Hey Chick
I think you were doing it wrong.
The ability in question is called Fame. It allows any individual hero to "act out of sequence". However, the hero must declare what it is spending the fame point on at the beginning of the specific phase. You can only do it once per turn. And most heroes only get 1 or at best 2 points of Fame, so it's a one or two trick deal at best.
For example: It's my turn, I announce we are now in the Movement Phase. Before I move anyone, YOU have to declare if you are spending a Fame Point to Yee Haw (which allows you to move before I do – even if it's my turn). You can't wait until I've moved some of my figures and then do it. Up front, or you pass. ANd if you spend your point to move, you can't then spend another one in the shooting phase.
Next I announce it is the Shooting Phase. If you are going to shoot first, you declare a Quickdraw. Which is fine. Your hero, and all within 6" get to shoot.
Then it's my turn to shoot, and you are all walking down the center of the street, bunched up, right? I had the cover of walls, windows, doorways, barrels, any number of things that could take the shot. And you get nothing?
You might get lucky and hit one of my guys, I'm not going to need luck to hit 2-3 of your guys. If you have a clump of 6 in the street, I will surely make sure that all six of my guys appear in their various shooting spots the same turn. I won't let you get a 6 to 1 jump on me.
Also, I can only guess that none of the opposing figures had a shotgun. The "spread" template is great for blasting at clumped up figures.
But all that said, if you didn't like the rules, you moved on and found something else you did like, and that's good.