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Captain dEwell20 Nov 2011 5:25 a.m. PST

Have you ever lied to your partner in order to attend a Wargames show? Have you ever been caught out? Does life get better anytime afterwards?

I'll say no more :-(

Cyclops20 Nov 2011 5:54 a.m. PST

Nope. Wifey B worships me as a god/indulges my foibles (take your pick) so I've never had to. We got over the wargaming hurdle when she found out all of the boxes in my spare room were full of trees, hills, little men etc. She had assumed the worst and thought they were full of porn. It's all been fine since then.
How bad was the lie? Saying you're off to the shops is one thing but inventing a dead relative just so you can go to their non-existent funeral is something else.

Connard Sage20 Nov 2011 6:02 a.m. PST

I don't need to lie to my wife. And if I want to go to a wargames show I tell her where I'm going.

<roll eyes> "oh, OK then…can you stop off at [wherever] on the way back, and get some…catfood/dinner/petrol/small nuclear device?"

vtsaogames20 Nov 2011 6:43 a.m. PST

Like the fellows above I don't have to, but I suspect being caught in such a lie is bad news because it implies you might lie again in more serious circumstances, like stepping out with another woman. Working late again?

Warwick1320 Nov 2011 7:09 a.m. PST

Not lied about going to a show, but glossed over some events and costs from said show. "I forgot my wallet in Steve's car and only had the debit card on me and I had already made them ring up all the miniature so that's why the extra charge to Bob's House of Superminis." I'm sure she knows the truth anyway and is allowing me to feel clever.

Grizzlymc20 Nov 2011 7:37 a.m. PST

small nuclear device

Well, if you hate housework that much, it is a sanitary solution, albeit an expensive one.

I have made a point of having no need to lie to anyone about my personal habits – means I don't have to worry about donati9ng my worldly goods to a woman I cant stand.

Daffy Doug20 Nov 2011 7:46 a.m. PST

Lying is for dysfunctional relationships. I'd say you have a lot more trouble on your hands than merely having different interests….

Grand Duke Natokina20 Nov 2011 9:11 a.m. PST

I don't have to--mainly because I'm not married.

CraigH20 Nov 2011 9:16 a.m. PST

Not exactly a lie but one time we were headed to an outlet mall. I secretly reprogrammed the GPS to take us to a hobby shop along the way (more or less). She was a bit confused as we were only a few minutes away according to the GPS but nothing looked familiar. Only on pulling into the parking lot – hobby shop ??? cheat ! cheat !

Fortunately she has a sense of humour.

moonhippie320 Nov 2011 10:00 a.m. PST

Marrige is a give and take relationship. You give, she takes.
But don't lie about somthing like a hobby. You can get what you want, in excange for somthing your wife wants. "well honey, I bought 10 bags of acw, but I also got us a couple of tickets to…) that extremely annoying, fingers on a chalkboard, totally irritateing "show" that you can't stand, but she loves.

And, you must show at least moderate enthusiasm for being there.
The Twilight movies come to mind.
However, I would draw the line at "dressing the part". No Harry Potter cloaks, or Klingon batliffs, or other odd clothing or accutriments.

Grizzlymc20 Nov 2011 11:10 a.m. PST


Find a 20 something bimbo who was in the libido queue when the brains were being handed out;
Dump current model
Take up new one.

Repeat as nec

Dynaman878920 Nov 2011 2:51 p.m. PST

First rule when dating, if your GF does not approve of your hobby, dump her right then.

I have to negotiate funds and time with the wife, and she with me, but that is just due to both being finite resources…

Dynaman878920 Nov 2011 2:52 p.m. PST

> Find a 20 something bimbo who was in the libido queue when the brains were being handed out;

Dated a bimbo one time, would never ever do it again.

Grizzlymc20 Nov 2011 5:05 p.m. PST

Divorced the other type once – would never do it again.

vojvoda20 Nov 2011 7:07 p.m. PST

Nope she knew. I was going come hell or high water. I spent the months prior given her ever day of the week with the on occasion some Sunday with the boys in Maryland. No poker nights, no nights out with the old gang. Wrost mistake I ever made.

James Mattes

vojvoda20 Nov 2011 7:14 p.m. PST

She did go twice to Lancaster. She loved the outlet malls. Had a great time. She told me later where are all the woman. Thinking it was just another convention where woman were all over the place. Never hooked up at a wargame convention nor did I want to. I did spend a few hours with a vendors wife at the bar one night. We had fun but it was more about life than other things.

James Mattes

stenicplus21 Nov 2011 3:52 a.m. PST

Can't think why I'd want to or need to. If the diary is free and I've sorted getting the kids to and from any required school and local club sports matches then I'm sorted.

richarDISNEY21 Nov 2011 7:23 a.m. PST

I have never lied about it.
Maybe forgot to mention where I was going that day… wink

Captain dEwell24 Nov 2011 6:11 p.m. PST

Well yes . . . sometimes it is easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

A toast to wargaming and wargamers, may we never have to explain the intriacies of the die to non-believers :-)

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