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Dropzonetoe Fezian07 Dec 2011 9:09 p.m. PST

I was puttering around at what was new on Steam and saw that the Champions MMO was now free(microtransactions system) and I through what harm could it be making a character for fun?
Then of course I had to try the game out, and have another go at making a char again. my clocks said I have put in 15hours in a couple of days at it…

My second one the Heroically titled – Dung Beetle


He was made but I was wondering if I could port him into the RPG and it would work the same?

Dung Beetle
Class – Behemoth
Level 10
STR 53
DEX 28
CON 31
INT 29
EGO 10
Presence 24
Recovery 16
Endurance 39
Powers SuperJump, Super Strength(I've thrown forklifts), I assume some sort of Super Defense.

Cosmetically I have a Robotic Right arm and leg and a breathing apparatus of some sort.

I've never played this RPG so is that even the same stats as the game?

For those that have played both is there anything similar other than the name?

Oh and the game is quite fun for a short term mmo blitz, The charater generatior is grand!

dragon6 Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2011 9:28 p.m. PST

There are more stats in Champions the RPG
There are no levels in Champions

I've never played the computer game so I can't say how they differ.

I like Champions, very customizable, but it can get out of hand. The current generation of rule books, just the primary ones, is measured in pounds.

Dropzonetoe Fezian07 Dec 2011 9:41 p.m. PST

The game also have stats for;

Offense 0
Critical chance 9.5%
Critical Severity 34.2%
Physical Defense 23.9
Energy defense 23.9
Dodge chance 10%
Avoidance 16.7%

Are the the missing ones?

dragon6 Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2011 10:04 p.m. PST


Off the top of my pointy head

Strength – how much damage you do in H-H
Dexterity – how likely you are to hit
Constitution –
body – hit points essentially
Comeliness – no longer used as such, now advantage/disadvantage
PD (Physical defense)(St/5 base you can buy it up)
ED (Energy defense)(Con/5 base ditto)
Speed – how many actions you have in a turn (1+Dex/10 round down)
Rec – how fast you recover (St/5 + Con/5)
Endurance – con X 2
Stun – Body + Str/2 + Body/2

It's a 3d6 system so no percentages

You can see where the computer version crosses, you have PD, and ED, Dex gave you dodge

There is a OCV – Offensive Combat Value = Dex/3
and a DCV – Defensive Combat Value = Dex/3

If attacking you add your OCV, subtract his DCV to get a modifier on the hit chance. Plus other modifiers

Only Warlock08 Dec 2011 8:37 a.m. PST

I have to say that you may have the most awesome hero ever created there.

Well done, sir. Well done.

28mmMan08 Dec 2011 9:21 a.m. PST

Dung Beetle!

You sir are whacked! In a good way :)

The bulk of the work is done for a conversion to the RPG…a few bits as mentioned above, but with someone who knows the system it would only take another 10-15mins and you would be ready to rumble!

I fully support Champions the RPG by the way…with the combat system as it is the higher level combat can take awhile as most supers can take a bunch of damage…but good stuff.

Honestly I would prefer to use edition 4 but any would be good


28mmMan08 Dec 2011 9:23 a.m. PST

Great look to your guy by the way…I am most intrigued that you could get that much character into a guy from a quick generation system.

Battle Phlox08 Dec 2011 10:14 a.m. PST

Presence is ability to influence others using leadership or intimidation.

There used to be attacks based on Ego, mostly some sort of mental powers.

Dropzonetoe Fezian08 Dec 2011 2:51 p.m. PST


Thanks for that rundown very interesting!

There is so many choices its not even funny. If it wasn't for me being so cheap I'd have probably 4x the options and there is piles with just the "basic" stuff.

The game of course is MMO standard so lots of items to upgrade your toon and constant world silliness. But the first time through it is pretty fun for what it is.

SBminisguy08 Dec 2011 2:54 p.m. PST

…once had a character ejected from a game whose primary power was a 40d6 Presence attack. It was funny, trust me.

28mmMan09 Dec 2011 6:43 p.m. PST

I had a glorious character, Circuit Breaker.

30D6 Endurance drain

I made him when our local group got it in their heads to work Killing Attacks into nearly all their offensive powers…and so many bystanders were getting hurt and then a couple died while we were fighting a big bad…I so made CB.

A made him a one trick pony, but it was a good trick…the drain is an energy transfer that feeds my character's endurance and power…so once he drains endurance he is charged up to drain again…a near perfect cycle.

He had good Dex, actions, high defensive skills, an entangle and clinging power that was tied in with the endurance drain…all so he can get in the thick of it, avoid the big hits, touch/stick, drain, drain, drain, etc.

A brick's worst nightmare…he will miss, I will get in, he will fall, and he will stay down as long as I like…

The character came into the game as a mole for the government…if suspect heroes went over the edge I was to bring them down…and I did.

A wolverine type…well wolverine + punisher w/loads of guns + deathlok…crazed killer zombie "superhero"…I think his name was Capt Death or Deathface…something like that.

This Capt Deathface guy faced a badguy holding a young air force officer at knife point at the door of high flying plane…Deathface was given the demand to backdown or the woman would die…he was confident in his shooting skill…took the shot…Deathface figured the bagguy would put her in the way, so he shot center mass…she died, nearly cut in half because is most minor attack was gross and the badguy was knocked back out of the plane…which is where he wanted to go since he could fly…long story short, the lead officer ordered me to bring Deathface down, I did and delivered him to prison.

Before the game was over 4 of 5 of the heroes went villain and the game became a hunt the badguy down…each guy brought down made a special hero to bring in badguys.

Ah yes, fun times…30D6 of endurance drain does seriously interesting things, especially to the overly cheesed characters that hide points…

We made the Hulk with a 1500pt power pool and my guy who was a 275-300pt type, just to see if I could keep him down.

IF I could get in…AND…if I could get the first touch before Hulk got really mad…AND…if I could avoid being killed or touched (if a 1500pt hulk punches you, well, you tend to die)…but it worked most of the time.

One time I used a can of beans to get in.

Another he hit me and I died twice, doubled my total Body value.

But mostly I got in and touched him, he missed, and I got a second hit in. I needed to hit twice and roll very well, usually I needed to hit three times…but once down he changes back and I could keep him down easy.

Good times.

He had a 30-40D6 presence guy…he made millions with commercials between battles…selling toothpaste, action figures, shoes, etc.

His was a combined looks, voice, and pheromones…Pothos the son of Aphrodite.

His power displayed as a bright/near blinding light.

blackscribe14 Dec 2011 10:24 a.m. PST

dropzonetoe, one thing I discovered late on is that a lot of the parts have an option for making one of the colors glow. That can really add some zing to a set of power armor. In-game, I'm Black Flamingo and I run the New Silver Age. I also have about a dozen alts.

Dropzonetoe Fezian15 Dec 2011 12:38 p.m. PST

I'll have to look into that!
I am playing Arctic Worm as well as Dung Beetle. Both are still in the Teens for levels right now.


Midas Gordias07 Feb 2012 10:28 p.m. PST

I know absolutely nothing about the MMO, but you might drop into the Champions forum (herogames/forum) and see what the regulars have to say.

The newest rules (6e) don't have derived stats (Physical Defense PD used to be 1/5 strength, now it is its own separate stat). So post 5e rules are very different from earlier incarnations. People still use 5e (and others have a pref for 4e ;)) I prefer 1e myself), so if you decide to work the character up in Champions, that is the first decision you have to make.

I'm browsing my way through 6e rules now, and I can say they are interesting. The biggest reason the books are so huge is that Steve Long has seen decades of "how does this rule affect that one" kind of questions, and he answers most of them in the books.

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