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PatrickWR02 Nov 2011 12:58 p.m. PST

To me, this photo encapsulates the spirit of classic Full Thrust. Guess how many different manufacturers' ships are represented in this pic?


The answer?


Firestorm Armada
Starfleet Battles
Star Wars CMG
Silent Death
Novastar/Hangar 18

More pics and a narrative AAR available here: link

Delthos02 Nov 2011 8:08 p.m. PST

I guessed 5 manufacturers. I couldn't tell the difference bettween the Aero Tech and Novastar/Hanger 18 stuff. Mainly because I'm not realy familiar with either. Nice work there.

Buff Orpington03 Nov 2011 4:54 a.m. PST

Well I can spot the Firestorm Armada, Silent Death and the IWM Battletech stuff

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2011 5:29 a.m. PST

Without a single GZG fig? Why do you think Jon wrote the rules in the first place? ;->=

Just teasing. However, I have a bit weird question: Do you find the hexes on the board help or distract while you're moving the ships? I've always thought they'd help keep movement regularized, but can't say for sure from play.


PatrickWR03 Nov 2011 8:41 a.m. PST

TheBeast: We don't use the hexes for movement, so we ignore them completely. On this mat they're faint enough to so they don't create any confusion for us. I bought this mat with hexes on it so I could one day play War Rocket (which plays superbly with a hex mat) but ironically we've only played Full Thrust since I acquired it. :)

Despite not using hexes for actual FT movement, I can see them being useful to track non-game-critical movement, like planetary orbits and random asteroid movement.

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP06 Nov 2011 9:23 a.m. PST

Actually, I was more interested in keeping the ships true to the directional points. Hasn't happened to me, mind you, but I'm using a Kieran Rohan (Now Monday Knight Prod) mat with even less distracting dotted hexes.

I'm often truing up movement stick.

On the other other hand, hexes can assist eyeballing ranges, reducing time-in-measuring a bit.

I guessed 5 manufacturers.

Just remember to answer 'I'd picked more than six', as I thought I'd seen some Ravenstar and others, as well, but embarassed with not recognizing the AeroTech.


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