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"15/18mm Blue Moon Horror Range Now Available" Topic

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MrsMiniatureships Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Oct 2011 11:21 a.m. PST

Blue Moon Manufacturing is pleased to present "Dracula's" Transylvania Castle, this will be a great addition to your Horror gaming table and can be used for many different gaming genres. This beautiful castle is cast in high density foam and comes partially painted. The roofs lift off to give you interior access and sells for $160.00 (before Old Glory Army discount). This castle is the perfect companion to our already released Transylvania town buildings and our entire line of 15/18mm Horror range of figures.

Transylvanian Castle

15HOR-204-TTG by oldglory25s, on Flickr

Inside Angel showing buildings

15HOR-204 by oldglory25s, on Flickr

Here is the complete list of our 15/18mm Blue Moon Horror figures.

15HOR-101 Werewolves (15 figures) $15.00
15HOR-102 Vampires (17 figures) $12.00
15HOR-103 The Children of the Night (12 Wolves) $15.00
15HOR-104 Slayers (11 figures) $7.00
15HOR-105 Zombies (30 figures) $15.00
15HOR-106 Mummies, Archeologists, Explorers,
Diggers (25 figures) $15.00
15HOR-107 Egyptian Villagers (30 figures) $15.00
15HOR-108 Tuaregs – Dismounted (15 figures) $12.00
15HOR-109 Tuaregs – Mounted (15 mounted figs) $16.50
15HOR-110 Dr. Frankenstein and his laboratory,
Monster, and Igor (5 figs plus lab.) $10.00
15HOR-111 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and his
Laboratory (2 figures plus lab.) $8.00
15HOR-112 Angry Villagers (30) $15.00
15HOR-113 Headless Horseman, Sleepy Hollow
Townsfolk, and Ichabod Crane (24 figs) $15.00
15HOR-114 Jack The Ripper, Victims, Bobbies,
Detectives (18 figs) $12.00
15HOR-115 London Townsfolk (30 figures) $15.00
15HOR-116 Old Hags, Witches (6 figures) $7.00
15HOR-117 Holy Priests and Nuns (10 figures) $7.00
15HOR-118 Pumpkin Headed Creatures Mounted
and Dismounted (10 figs 5 horses) $15.00

15HOR-201 Transylvania –Set of 4 Buildings $85.00
15HOR-202 Transylvania Town Church $45.00
15HOR-203 Transylvania Borgo Pass Inn $75.00
15HOR-204 Transylvania Castle $160.00


15HOR104 Slayers by oldglory25s, on Flickr

We have submitted an ad which lists ALL the buildings that go with our Horror range. We have The Streets of London, The Egyptian Town and Sleepy Hollow. These will all be ready for Fall In and prices for these will be listed next week once we have taken the buildings out of the molds and cast them up.

For a peek at the Horror figures that I have just finished photographing you can see them on our website or view them on



AfricanAl21 Oct 2011 11:30 a.m. PST

What happened to 15HOR119 Assorted Creatures Pack?

Old Glory Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Oct 2011 12:21 p.m. PST

The creatures pack (HOR119) is just lagging behind for the initial release. Have to make some of the napoleonic and ACW boys happy for a while. They will be along in a week or so.
Russ Dunaway

Splintered Light Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Oct 2011 3:46 p.m. PST

Wow! I really like that castle!

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Oct 2011 4:15 p.m. PST

Russ, you guys continue to amaze me! Massive number of releases in the past few years and all are EXCELLENT! I'm finding it hard to keep up on my buying from you.




Historicalgamer22 Oct 2011 3:19 a.m. PST

I'm putting my foot down!!! I am not going to read any more of these posts introducing new figure lines until I see the word "NAPOLEONIC" or a variation thereof in the headline!!!!


Personal logo Miniatureships Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Oct 2011 6:32 a.m. PST

Next week, Historicalgamer, next week.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP22 Oct 2011 9:36 a.m. PST

What sort of Creatures are in the pack?

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