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5,313 hits since 16 Dec 2011
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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nothing16 Dec 2011 11:22 a.m. PST

Figured it was time to start up a proper thread to get some feedback from you guys.

What we have below are some new renders of our Greatcoat Troops. As usual, please consider these WIP. They are off to the printers and I hope to have something in hand just before Christmas.

Feel free to leave constructive feedback and suggestions.


ming3116 Dec 2011 11:34 a.m. PST

I like the helmet , ( not a WWII german helm ) I would like to see more faces and bare heads to give the troopers variety . The cuffs on the jsleeves seem big and impractical

nothing16 Dec 2011 11:40 a.m. PST

Alternate heads are in the works, lots of 'em.

The only thing that stinks about renders is that they show one angle. I'll post some pictures of the actual mini once I receive it.

Thanks for the comments.

Grumpy Monkey16 Dec 2011 12:14 p.m. PST

I second the cuffs, other than that looks pretty dang nice

GreatScot7216 Dec 2011 12:49 p.m. PST

Will these be plastic?

I like the minimalist style of the armor, especially the shoulder guards. They are not huge. Ditto for the weapon. It looks futuristic and functional. This could be promising.



nvdoyle16 Dec 2011 12:55 p.m. PST

Looks like a lot of good parts for conversions!

(Er…that's not a criticism of your design, but I can see how it might sound like it. It looks like a good, solid greatcoat-under-armor design. I tend to see everything in terms of 'what can I kitbash this into'…)

Charles Marlow16 Dec 2011 1:03 p.m. PST

Overall, I like them and would buy them. I don't care for the bandanna type face mask, or the rivets on the body armor, I'd prefer a collar on the greatcoat and more bulk to the helmet. Nevertheless, I'm interested…

GreatScot7216 Dec 2011 1:15 p.m. PST

It would be great if the set included a few serious helmet/head choices, rather than the novelty heads we seemed to have gotten with another unnamed company's greatcoat figures. grin

Having three sets of heads-one wearing the helmet as imaged here (which I like), one wearing some sort of closed headgear or mask, and one open/bareheaded would give buyers loads of options from a single box. To me, that usually means buying more.

nothing16 Dec 2011 1:41 p.m. PST

These will be cast in resin…possibly metal. I haven't decided yet.

The plan right now is for 3 heads in this 10-man set:

-goggles up on helmet
-goggles down on face
-no goggles at all

should the "no goggles" also be no mask?

Wolfprophet16 Dec 2011 7:34 p.m. PST

I also like the helmet. Makes me think of a Fallschirmjager helmet or good old U.S. M1 helmet.

Though, as someone else said above, I too would do away with the raised, rivet-looking bits on the body armour.

Also, once more, just as with the leader figure you showed before… The shoulder pads, my god, the shoulder pads. They protect NOTHING. They need to be lengthened and/or brought down more over the arms so they protect the arm instead of just being ornate.

I do like the balaclava over the face though. Nice touch and would make the face much easier to paint.

nothing28 Dec 2011 8:08 p.m. PST

Here's some pictures of the 3D print I received a few days ago. I've taken the liberty of standing it next to some other fairly common figures for the sake of comparison. I think some of the shortcomings are more obvious than others but feel free to offer up whatever feedback you may have.

First up is a shot of the individual pieces…

Next up is a group shot of various figures for comparison…

Finally we have a tighter shot of some standard troopers…

Thanks for checking this out and offering up your ideas and suggestions. A happy and safe new years to all!

dwartist29 Dec 2011 3:26 a.m. PST

I like the look of the mini – particularly the the 'in-scale' aspect. I'm not entirely sure about the helmet – a bit too WWII for me but that won't stop me buying a set or too!

nothing29 Dec 2011 7:17 a.m. PST

Yeah, the helmet is being re-worked for more detail and there are some obvious proportion issues. He'll get a bigger head and hands and he'll be a few MM shorter, overall. This pose is also a bit stiff looking so that will be addressed as well.

The purpose of this print was to see how all the surface details came out and I think they look pretty good so now we just tweak the size a bit. I'm also changing out the gun for something else.

nothing16 Jan 2012 6:42 p.m. PST

Thought I'd share a few updated pictures with the TMPers.

Some arm poses with the updated assault rifle…

An exploded view of all the pieces we have done so far…

I'm open to any suggestions or ideas you may have.


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