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First Look: 1:700 Scale USS Constitution

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian looks at the new U.S.S. Constitution for Black Seas.

1,523 hits since 31 Dec 2011
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

jocknroll31 Dec 2011 9:27 a.m. PST

We have not been idle during the Festive Fattening….

the link will take you to some of the latest dabblings..


The Apostle equipped infantry are a reality and already being finished. They will be available in Q1 if all goes to schedule.

The Horse standard bearer is already sculpted together with 6 other cavalrymen including 3 troopers, 2 officers, trumpeter and this fellow.

A further 4 troopers are being sculpted now. This will give an initial choice of 11 different variants at least three of which will have multiple arm option giving a total of 14 variants initially.

The highlanders… well… that depends :wink:

Updated shop images too



Chokidar31 Dec 2011 11:33 a.m. PST

Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme!!!!! Turns us all into conniving bleeps as in "connive more of your gorgeous figures" – Caterans begod!!!! You will be my ruin… can hardly wait for the characters and cavalry to be available… and now seeing that Highlander…
Do you recall the wonderful Willie diorama of Killiekrankie that used to be in the Visitor Centre before some benighted heathen destroyed it? Your figures make me itch to try to recreate it just for nostalgia's sake.
Heartfelt thanks for all the pleasure you are going to give us next year!!!
A Happy New Year to you too, and as is customary – "Health, Wealth and Happiness" – (it does sound so much more sonorous in the gaelic but horrible to write!) – although to add a caveat from Meatloaf…"two out of three ain't bad".
All the best, and one again, thanks…
Any chance of Bonnie Dundee sometime soon and a cleric for the Cameronians?

jocknroll31 Dec 2011 11:59 a.m. PST

well, thank you! :) I don't even get that kind of reaction from my family! (well maybe when I'm leaving for a business trip but not necessarily when I come back!)

Dundee is already being sculpted, hmm never thought about the cleric, but a great idea which I may well go for

Cheriton31 Dec 2011 3:12 p.m. PST


The Apostle equipped infantry are a reality and already being finished. They will be available in Q1 if all goes to schedule.

Oh, I haven't been to the website for a couple of days, Apostle-equipped a dream come true!

A further 4 troopers are being sculpted now. This will give an initial choice of 11 different variants at least three of which will have multiple arm option giving a total of 14 variants initially.

2012 is looking even better than thought a few days ago…

The highlanders… well… that depends :wink:

Depends…where do I sign the petition, the document of intent? thumbs up

Great news to ponder over a guinness this final evening of 2011.

Echoing Chokidar sentiments…

Cheriton old fart

EvilGinger01 Jan 2012 3:52 p.m. PST

Go to the league of Augsburg forum to petition & Spirit Games to order & do two very nice blokes a favour

Cheriton02 Jan 2012 6:44 a.m. PST


Go to the league of Augsburg forum to petition & Spirit Games to order & do two very nice blokes a favour

I am on the LoA forum, is there a specific thread to "petition", I must have missed it? Or it just to actively be enthusiastic about highlanders in general (that I can easily be thumbs up) and to hopefully promote their eventual production?

I did definitely manage to miss mention of "Spirit Games" at LoA, will seek them out. Thank you.



PS – Have located Spirit Games' website are these highland figures, or something else, to be ordered there?

Condottiere02 Jan 2012 1:26 p.m. PST

Real nice sculpts. Looks like the makings of an excellent line.

jocknroll03 Jan 2012 10:39 a.m. PST

The sculptor working on the Apostle equipped infantry is not Clibanarium. Steve is also responsbile for the Highlander(s)

More pics of new stuff later

jocknroll04 Jan 2012 5:41 p.m. PST

another new cavalry prototype ( 3 views)


plus new painted versions of existing infantry codes



jocknroll04 Jan 2012 5:44 p.m. PST

another new cavalry prototype ( 3 views)




plus new painted versions of existing infantry codes



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