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1,641 hits since 7 Dec 2011
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

richarDISNEY07 Dec 2011 12:17 p.m. PST

What a HORRIBLE idea.

nazrat07 Dec 2011 12:24 p.m. PST

Star Wars and holiday specials have never been a good mix.

The Gray Ghost07 Dec 2011 12:25 p.m. PST

as soon as I saw the headline I closed out the page I'm not even going to read it.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian07 Dec 2011 12:29 p.m. PST

There's a Glee show?

Jovian107 Dec 2011 12:54 p.m. PST

What's this "glee" thing anyways? I don't watch TV anymore.

Stealth100007 Dec 2011 12:54 p.m. PST


Skrapwelder07 Dec 2011 1:27 p.m. PST

I always knew Chewie was a "Bear"

Battle Miniatures Emporium07 Dec 2011 1:38 p.m. PST

I don't watch TV anymore.

WarWizard07 Dec 2011 1:55 p.m. PST

I believe they already announced that Darth Vader wil appear on the next season of "Dancing With The Stars".

John the OFM07 Dec 2011 3:51 p.m. PST

He's going to talk about all the times Han bullied him on account of his … fur.
Then they will have a group hug and burst into song after shooting the gymn teacher with a blaster.

A tribute to the Star Wars Christmas special and … wait for it … the Judy Garland Christmas special. Yup. That's Glee all right. grin

infojunky07 Dec 2011 4:10 p.m. PST

Skrapwelder That is just WRONG, wrong I tell you….

But it would explain a bunch of things….

Wolfprophet07 Dec 2011 4:48 p.m. PST

… I knew I sensed a disturbance in the force.

dglennjr07 Dec 2011 6:46 p.m. PST

What about the dancing Chewbacca on the Muppet Show?

YouTube link

Rassilon07 Dec 2011 6:47 p.m. PST

Oh come on!!!!

Landorl07 Dec 2011 10:07 p.m. PST

I remember seeing the Star Wars Christmas special when I was a kid. I didn't get it even back then!

David Manley08 Dec 2011 12:10 a.m. PST

"I believe they already announced that Darth Vader wil appear on the next season of "Dancing With The Stars"."

"Dancing on the Death Stars", surely? :)

reminds me of this

YouTube link

vojvoda08 Dec 2011 7:47 a.m. PST

I will watch just so I have a good reason to throw up.
James Mattes

Jimmy da Purple08 Dec 2011 11:55 a.m. PST

Come on who doesn't want to hear Chewie do Lady Gaga

vojvoda08 Dec 2011 4:29 p.m. PST

Chewbacca is my hero, always has been. He should have gotten an award and didn't. Next to Darth Vader he is the only character in the whole series worth a second look. He did save Yoda.

James Mattes

flooglestreet08 Dec 2011 8:00 p.m. PST

What about the dancing Chewbacca on the Muppet Show?

YouTube link

They should bring back Mr. McGonical the argyle gargoyle, instead.

The G Dog Fezian08 Dec 2011 8:27 p.m. PST

Powerful is the dark side. Corrupt you it will.

vojvoda08 Dec 2011 10:45 p.m. PST

The dark side gets a bad rap. Law and order are often over looked. Balance in the universe is a common thread but rebels get the credit without the responsibility of governing.

James Mattes

Captain Gideon09 Dec 2011 10:04 a.m. PST

James why do you think the Dark Side gets a bad rap?

Maybe it's because it's EVIL and it's acting like the Nazis.

Just my two cents.

Captain Gideon

vojvoda09 Dec 2011 5:20 p.m. PST


Nazis were a political party the army was the Wehrmacht. The Imperial Army was fighting a rebellion in Star Wars. I have never been a big fan of insurgencies. The story is told from one point of view. The books go into much greater detail. Years of civil strife follow the fall of the Empire. Luke even questions the motives of the New Republic.

James Mattes

Captain Gideon10 Dec 2011 10:09 a.m. PST

James depending on who you were everything German were Nazis.

I mean look at most of the WWII movies how were the Germans refered to,and most times they're called Nazis and not Germans.

Also not the ENTIRE Army were Wehrmacht you did have SS units as well.

Captain Gideon

flooglestreet10 Dec 2011 11:17 a.m. PST

Nazis would be better then Chewbacca for the holiday special. They could sing "Springtime for Hitler" and I especially like Miss Luftwaffe, the woman with the propeller bra.

Captain Gideon11 Dec 2011 9:45 a.m. PST

James in addition if you remember in the movie Patton the actor George C.Scott playing the General said "The Nazi's are the enemy"

So it's obvious that the German Army was called Nazi's during the war by everyone fighting them.

So when I say that the Empire reminds me of the Nazi's then for me that would be true.

Captain Gideon

vojvoda11 Dec 2011 1:30 p.m. PST

Demonizing the enemy is the way soldiers everywhere depict the enemy. In Somalia we called the locals Ribs or Skinnies.

Did Lucus pattern the Storm troopers and Imperial Navy after the Third Reich. You bet.

But not everyone in the German Military was a Nazis. But it is easy to demonize them and call them such.

James Mattes

Captain Gideon11 Dec 2011 1:51 p.m. PST

James I know that not everyone in the German military were Nazis,BUT that's what they're refered to and that's how it was be it correct or not.

Look the Empire was the BAD guy and the Emperor was evil.

Captain Gideon

vojvoda11 Dec 2011 7:31 p.m. PST

Could not agree more on the Emperor. Pure evil. The Empire on the other had had stabilized the balance of the force in the universe. Under the new Republic things go wild. Planets are at war everywhere. And yes I do know it is all fiction FWIW.
James Mattes

Captain Gideon11 Dec 2011 9:03 p.m. PST

Well James at least we agree on something that's better than nothing.

Captain Gideon

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