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Louie N17 Nov 2011 3:15 p.m. PST

I am looking for Soviet era Modern figures crew serving a PKM machine in sustained fire mode.

Kinda like this just Soviet and a PKM. =)


Are there any such figures?


Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP17 Nov 2011 6:27 p.m. PST

EUREKA has a PKM pose coming out in their ultra modern Russian range. Not sure of what the exact pose will be. You might be able to contact Nic at Eureka and get a hint.

GeoffQRF18 Nov 2011 5:03 a.m. PST

High or low?



I suppose you want it in 'light' mode too:


This cowboy doesn't seem to think it is too heavy to carry:


Presumably you mean like the seated pair here: link


Wartopia18 Nov 2011 6:30 a.m. PST

Sort of OT but certainly related, how often are GPMGs used in sustained fire mode?

I could see them mounted on tripods for base defense but does anyone actually haul the tripod around in the field?

GeoffQRF18 Nov 2011 6:34 a.m. PST

I did have a photo somewhere of a hulking great soviet soldier carrying the PK, still mounted on the tripod, on his back, on his own!

I was going to put it up but I can't find it at the moment.

thatguy9618 Nov 2011 6:58 a.m. PST

That first picture isn't of a PK. Looks like a short-barreled modification of a Hungarian KGK (derived from the Soviet SGM).

GeoffQRF18 Nov 2011 7:17 a.m. PST

You're right, it's the SGM. I was referring to the low setting on the tripod though which would require a prone rather than seated figure, like the OP's sample.

Goose66618 Nov 2011 9:56 a.m. PST

British army use the static mounting for the GPMG a lot, but only with FSG's and base defence, as the bulk of the stand is too much for patrolling or basic infantry manouvering.

But in sangars and hard points, they are often used, as it gives the weapon an increased effective range and longer range accuracy.

Louie N18 Nov 2011 12:54 p.m. PST

Hey Geoff,

Of course we want all of the postures. Tripod high, tripod low, prone light mode, advancing in light mode. I'm a gamer would you expect anything else. =)

I was really looking for a crew position like the black and white seated illustration. Something to show the PKM seperate from the Squad LMG role. Perhaps as a defensive position.

Are you saying something like that is out there. I got QRF order coming up in December.


GeoffQRF18 Nov 2011 1:56 p.m. PST

There is nothing like that out there at the moment in 15mm.

But I do have a PKM, so I probably could produce one. I hadn't planned on doing the new Soviets just yet, but could probably add one :-)

von pumpernickel20 Nov 2011 10:37 a.m. PST

The PKM is one of the lightest full calibre GPMG around, hence why you see the russians carrying them with apparent ease. In my opinion its way lighter than an M60 or FN MAG, and very reliable, probably whythe russians never felt the need to develop something similar to the minimi.

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