Here's a recent conversion I made for AE-WWII. This is an SS Vril Engineer. He's a special unlocking unit that allows your SS detachment to have Vril enhanced special unit. He can also run around and upgrade your unit's during the game.
I made him using Darkson Designs Mad Doktor body with an Abderzoldat head and a Tamiya Helmet. The arm with the StG-44 came from a Darkson Designs Wehrmacht in Trenchcoat figure. The other arm is from the Mad Doktor and he has a syringe, but I painted it up to look like a screw driver (as if he's making some field modifications to his rifle). The ammo and tool pouches and toolbox are from Tamiya bitz and the backpack is from and Imperial Guard Comlink set with the antenna removed.
My SS Krieghexen is made from RAFM's Jill Lucas, Cult Leader. She's an evil spell caster, and inspired from the concept art, which was male and fully armored, sort of "demoniaclly mutated". So I thought the horns would be perfect.
I removed the peaked cap from the head of a plastic Tamiya figure. Then had to cut some of her hair off and then fill it back in around with green stuff. I had to remove her cutesy coffin shaped backpack and replaced it with a large ammo pouch. then added a dagger and pistol holster from the Tamiya set.
My American ARPA Mechanic, an unlocking unit for the US Army, allowing access to Tesla based technology is made from a Tamiya figure with the spare arms from the Darkson Designs US Airborne Officer. I find lots of the early multi-piece Darkson bitz fit well with the Tamiya figures any you get lots of extra parts for conversion stuff.
My Kempei-Tai Officer for my IJA army, the unlocking unit for the Unit 731 models is basically a Bolt Action IJA officer figure with an armband painted on to indicate he's Kempei-Tai.
The other figures, the Hive Troopers and the Living Bullet are Darkson Design models.
My British MoAA Operative (Ministry of Arcane Armaments) is simply a Reaper Mira, Post-Apocalyptic Survivor (a not-Alice from Resident Evil Extinction).
The MoAA Operative is an unlocking feature for the British Army to give them access to all sorts of occult goodies. They are armed with a choice of magical devices. The kukri gave me the idea to use this figure, thinking she's been around the world picking up magical artifacts and such. I plan to replace the automatic pistol with a revolver from the Warlord plastic British Army set.
The other model is a Golem from Darkson Designs.
This female Mad Doktor is made from Reaper's Prof. Laura Pringle figure.
I removed the hand with the pointer and used a hand with a Luger from the Darkson Designs Female Officer figure. The barrel is from a Tamiya set. I drilled a hole in the cap and ran some fishing line from it to the base, then filled it with clear acyrllic, adding some murky water from my brush cleaning cup and a drop of flourescent yellow paint. Then added some CA glue to the fishing line and finished it off with a coat of clear flourescent yellow paint.
My Sherman armed with a Tesla Cannon is made from a 1/48 Hobby Boss kit. The cannon was made from bitz from some Robogear weapons. I wanted it to look like a sort of field modification upgrade.
My German SD Agent Brute is made from the Indy Heroclix Major Maxim (from Danger Girl). Nothing really special other than a repaint of the figure. However I plan to add an MP40 just to make him more WYSIWYG.
I have some Darkson Designs Wehrmacht figures that I fitted with Tamiya panzerfausts, but I can't find them. The panzerfausts look pretty good in their hands are are much more durable and, unlike the plastic rifles, don't look small and flimsy in the hands of the metal figures.