzerfausts. The rifles are pretty accurately proportioned and look very thin and the barrels can be pretty fragile.

CmdrKiley03 Jan 2012 6:33 a.m. PST

Victory Force also provides weapons with hands attached.


skippy000103 Jan 2012 7:14 a.m. PST

In a pinch- 1/48th scale WWII miniatures from Tamiya-check for sales.

Warlord03 Jan 2012 7:37 a.m. PST

Have a look here, PMD in their "Battlefield Effect" line makes a few accessory packs. There are weapons packs and Cammo netting in the line also:


You should post pictures when you are done.


NobleHero03 Jan 2012 8:44 a.m. PST

The 1/48 weapons from Tamiya are really thin and IMO would look very out of place in the hands of GW Space Marine models.

CmdrKiley03 Jan 2012 11:54 a.m. PST

Here's a recent conversion I made for AE-WWII. This is an SS Vril Engineer. He's a special unlocking unit that allows your SS detachment to have Vril enhanced special unit. He can also run around and upgrade your unit's during the game.


I made him using Darkson Designs Mad Doktor body with an Abderzoldat head and a Tamiya Helmet. The arm with the StG-44 came from a Darkson Designs Wehrmacht in Trenchcoat figure. The other arm is from the Mad Doktor and he has a syringe, but I painted it up to look like a screw driver (as if he's making some field modifications to his rifle). The ammo and tool pouches and toolbox are from Tamiya bitz and the backpack is from and Imperial Guard Comlink set with the antenna removed.

My SS Krieghexen is made from RAFM's Jill Lucas, Cult Leader. She's an evil spell caster, and inspired from the concept art, which was male and fully armored, sort of "demoniaclly mutated". So I thought the horns would be perfect.




I removed the peaked cap from the head of a plastic Tamiya figure. Then had to cut some of her hair off and then fill it back in around with green stuff. I had to remove her cutesy coffin shaped backpack and replaced it with a large ammo pouch. then added a dagger and pistol holster from the Tamiya set.

My American ARPA Mechanic, an unlocking unit for the US Army, allowing access to Tesla based technology is made from a Tamiya figure with the spare arms from the Darkson Designs US Airborne Officer. I find lots of the early multi-piece Darkson bitz fit well with the Tamiya figures any you get lots of extra parts for conversion stuff.



My Kempei-Tai Officer for my IJA army, the unlocking unit for the Unit 731 models is basically a Bolt Action IJA officer figure with an armband painted on to indicate he's Kempei-Tai.


The other figures, the Hive Troopers and the Living Bullet are Darkson Design models.

My British MoAA Operative (Ministry of Arcane Armaments) is simply a Reaper Mira, Post-Apocalyptic Survivor (a not-Alice from Resident Evil Extinction).
The MoAA Operative is an unlocking feature for the British Army to give them access to all sorts of occult goodies. They are armed with a choice of magical devices. The kukri gave me the idea to use this figure, thinking she's been around the world picking up magical artifacts and such. I plan to replace the automatic pistol with a revolver from the Warlord plastic British Army set.


The other model is a Golem from Darkson Designs.

This female Mad Doktor is made from Reaper's Prof. Laura Pringle figure.
I removed the hand with the pointer and used a hand with a Luger from the Darkson Designs Female Officer figure. The barrel is from a Tamiya set. I drilled a hole in the cap and ran some fishing line from it to the base, then filled it with clear acyrllic, adding some murky water from my brush cleaning cup and a drop of flourescent yellow paint. Then added some CA glue to the fishing line and finished it off with a coat of clear flourescent yellow paint.



My Sherman armed with a Tesla Cannon is made from a 1/48 Hobby Boss kit. The cannon was made from bitz from some Robogear weapons. I wanted it to look like a sort of field modification upgrade.



My German SD Agent Brute is made from the Indy Heroclix Major Maxim (from Danger Girl). Nothing really special other than a repaint of the figure. However I plan to add an MP40 just to make him more WYSIWYG.



I have some Darkson Designs Wehrmacht figures that I fitted with Tamiya panzerfausts, but I can't find them. The panzerfausts look pretty good in their hands are are much more durable and, unlike the plastic rifles, don't look small and flimsy in the hands of the metal figures.

CmdrKiley03 Jan 2012 12:10 p.m. PST

For some ideas on converting your space marines with some heavy weapons. Check out some of the Dust Tactics PA models.

The German Recon Grenadier set has a nice idea that has a pair of twin linked MG-42s under a shield mounted on the forearm.



CmdrKiley03 Jan 2012 2:25 p.m. PST

Darkson Designs has a dual Panzershreck in their Rollingsoldat (German Ogre) blister (it comes with optional MG-42).



It should be pretty easy to modify an existing Panzershreck with another tube that can be handled by a powered armor soldier.

Also check out the Incursion APE Suits for ideas about gearing up your powered armor troops. Most of it consists of heavy support weapons mounted under the forearm with a large ammo feed running to the backpack.


Although the Incursion APE Suits are probably closer to the newer Space Marine Terminators in terms of size and weapon load. You might want to look at something closer to lighter support weapons like LMGs, small mortars, flame throwers etc. Normally weapons that would require 2 hands but applied to one hand in a PA suit.

palaeoemrus04 Jan 2012 7:25 a.m. PST

Is Darkson still in business? I don't see much AE WW2 or Bounty stuff around in online stores anymore. I heard they were looking for a new caster/manufacturer but I'm not sure where. I think I read it around August or so? I'd like to buy a couple of Bisons and some of those US robot troopers someday.

I have one of the Incursion/SotTR APE troopers and I like the over all effect but I kind of hate those giganto-diesel stacks on the one piece back-pack and haven't had the guts to dremel 'em off yet. They seem more coal-powered steam punk to me than WW2 sci-fi.

I got the one that has a big mechanical gauntlet on the left hand and a drum fed automatic weapon of some sort.

I think the website said it was a .30 caliber Browning M1948 which I assume is an entirely fictional short barreled machine gun of some sort but to me it looks more like it might be an early "interwar" fore runner of the 25mm semi-auto grenade launcher or a drum fed semi-auto shotgun with mucho mucho ammo.

Anyway I'm imagining a normal 88mm panzer schrek (RPzB54 with the little blast shield, because it looks cool) modified to have a square box on the back end, off to one side, with the tube running all the way through the 'magazine box' to channel the back blast away from and behind the trooper. There might be some kind of door on the top of the tube to look like a place to try and clear jams.

In the mean time I found THIS in a google image search which is maybe 80% of what I'm planning to do (using the Pig Iron kolony miliita heads).


I won't be using the back packs or bolters most likely though. But this pic certainly makes a nice proof of concept before I order anything! He even did a couple of webbing gilly suits!

And THAT blog had a link that led me to THIS.

So I am definitely on the right track, and having a fairly common, well traveled, and unremarkable idea here. Goodie! And I think it looks pretty good, certainly about how I imagined it.

Thanks everyone for the advice, feedback, and ideas!

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