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3,599 hits since 17 Nov 2011
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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CmdrKiley18 Nov 2011 12:26 a.m. PST

Well I've had more progress on my Starfleet Miniatures for my Prime Directive inspired skirmish game I'm working on.

If you haven't seen the last two updates check the link here.

TMP link

These are the finished Starfleet Marines in Light Environment Suits. These are from Victory Force Miniatures Spacefarers line.


Trying to keep a connection to the classic Star Trek I used colors from the old classic Starfleet space suits (as seen in The Tholian Web). Also sort of combining that with the TNG ear suits seen in First Contact. I even used some metallic red and blue for the details on the hard spots on the suit. The soft part of the suit was done in Reaper Misty Grey with Vallejo Metallic Medium over it as I didn't want the suit to look too silvery.



However keeping with the department colors I painted the upper parts of the suit to match the department.

The visors were done with Reaper Gunmetal Blue Metallic over black with several coats of black glaze over that. They look pretty dark except under bright light.

These are the finished MegaMinis Starship Crew. Since they come with integral bases I had to cover them up with turf. Not really impressed with the turf I used, looks sort of cheap (like it came off of an old Star Trek set I guess).


These are the MegaMinis Starship Crew that come seated. They make a great Bridge Crew.


And of course I had to finish this off with my distraught Starfleet Admiral from Victory Force Miniatures. Clearly things did not go as well as planned. I guess he hasn't figured out how to beat the no-win scenario yet.



What's next? I got an Orion Slave Girl on my workbench right now.

Personal logo MrHarold Sponsoring Member of TMP18 Nov 2011 2:36 a.m. PST


CPT Jake18 Nov 2011 3:35 a.m. PST

I got an Orion Slave Girl on my workbench right now.

And you found time to post on TMP? That is sad.

Redroom18 Nov 2011 6:33 a.m. PST

I wasn't too impressed with the Megaminis starship crew until I saw your paintjobs. Very nice work

CmdrKiley18 Nov 2011 8:36 a.m. PST

Thanks for the compliments everyone.

Yeah, I've never been impressed with too many of the new MegaMinis sculpts. However I really liked the Starship Crew set. The only gripe is they're closer to 25mm scale and look a bit short compared to the VFM figures. Fortunately the integral base adds a millimeter or two to their height.


Yeah that Orion Slave girl has been a bit of a distraction. I found the perfect figure for her too, Heroclix Tigra. The outfit perfectly matches what I recall from the old Classic series. I did a little surgical removal of her cat tail. Next to paint her green. Now I'm contemplating adding some weapons to her. In Prime Directive, there is a character class for Orion Slave Girl. She's more of Geisha or a Companion (from Firefly) than an actual slave.

I found these Togorian Soldiers from Star Wars Miniatures to be great for Kzinti. They're the right size, although the base is a bit big. In fact they fit in just right with the Dark Sword Kzinti Marines in Armored Space Suits I already have, although I have to remove the tails off the DS minis. Also these are quite plentiful and cheap! Hopefully I can cut-up and repose the arms to put some large rifles in them. The pistol simply looks too small. The clothing seems a bit casual for a uniform, however I'll see what I can do to clean that up.


I found a few other minis in the SWM line that can easily pass for Lyrans.

Also I think this Yuzzem may be perfect for a Slirdarian, as they are described as a cross between a bear and a gorilla. I'll probably need to repose the arms and the blaster just looks too tiny in his hands. Hopefully I can fit him with a heavy disrupter pistol or rifle. Also give him sort of a vest that matches my Klingons.



Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian18 Nov 2011 8:55 a.m. PST


Stealth100018 Nov 2011 10:58 a.m. PST

Nice project.

Mako1118 Nov 2011 11:19 a.m. PST

Those look great!

Now, if we can only get someone to make some Klingon, or Romulan women like the one above……

Norrins18 Nov 2011 12:26 p.m. PST

Really, really impressive!!!

Deeman19 Nov 2011 9:10 a.m. PST


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