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"Jingal guns, jingal guns, jingal all the way" Topic

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Personal logo John the OFM Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2011 7:23 a.m. PST

I have the Peking supplement for TSATF, and it gives the 2-man jingal gun a range of 36". Was it really that good?
For non-TSATF players, rifles have a range of 24".

What would the range be in GASLIGHT?

In either game, would one hit take out the team?


LostPict07 Dec 2011 8:56 a.m. PST

I ran Jingals in GASLIGHT with range 36", -5 SRM, 1 hit, no reload. Assumed anyone could replace the bipod-man.

Lost Pict

Doc Ord07 Dec 2011 9:31 a.m. PST

I don't think they should out range a modern rifle and have never liked the fact that jezails slightly out range the Martini for NWF in TSATF. I need to do some more research since I am painting jingals for China,1860.

andysyk07 Dec 2011 11:49 a.m. PST

You are quite correct, Jezails were generally a long barrlelled smoothbore, they would in no way outrange a British Service Martini. They had a longer range than a normal musket that was all. I researched the ballistics when I first aquired TSATF and even with the amendment to 30" range it is far to much.
Jingals varied in bore and powder charge so I would have to do research but there is no why they would out perform cica 1900 bolt action rifles.

Murvihill07 Dec 2011 4:13 p.m. PST

Longer barrel, heavier bullet produce better trajectory at long range than a regular rifle. Same difference as an anti-tank rifle versus a bolt action rifle in WW2. Note that they were commonly used from the wall of a fortification as well.

Oh Bugger07 Dec 2011 5:01 p.m. PST

"In either game, would one hit take out the team?"

No idea about those rules but at close range they would slaughter. Long range pretty worthless.

Doc Ord08 Dec 2011 12:05 a.m. PST

Since the figures are glued together ,I would let one hit kill the team to keep it simple. You could roll to see if the firer or the holder gets hit. The holder could be replaced by anyone but the firer would have to be replaced by a musketeer or by another jingal man.

surdu200508 Dec 2011 2:58 a.m. PST

In GASLIGHT, one hit would NOT take out both figures in the team. In fact, in GASLIGHT it's possible for two hits to hit the same figure instead of one hit on each figure. Extras are not allowed to aim at individual figures; they just aim at a target unit. Hits are randomized.


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