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"Drummer for the 1st Foot Guards?" Topic

13 Posts

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Spreewaldgurken02 Jan 2012 5:07 p.m. PST

I'm sure somebody here knows the answer to this…

I'm doing the British 1st Foot Guards, WSS period, and I can't find any information on the drummer's uniform.

Is it one of those oddballs where the whole regiment is in red with blue facings… except the drummer in apple green, or something like that?

thanks in advance.

French Wargame Holidays02 Jan 2012 9:51 p.m. PST

what year?

Spreewaldgurken03 Jan 2012 5:40 a.m. PST

I'll take anything from the WSS. Anybody have any images at all, that might bear a passing resemblance to established fact?

Surely lots of people have painted this regiment. What colors did you do the drummer in?

Personal logo John the OFM Supporting Member of TMP03 Jan 2012 6:55 a.m. PST

The closest I could find was in Funcken, but from 1757. As is usually the case, a redcoat with blue facings drummer had a red coat, blue facings and yellow lace all over the place.
Only about 50 years out of date…

Spreewaldgurken03 Jan 2012 2:08 p.m. PST

Surely there must be dozens of you guys who have painted this unit!

Come on, fess up… how did you paint the drummers? And did you just make it up?

DHautpol05 Jan 2012 6:00 a.m. PST

I've always understood the uniforms of the Guards' musicians, even today, to be the King or Queen's livery, in similar style to the French largely wearing Louis XIV's livery.

I found a publication titled "God Save Catalonia" which contains illustrations for British uniforms in 1706. I hope this link works:


On page 46 is a coloured illustration of the Foot Guards showing an officer, a grenadier, a private and a drummer. The drummer appears in red, faced blue with what looks like blue lace on the sleeves and seams and this may be an attempt by the illustrator to show the navy/white lacing we see on later uniforms.

French Wargame Holidays11 Jan 2012 2:20 p.m. PST

taken from Lawson

Drum major
crimson coat, lined blue, trimmed with gold, embroidered back and front with royal cypher, cuffs blue, crimson breeches, hat trimmed with gold lace and band, crimson scarf, gold fringes, crimson cloak lined and faced blue, trimmed in gold before and behind and round the neck.

crimson coat lined blue, blue cuffs, laced with broad and narrow gold orris lace on the seams of the sleeves, and back seams and on the buttonholes, Gold cypher and crown on the brest and back, purple leather belts stiched and laced with gold, a cordebeck hat laced with gold and gold band, white scarves red breeches and stockings, red shoes

crimson coat lined blue, blue cuffs, laced with broad and narrow gold orris lace on the seams of the sleeves, and back seams and on the buttonholes, Gold cypher and crown on the brest and back, purple leather belts stiched and laced with gold, a cordebeck hat laced with gold and gold band or cap (Gren coy), white scarves, red breeches and stockings, red shoes

crimson coat lined blue, blue cuffs, laced with broad and narrow gold orris lace on the cuffs, seams of the sleeves, and the back seams and on the buttonholes, Gold cypher and crown on the brest and back, purple leather belts stiched and laced with gold, a cordebeck hat laced with gold and gold band or cap(gren coy), white scarves red breeches and stockings, red shoes

hope that helps, the purple belts are interesting, I have seen a purple sash on a guards officer also!

I have a image also that will help with the lace I could upload for you.

Have a look at the coronation ceremony of James II engravings


and William III



French Wargame Holidays11 Jan 2012 3:43 p.m. PST

just another few notes

red waistcoat and blue breeches from 1704 (after Williams death and Anne's coronation) white gaiters also appeared around this time.

A painting by Louis Laguerre at marlborough house has guard officers dressed in blue coats gold lace

French Wargame Holidays14 Jan 2012 1:53 p.m. PST

ooops meant blue waistcoat, blue breeches!

Spreewaldgurken14 Jan 2012 4:12 p.m. PST

Hm, I'm confused. Is it:

1. "drummer… crimson coat lined bluered breeches and stockings, red shoes"

or is it:

2. "blue waistcoat, blue breeches"


French Wargame Holidays14 Jan 2012 9:07 p.m. PST

post 1704
crimson coat, blue waistcoat, blue breeches, white gaiters….. red shoes perhaps

Paint Pig15 Jan 2012 3:17 a.m. PST

red shoes perhaps

Get on with you. Next you'll be trying to tell us they landed in a field of poppies and then saw the Emerald city! evil grin

French Wargame Holidays15 Jan 2012 4:44 a.m. PST

no emerald city yet, but a yellow brick road has appeared!

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