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1,154 hits since 10 Nov 2011
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indierockclimber10 Nov 2011 7:20 a.m. PST

George Lucas one day got around to doing the Prequels?

I mean Episodes IV V and VI are great, but it would be cool to see what happens before them!

Personal logo John the OFM Supporting Member of TMP10 Nov 2011 7:35 a.m. PST

It would rock to see Darth Vader as a young boy.

GeoffQRF10 Nov 2011 7:35 a.m. PST

I thought we were waiting for VII, VIII and IX?

indierockclimber10 Nov 2011 7:41 a.m. PST

@John yeah and maybe they could have some really cool sets that have character and depth, and ignore the modern trend of all CGI, flat, uninspired sets!

Combine that with good dialog, plots, and directing and they could have a real winner on their hands!

Fifty410 Nov 2011 7:46 a.m. PST

That would be really cool. It would be even better if he could somehow include some of the following:

1. Somehow explain the Force as not such a "mystical" thing – but gives some scientific reasons behind it – even better if it's biological!

2. C3PO and R2D2 are great comic relief – but what they really need is a really funny alien to lighten things up

3. REALLY get into the politics – that's what's REALLY exciting in the Star Wars universe!

4. It would be really neat to see Anakin Skywalker as a young kid – like maybe 6 years old. That would be exciting.

5. And #1 – I just CANNOT wait to see what pushes Anakin to the dark side. It must be SO compelling and powerful! I just CAN'T wait!

Maddaz11110 Nov 2011 7:51 a.m. PST

Darth Vader was never a young boy, He was an accomplished pilot before Obi Wan Kenobi met him at the Meditation house of senior Jedi, where Mace Windu and Yoda were great warriors in training.

There is obviously some back story about Obi Wan and Anakin Skywalker, but this is a galaxy far far away and it cannot just be a simple love triangle.

Of course no one would be foolish enough to encourage GL to include ewoks or ET in the movies, and it would be cool if they established the young pilot Solo leaving the imperial service.. taking the wookie Chewbacca and winning the Falcon..

It might hurt adults appreciation of the movies if they include characters for children etc, I mean funny voices are alright, but the Pacing and style of TESB was better than ROTJ.

I hope he doesnt cop out and do some basic political story based on Germany, bringing a dictator to power and then passing more power from an elected government to the dictator because of external threats..

I suppose the Droids will have to be in them as narrators of the story, it might be cool if we get to see them being thrown together, starting their relationship. it might be funny if the droids actually belonged to Luke by inheritance because that would make me feel happier about the imperial police force killing all those Jawa's for illegal scrap trading.

It might be better if we let Seth "Darth" McFarlane do them, I mean he seems to know what fans want?

indierockclimber10 Nov 2011 7:51 a.m. PST

Yeah also it'd be great if there's some "prophecy" about Darth Vader that is only ever alluded to in the vaguest of terms! That would lend credibility.

Oh, also demistify Yoda by having him to some backflips or something out of character. That'd be great!

Maddaz11110 Nov 2011 8:00 a.m. PST

Also lets confuse little kids by saying that Anakin and Jesus are the same as they had no father, just born from virgin mothers… I mean that is what the little ones will think right?

Finding out that Anakin was just a real moody teenager and changed to the dark side all on a strop would be mee so dissapp-oinnted .

And if Darth was hunting down his children all that time it would be really stupid if they put Luke on a planet that Darth knew about, or had lived there, or had met Beru, and had a blue milk…

just saying..

MajorB10 Nov 2011 8:02 a.m. PST

George Lucas one day got around to doing the Prequels?

I mean Episodes IV V and VI are great, but it would be cool to see what happens before them!

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace released May 19, 1999
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones released May 16, 2002
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith released May 19, 2005

PygmaelionAgain10 Nov 2011 8:06 a.m. PST

Margard… Shhhh…

It appears we're the only ones left from our own universe, and everyone else has been saved from what you are referencing.

Maybe these people have a chance at three films that make any sense at all…

kreoseus210 Nov 2011 8:08 a.m. PST

Sarcasm, it's not for everyone. I must try to get that big Iron Y.

VonTed10 Nov 2011 8:09 a.m. PST

LOL. The force is not strong is this one.

Fifty410 Nov 2011 8:11 a.m. PST

Maddazz – the Jesus/Anakin thing is brilliant. Wish I had thought of that one.

Also – as an aside – I mean, really, possibly the MOST iconic spaceship in all film/tv history (after the Enterprise) – and you DON'T include it in the movies?!?!?

Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP10 Nov 2011 8:12 a.m. PST

Maybe the first 3 were only released direct to DVD and I missed them.

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP10 Nov 2011 8:14 a.m. PST

@ Margard: Welcome to TMP.

Fifty410 Nov 2011 8:15 a.m. PST

The first five seconds of this video is perhaps the only good thing in the prequel trilogy:

YouTube link

thosmoss10 Nov 2011 8:16 a.m. PST

I want to know what issues Greedo had as he was growing up, which would lead to him hanging out with gangsters and thinking he needs to shoot someone in cold blood.

indierockclimber10 Nov 2011 8:21 a.m. PST

Maybe the first movie can be part CSPAN and part NASCAR. That might be interesting.

Sane Max10 Nov 2011 8:36 a.m. PST

Lol at Margard, Lol Lol and point.

Now, back to reality.

I really hope George can get enough money together to use CGI for the space-ships, rather than the nasty 'real models' used in the sequels. The 'Real enough you can touch them' look of the Milennium Falcon really spoiled IV for me.

But who would he cast? he needs someone who can really bring the whole 'Testy Teenager who destroys society 'cos he is not allowed to cop off with the girl he fancies' vibe that will round off Darth for instance.

And he needs someone who can do a really good English Accent as a Younger Obi-Wan. Someone Scottish perhaps?


Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP10 Nov 2011 8:39 a.m. PST

Hey! it looks like someone did make a prequel, probably fan based here is a review of it on U-Tube.

NOT SAFE for work, has bad words!

You have been warned!!

YouTube link

MajorB10 Nov 2011 8:45 a.m. PST

Lol at Margard, Lol Lol and point.

I think I have completely missed the point somewhere! Will someone please explain (in words of one syllable for this bear of very little brain) why what I said is so funny?

Sane Max10 Nov 2011 8:50 a.m. PST

We is playin' "Let's Pretend George didn't Bleeped text up his universe with prequels" Margard.

There IS no spoon.


Martin Rapier10 Nov 2011 9:27 a.m. PST

Yes, we are re-writing the timeline, like the latest SW film.

Three whole episodes covering the internal conflicts which finally engulf Anakin Skywalker and make him give in to his overwhelming fear and weakness. Fabulous, one for Bergman I think.

Of you could just Bleeped text the whole idea away in 30 seconds of ludicrous dialogue and get back to a load of special effects.

Stealth100010 Nov 2011 10:00 a.m. PST

Only if someone Other than Lucus writes it.

flooglestreet10 Nov 2011 10:18 a.m. PST

Wouldn't it be great to have a Star Wars movie with a fart joke in it?

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP10 Nov 2011 11:12 a.m. PST

They did have a character step in poo, is that close enough to a fart joke?

Agent 1310 Nov 2011 1:55 p.m. PST

I think I have completely missed the point somewhere!
This is even richer than the first statement! I needed a smile! All in good fun, old chap.

I hope Lucas has a scene where this elf alien shield boards down some steps and kills a lot of bad guys on the way down. That would be wicked awesome and totally something never seen before. Dude!

Inari7, the fart is the joke's setup and the poo is the punchline.

Captain Gideon10 Nov 2011 3:21 p.m. PST

Fifty4 you REALLY think that C3PO is great comic relief.

I don't know what you've been smoking but IMHO you're dead wrong.

C3PO or as I call him the Gold Butler is very boring and he's my worst character in the Star Wars saga,it's too bad they did'nt blow him up when they had the chance.

Captain Gideon

Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP10 Nov 2011 5:28 p.m. PST

too bad they did'nt blow him up when they had the chance.

Uh…. They did in Empire Strikes Back. That Chewbacca put him back together.

Can't say they didn't try to blow him up.

Tanuki11 Nov 2011 12:18 p.m. PST

The trouble with this games is that you realise just how bad all the big 80s SF franchises have become…

Star Trek – I think they should really do a fifth movie. I liked the time-travel plot element in The Voyage Home – perhaps they could work something similar in again.

A new series with more modern sensibilities would be great too – those old Kirk episodes are sooooo 60s…

Predator – I wonder who'd win between a predator and an alien? Wouldn't that be the best film you'd EVER seen?

Robocop – I'd like a couple more films, like the first one but without the satire. How about a TV series where they give him a sidekick – maybe a kid?

Terminator – Arnie could come back as a GOOD cyborg! And girl robots too! Cool!

Alien/s – I look forward to seeing what they do with the characters of Ripley, Newt, Hicks and Bishop. Maybe the alien could fight a predator!

Highlander – I'd totally watch a whole series of films where the highlander chops people's heads off ALL THE TIME! No… wait… make that a whole TV series!!! Every week he could meet a new immortal, find out about their exciting adventures through history, then CHOP THEIR HEAD OFF!!!

I don't understand Christopher Lambert's accent though – could we bring in another actor as, like, his immortal highlander cousin or something?

Also, we don't know how immortality works. Perhaps one episode could be set on an alien planet, and they're actually BANISHED to Earth.

Nah, scratch that, it's just dumb.

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