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Dropzonetoe Fezian21 Nov 2011 1:12 p.m. PST

I bought these ages ago and only just got them 90% painted up. Need to figure out the bases and touch up some bits and bobs that are annoying me.



I was wondering people attitudes towards painting flesh on 15mm zombies, and how much blood do you like to be seen on them?

Also when painting your zombies do you like gritty and dirty(washes and block painting)get them on the table or nicely painted details on clothing etc?

Lastly how many zombies do you need for the average skirmish game table? Like ATZ or similar rules.

I'm not looking to do Yonkers or anything like that.


Angel Barracks21 Nov 2011 1:18 p.m. PST

Not much blood – if they are dead and moving I guess the blood has long since dripped out and or come off.

Proper painting – if a job is worth doing…

Moe the Great21 Nov 2011 1:22 p.m. PST

For me the amount of blood depends on the game. If it's a "early on in the infestation" game then not much and not too dirty.

But if it is a "80%" of the world is infected type of game then bloody and dirty.. (although the blood would most look like dirt and be crusty.)

As for the amount of zombie.. Same thing. I play from 20 to 500 depending on the scenario, rules, etc..

So what I am basically saying it depends. :)

BTW good job painting.

Little Big Wars21 Nov 2011 1:25 p.m. PST

Zombies are hordes, not individuals, so I wouldn't spend too much time painting individual zombies (which is tough, considering that there are so many poses available from Rebel).

As for numbers, I managed to put all 24 of my primered zombies on the table in a small game where the cops kept shooting, and I might've been able to ramp it up to the full 44 that I have if I had more cop cars running around at one time. In 15mm, 100 zombies is likely the goal, and with that many you can afford to group base some of them like you have in the picture.

vojvoda21 Nov 2011 5:03 p.m. PST

The two Zombie figures I have are more ghoulish than Zombies. I think all the blood is overkill. I do love the figures and most can be painted accordingly, blood or no blood.

James Mattes

Rottenlead21 Nov 2011 5:11 p.m. PST

Nice collection. I like the shambling mass of them in that alley.

Barks121 Nov 2011 7:07 p.m. PST

Needs a caption- either 'Behind you!' or 'Do you hear something?'

I like the gritty buildings

So long as there isn't 'too much' blood, they look good already

Psyckosama21 Nov 2011 7:41 p.m. PST

I give them a green/grey cast to make them look long dead.

dizbuster22 Nov 2011 5:28 a.m. PST

I'd put gooey blood on open wounds just so they look really sick and wounded and well undead.
Great horde by the way

Turbo Pig Fezian23 Nov 2011 11:03 a.m. PST

Anytime anyone asks about a zombie horde, I direct them to this post at "Welcome To Lazarus":


NOLA Chris23 Nov 2011 11:37 a.m. PST

not much blood or gore,
dried blood looks a dark rusty brown on most clother,
blue or green tint to the flesh
(I base wash grey-blue then dry brush pale sand)
I vary the amount of work on the minis:
one of my 15mm trailer park zombies is wearing leopard underwear and has a tramp stamp… most are just basic


geekygamer27 Nov 2011 8:28 a.m. PST

I've got 11 zombies done now. I posted the first couple on TMP a while back: TMP link

As you can see from the pic. I like having a bit of blood. I think it gives the figs more character and can be a good way to make multiple copies of the same fig look a little more unique.


Dropzonetoe Fezian02 Dec 2011 5:43 a.m. PST

I quite like the look of your zombies, but eyeballs on 15mm? I can't make them look right on 28's :)

I found a small handful of zombies that had gotten mixed with others and I am taking a bit more time on them now that the bulk of the horde is done.

I'll be spending my most time of course on the survivors.
I plan on posting pics when I am done.

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