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1,395 hits since 16 Nov 2011
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Crimelord16 Nov 2011 10:35 a.m. PST

Check out ACPGames for the newest releases including armored infantry and game starters.

the trojan bunny16 Nov 2011 10:56 a.m. PST

Interesting, I thought I was pretty up on current 15mm sci-fi ranges, but I've never heard of this. How long has this game and range been around? Any info on the game mechanics?

BrianW16 Nov 2011 11:05 a.m. PST

I saw them at Millenniumcon in Austin this weekend. I'm not a 15mm sci-fi player, but some of the tanks I saw looked really good. They ran demos of their game system, but I didn't see any of those.

john lacour16 Nov 2011 11:11 a.m. PST

they were mentioned on the gruntz site. the figures do look nice.

Crimelord16 Nov 2011 11:24 a.m. PST

The range has been around since late July,the rules are finally available. We feel the ruleset is strong enough for this release.

Scott Kursk16 Nov 2011 2:00 p.m. PST

Having read an early draft of the ruleset, it's insanely easy to play but a good bit of work to master. The game really encourages thought about strategy. Plus, I really like the models. Pretty well sculpted and cast at a pretty good cost.

Stealth100016 Nov 2011 4:16 p.m. PST

From what I have seen other places the figures look very good but the pics on the site look really bad (or is it just me). I would love to see better pics.

TheCount16 Nov 2011 6:30 p.m. PST

I have to agree Tony, the banner pic does the range no justice! However, initial impressions aside, the minis do look good.

Regards, TC.

Wolfprophet16 Nov 2011 6:54 p.m. PST

Those Makat are pretty awesome.

Like the idea of starter sets too.

That Mechanized infantry pack looks a pretty good deal. three APCs + a platoon of men to fill them for $45. That's actually cheaper than trying to make a mechanized platoon from anyone else if I'm not mistaken.

the trojan bunny16 Nov 2011 7:41 p.m. PST

I agree about the pictures. Some good quality close-ups would be nice.

clkeagle16 Nov 2011 8:02 p.m. PST

That Mechanized infantry pack looks a pretty good deal. three APCs + a platoon of men to fill them for $45. That's actually cheaper than trying to make a mechanized platoon from anyone else if I'm not mistaken.

Oh, what the heck… this might help to quiet some of the pricing complaints ArtCrime has received. The only thing I might observe is that 18 is a bit of a low troop count for infantry, but here's a basic comparison:

ArtCrime – 18 Infantry and 3 APCs – $45
Rebel Minis – 20-22 (depending on which range) Infantry and 3 APCs – $41
Khurasan – 24 Fed Infantry and 3 Nova APCs – $50
Critical Mass – 24 ARC Infantry and 3 Grav APC – about $50 USD depending on the daily conversion rate
GZG – 24 infantry and 3 Tracked Heavy APC – about $51

And just for fun – some random mix/match from the smaller lines:

24 Kremlin Cyberian Infantry and 3 Old Crow APCs – about $42
20 Blue Moon Orion Infantry and 3 Brigade Eurofed APCs – $36
20 RAFM Infantry and 3 Combat Wombat Grizzly APC – $31
And finally, my personal favorite (and Christmas goal):
20 Mad Robot Jump Troopers and 2 Combat Wombat Bullfrog Landers: $42

I've been wanting to do a basic start-up comparison like this. :)

-Chris K.

Komorigumo16 Nov 2011 8:11 p.m. PST

How about a couple of my personal favorites…

30 Zombiesmith Quar and 3 Khurasan Karkwagons: $39
30 Zombiesmith Quar and 3 Battlefront SdKfz 251/1C: $46
30 Zombiesmith Quar and 3 Black Hat Prussian Light Steam Tanks: $43

Crimelord16 Nov 2011 9:50 p.m. PST

Ok, new photos….I'm on it. Well as soon as I catch up on everything else. ;) we are only a two man team. Lol. Oh and the only reason we went with 18 models,is well we used the bases available to us. Could only fit 4 per base and not look to overcrowded ….may have to work on that. Thanks everyone's honest input is welcome. You can also leave input in our forums. We want to always improve.

Wolfprophet16 Nov 2011 10:28 p.m. PST

"Oh, what the heck… this might help to quiet some of the pricing complaints ArtCrime has received. The only thing I might observe is that 18 is a bit of a low troop count for infantry"

Agreed, but 18 is (mostly) enough for me when they're in essentially what is carapace armour with what I'd imagine some degree of electronics. All they need now is some support weapons. Mechanized infantry formations in the modern day are known for carrying disturbing numbers of rockets, so why not throw in a an AT team or two to ride with that little HQ group? :)

Gets the formation closer to the average 20-22 men area and offers the troops some form of anti-hard target weaponry for when they're dismounted.

Adding exactly two 2-man AT teams (ala the ATR packs ACP makes) would make that 22 men and allow each squad to have an attachment.

Also. Still….still loving those Makat. Especially the Jaguars. I'd love to see a comparison pic of those next to some other human ranges. 21mm tall would mean they pretty well tower over most wouldn't it? Such as something being around 7 foot tall versus an average height 5'7" or 5'8" man?

The warriors would make pretty decent proxies for Star Wars gamers doing the Clone Wars in need of Grievous' bodyguards.

SpaceJacker17 Nov 2011 2:18 a.m. PST

I just got my Mercs and an 18 pack of infantry from ACP, they are really nice casts (little to no cleanup required) and look great in hand. Some people on Dropship Horizon were asking about print lines on the Mercs, but I can't see any on them or the normal infantry either. Very happy with product and service.

rolgan17 Nov 2011 3:42 a.m. PST

I have just started getting my Nationalist troopers ready to paint and did a number of conversions to make Heavy weapons, ie plasma cannon, heavy laser, sniper rifle, heavy flamer. I converted a drone controller and medic as well.

The infantry pack and ATR pack give 28 guys which is a platoon for me. I snipped the ends off the ATRs to make very believable SAWs. The other two I converted to a heavy sniper rifle and heavy flamer. I divided them into three Sections each with two fireteams and a four man platoon HQ.

I will second the request for heavy weapons, 2 missile launchers would be nice, along with a Forward Observer and 2 Tripod mounted weapons teams would be grand. I think the Tripod teams would be great as the weapons could be modular which would allow for variation.

Finally, I'll also add that ACP make some of the best models on the market today and they are great fellows to deal with in my experience.

MiniatureReview17 Nov 2011 5:19 a.m. PST

I got a chance to play the demo last weekend of Valkyrie and absolutely love it. It could have been because I won. :-) No really the rules were a blast to play. Really liked how command points were used.

I have tons of pictures on the MiniatureReview


Here are just a few






(Jake Collins of NZ 2)17 Nov 2011 10:23 a.m. PST

Can anyone explain the shipping rates chart please?

Crimelord17 Nov 2011 11:51 a.m. PST

Shipping rates cart on what location?

artbraune02 Dec 2011 7:29 p.m. PST

@clkeagle – any chance of you running your 15mm SciFi startup comparison as a full-blown article over @ Dropship Horizon?

clkeagle02 Dec 2011 7:40 p.m. PST

Artbraune – that isn't a bad idea at all. I'll try to put something together for next week.

-Chris K.

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