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Aksakal02 Jan 2012 5:08 a.m. PST

I would have thought nsfw would have been enough… but now there is this board.

Way back in 2003 Aryiki was 'released', with news footing on TMG and a positive attitude and response (even at frothers) and a small community while the website forum was up. Last year after many years hiatus I rebuilt the website (smaller) and created a new army list book based on the Light/Dark Temple range from Shadowforge. Additionally the rules were 'ported' into normal ancients as Antiquity (mechanics all the same, different level of power play) and were released just after christmas.

The simplified website is located here:

The army list/race 'how to' PDF ( is a good starter for anyone intested the world and game system.

As the army lists have been released the story has progressed.

Book 1: Exiled Aryidannan (greek) fighting for a foothold on the continent of Tautha against the Fey, Sidhe and Tir (dryad, warband-y, missile-y respectively).
Book 2: (R rated) Focueses on the dark Fey in the mountains under Tautha. Not an integral part of the world.
Book 3: The Helenas (greek) city states start fighting each other now that the Ayidannan and their Goddess Aryiki have been given the boot. A threat called the Klytika (skythian, cataphfracts on deer) emerges on the fringe of civilisation.
Book 4: Under the direct command of Aryiki half the Aryidannan (Temple of Dark) invade the Pharoahmone Empire (Temple of Light) while in the Helenas Medusae and Minotaur fight a war for the devotion of the Goddesses.

skippy000102 Jan 2012 6:13 a.m. PST

I remember this. Nice job, will be looking into it.

NOLA Chris02 Jan 2012 9:29 a.m. PST

very nice!, I'll be exploring more later!


abdul666lw02 Jan 2012 2:22 p.m. PST

Fond memories, *great* to have it back on-line!

The Maidenhead 'Babes that Time Forgot' (and their Feral allies, since you allow 'serpentwomen' for the Temple of Dark) would provide a great 'Barbarian' culture.

Btw, what about posting a list of suggested ranges for each of the 'cultures'?

Best wishes.

PS: is 'Pharoahmone' a pun on 'pheromone'? evil grin

Aksakal02 Jan 2012 3:41 p.m. PST

abdul: yes about the pun.

I still have some Maidenhead files which should include an army list (for the minis that I have). I wish there was some activity on their website. Maybe at Cancon I can see if there is life…

Races to ranges… what would be the best way? A section on each race page, or a separate page with a table? Maybe a separate page as then I can have a full manufacturer list and allow other people to write army lists for them or links to.

abdul666lw03 Jan 2012 6:51 a.m. PST

Maidenhead has other tribes brewing.
A table would be a convenient 'visual summary', but 'race' headings could be linked to specially devoted pages with illos from the suggested manufacturers sites?
Of course, being R rated, the dark Fey are the more intriguing evil grin

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