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"Advice wanted: any 15mm "painting 101" tutorials?" Topic

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theleadfarmer15 Dec 2011 7:35 p.m. PST

Folks, this is a terrible beginners question for my first post [I]but[/I]: Can anyone point me towards a good tutorial for the basics of 15mm ancients/medieval minis painting? I have been reading a lot of excellent blogs – many by contributors here, some of which cause more thana hint of envy – but am still to come across the Painting 15mm's 101 tutorials…

By way of background, I am getting back into painting* after a long break- a couple of exceptions aside, the last time I properly sat down and painted minis was about two decades ago, and they were 28mm W40K! I start three weeks of holidays this weekend, so am prepped and ready…I have the fundamentals through things such as the Citadel pianting guide and the Foundry guide by Kev Dallimore, but looking for something focussed on 15mm to get me (re)started.

* I'd say "collecting" but that would be a lie – over the past 5 years I have amassed, like some crazed bowerbird, several 15mm DBA armies in the raw, and equal amounts of 28mm (Warlord Games EIR and Warhammer Fantasy) plus 6mm (Baccus ancients for Warmaster), all waiting on the shelves for their day under the brush. Real life (including a few work visits to Afghanistan) tends to get in the way!!!

Anyway, any advice (eg, links) warmly welcomed!!!

Space Monkey15 Dec 2011 7:50 p.m. PST

The Gruntz Guy has some here: link
And here: link
They're scifi related though…

Scale Creep Miniatures15 Dec 2011 9:10 p.m. PST

The CGM link here:


is a good place to start…

Cardinal Hawkwood15 Dec 2011 9:58 p.m. PST

come up to Goulburn for a chat one day..I will tell you all..

Cardinal Hawkwood15 Dec 2011 9:59 p.m. PST

a good pot of wash is a start…vallejo sepia have to buy it OS but it Bleeped textes all over army painter

theleadfarmer15 Dec 2011 11:02 p.m. PST

Many thanks all. I'm discovering sites I've either forgotten or missed in my random web searches.

@Hawkwood. "Going to Goulburn" sounds too much like going to jail! :-) As part of my massive build up of war stocks, I bought both the black and sepia washes by vallejo – in the big pots! Preferred to glorified furniture varnish.

Oberst Radl15 Dec 2011 11:29 p.m. PST

Check out the war in 15mm site.

Cardinal Hawkwood16 Dec 2011 4:53 a.m. PST

really , there is a Gaol here but ..Goulburn isn't far from the ACT..and we do have a gaming community with a number of Canberra people who come up regular like.. I paint any number of 15s regularly ..your call..

Barks116 Dec 2011 6:53 p.m. PST

My rule of thumb is paint bolder and brighter with more extreme highlights/ more difference between the deep shades and the highlights. Otherwise things tend to blur and become indistinguishable. I usually leave black in the dark crevasses, block in the main colours, and have a few highlights. The eye sees the contrast between the different items easier that way.

I agree there's a gap when it comes to an all-in-one 15mm how-to-paint guide, but I have to say the Battlefron/ FoW booklets that were out a few years ago are very good.

Chevalier de la Terre17 Dec 2011 4:57 a.m. PST

I've done a few for 15mm WW2, though it's pretty much the way I paint everything in 15mm.



Rottenlead29 Apr 2013 6:05 a.m. PST

I have now updated my 15mm painting guides on the blog and re-listed them with an introduction. So for anyone interested you can grab them here: link

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