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Sindri08 Oct 2011 6:16 p.m. PST

Alright, so I seen Wargames Factory Greatcoat Shock Troops, and I already play 40K, and I'm wondering if anyone know of any other good Scifi 28mm miniatures? please link if you know of any good ones? thanks.

and by good, I mean, that fit the grimdark universe(have plans on using some as Imperial Guard/Renegades)

Personal logo BrigadeGames Sponsoring Member of TMP08 Oct 2011 6:27 p.m. PST

Take a look at our Sci-fi Desert Troopers-


Sindri08 Oct 2011 6:31 p.m. PST

Eh, maybe a little cheaper, lol($4.00 per figure, for a Guardsmen/Renegade is rather expensive)

PJ Parent08 Oct 2011 6:44 p.m. PST

So what other criteria other than just cheap?

Katzbalger08 Oct 2011 7:15 p.m. PST

Well, depending upon what you mean by "good" there are always the Warzone figures from Prince August ( link ), the plastic ones are nothing if not cheap, and fit right in with the "gothic" 40K universe.


GreatScot7208 Oct 2011 7:25 p.m. PST

Pig Iron all the way. In the states you can get them from Rattlehead games for about 2.50 a piece. There is a lovely hard sci fi feel to them.

Sindri08 Oct 2011 7:29 p.m. PST

So what other criteria other than just cheap?

Well, 1 figure for $4.00 USD is expensive, by "cheap" I mean like 15(or more) figures for $19.99 USD or something, not including shipping(since that's usually $5.00)

Well, depending upon what you mean by "good" there are always the Warzone figures from Prince August ( link ), the plastic ones are nothing if not cheap, and fit right in with the "gothic" 40K universe.

I looked at them, but I couldn't find a "base" infantry, and by "good" I mean can blend into an Imperial Guard Army without making it look like your using Orks(Orks are colorful in 40K, Guards, not so much)

MaynardCarion08 Oct 2011 8:42 p.m. PST

Pig Iron are excellent miniatures.

With regards to the Warzone miniatures, look for the 80 plastic infantry in a bag. I think you were looking at the metals. The bags can be easily found on ebay.

jpattern208 Oct 2011 8:44 p.m. PST

Yeah, I'd go with plastic Warzone Imperial Trenchers, with some of the metals as command, etc.

Direct link: link

That includes 40 Trenchers (the WWI-WWII Brit looking ones) and 40 Bauhaus Troopers (the German looking ones).

That's 80 minis for 20 euros.

Sindri08 Oct 2011 9:03 p.m. PST

I actually was looking at those(it's on main page) but I need more information on them and such, lol…

ordinarybass08 Oct 2011 9:26 p.m. PST

Check out MegaMinis. They are steadily reissuing the entire line of Shockforce minis, which fit very well into the 40k world, and many that appear designed specifically as copies/proxies especially for imperial guard. I've been chronicling their re-release here:
At about 2.50 a piece, they are as cheap as you are likely to find for metal figures that meet your criteria. Their website:

At aproximately the same price point, EM4's figures may not be quite so grimdark, but their are suitable metal figures in their Future warriors and Spacelords lines and thier plastic troopers are nice also.

Sindri08 Oct 2011 9:38 p.m. PST

I'm sold with the Warzone Trooper,s(as well as wargames Shock Trooper's) on my budget, I needs LOTS of men, that look good, but are cheap(Warzone is good for building a massive army in minutes just about I noticed)80 for $24 USD or something.

clkeagle08 Oct 2011 10:50 p.m. PST

Troll Forged has a few good items as well: link

Chris K.

Puster Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Oct 2011 2:24 a.m. PST

The Bauhaus weapons look a bit on the spindly side, and the plastic is very hard and not as yielding to conversions as GWs, but overall they look fine in 40k armies and can be equipped with GW special and heavy weapons if you Greenstuff a bit. I have done a hundred or so…

Actually I just happen to have 10 bags to spare (we just through them out of the inventory of our gaming club), which means some 800 soldiers. Without looking up eBay-prices I would part from these for 100 EUR+shipping. Depending on where you live this might be interesting…

ordinarybass09 Oct 2011 4:59 a.m. PST

I agree about the hardness of the plastic for the Warzone troopers. It's a great product though, just remember to use superglue, and if you try to do any major cutting for customzing, A razor saw will give you a more controlled and even cut.

Dr Mathias Fezian09 Oct 2011 5:16 a.m. PST

Aren't the Warzone figures made from a slightly different Non-quite-styrene plastic that the typical model cement doesn't work on? How about the brush-on 'plastic weld' type glue? Does that work or do we need superglue?

Edit: ninja'd by ordinarybass. Thanks for posting the PDF of the Shockforce figs, I'm liking the re-releases a lot. I have some if them primed and waiting right now.

Sindri09 Oct 2011 7:59 a.m. PST

Puster: email me insanegraydoctor at yahoo dot com we can talk.

Clkeagle: Chemsoldiers/Trenchers and Greatcoats look awesome, but expensive… may buy Greatcoats down the like for command.

depending on how much shipping is, I might buy them.

PJ Parent09 Oct 2011 9:57 a.m. PST

Thy go on sale every now and then – I bought 2 bags shipped to Canada for $35 USD a while back but if Puster has them taking up space….

Puster Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Oct 2011 11:41 a.m. PST

Shipping from Europe is quite a beast, so if you get them locally (well, as "local" as Northern America can be) then go for it. Contact established – if Sindri does not get them, they will pop up on eBay (Germany) soon anyway.

That aside, the Troll Forge Chemical troops look good, perhaps es elite or characters for the Warzone Imperials.

Defiance Games is preparing some pretty good stuff, too (in plastic), but there is no ETA on these.

Angel Barracks09 Oct 2011 12:11 p.m. PST

These any good?


Sorry I do not know what

and by good, I mean, that fit the grimdark universe

John Treadaway09 Oct 2011 1:40 p.m. PST

Sorry I do not know what

and by good, I mean, that fit the grimdark universe


me neither…

John T

jpattern209 Oct 2011 3:01 p.m. PST

Grimdark = WH40K and similar settings

"In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war."


Wolfprophet09 Oct 2011 3:48 p.m. PST

"Eh, maybe a little cheaper, lol($4.00 per figure, for a Guardsmen/Renegade is rather expensive)"

Uh… $4 USD per METAL figure is actually VERY cheap…. Most are $5-$6. Then there's GW who charges silly amounts for a metal figure and wonder why no one buys them.

That said.

I recommend taking the Shocktroopers lightly… I have a pack of them….They're…alright. But, there are better choices out there. I also suggest not using their own special weapons because they don't fit the hands. Using spare Cadian ones or something, especially flamethrowers, would be best.

Sindri09 Oct 2011 4:43 p.m. PST

Anyone not getting the "Grimdark" or "Gothic" parts,have you played Return to Castle Wolfenstein? remember the Venom Troopers? or also, think "Space Nazi's" or Helghast from Killzone

Uh… $4 USD USD per METAL figure is actually VERY cheap…. Most are $5-$6. Then there's GW who charges silly amounts for a metal figure and wonder why no one buys them.

Maybe if I was looking for Marine-like miniatures(or Daemons) but for what Guardsmen do, anything below a Commissar/General would be quite expensive, lol…

it;s kinda like GW's Metal mini boxed sets( $35.00 USD for 10) buying this way($4 per mini)will leave me at $40.00 USD per 10

but like I said, $4 USD per big/commander is cheap, but for your average Guardsmen, not so much, lol…

Shipping from Europe is quite a beast, so if you get them locally (well, as "local" as Northern America can be) then go for it. Contact established – if Sindri does not get them, they will pop up on eBay (Germany) soon anyway.

As long as the final price won't kill me

Puster Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Oct 2011 5:06 p.m. PST

If it comes to the worst it will be 50 EUR for shipping, which sums up to 150 EUR ~ 200 USD for 800. Thats 25c, which is still just a bit below the 3-4 USD for a metal mini (admittedly the quality will also be lower, but hopefully not proportionally).

Sindri09 Oct 2011 5:55 p.m. PST

I'm looking to maybe spend $150(maybe less)

alien BLOODY HELL surfer10 Oct 2011 7:50 a.m. PST

I've got a painted Cadian IG army up for sale that I bought but won't use. Has 100 men, plus a command squad, plus 9 heavy weapons teams. Looking for £1.00 GBP a figure, so that'd make it circa $1.50 USD a figure. they are not varnished so can be painted over easy enough – they are a basic tabletop standard at the moment, which is how I bought them. you can leave me a message here or email me at hug_aliensurfer AT hotmail DOT com.

I could split it into two forces if you wanted to part buy, but really want to shift the whole lot as I need space for a new project :-)

PygmaelionAgain10 Oct 2011 12:31 p.m. PST

I'm not sure how far you're willing to crutch on modelling and painting to get your grimdark on, but this thread points out that some of the historical ww2 figures are:
inexpensive per unit
comparable in size to some of the ForgeWorld I.G. stuff.

If you want to really cut costs, and can paint on the occasional imperial eagle or skull:
TMP link

Sindri10 Oct 2011 1:29 p.m. PST

My painting for emblems and symbols is crap, but if there were any Soviet Greatcoat troopers, I could use those as valhallans(and I mean inexpensive unpainted troops)

ordinarybass10 Oct 2011 2:33 p.m. PST

No need to explain it, everyone here knows exactly what Grimdark is.

I'd recommend taking ABHS up on his offer. You're not likely to find a similarly good deal anytime soon. Also, you're certainly not going to find new 28mm metals for less than $2.35 USD a piece.

Based on your price limits, which appear to be about a $1.25 USD a figure, your only options for new Sci-Fi troopers are
-Wargame Factory Greatcoats 18 for $20 USD
-Warzone Bag of 80 figures 80 figs for about $30 USD or so after shipping.
-EM4 plastic troopers 5 for $3.75, but not very grimdark.

Neither is of the quality level of GW IG or the other options mentioned here, but all are usuable figures and the first two have a very IG'ish look to them.

If you're not looking to get started right away, Defiance Games and Mantic Games are working on trooper sets at similar price points, but they are months away or more. I've got no hard evidence, but I have some doubt that we'll see either set until well into 2012.

Sindri10 Oct 2011 2:40 p.m. PST

No need to explain it, everyone here knows exactly what Grimdark is.
a few people apparently didn't know what it was.

are there any Valhallan look-alike Russians(with greatcoats)? I'd willingly use Russians as Valhallans, provided they came unpainted.

I'd recommend taking ABHS up on his offer. You're not likely to find a similarly good deal anytime soon. Also, you're certainly not going to find new 28mm metals for less than $2.35 USD USD a piece.

Metal miniatures are fine for commnder's, but like I said, Guardsmen, not so much, lol.

And I'm actually waiting for Surfer to respond to my email

The Gray Ghost10 Oct 2011 3:52 p.m. PST

I like Warzone but want better heads for them, I use them as planetary defense forces not IG.

alien BLOODY HELL surfer11 Oct 2011 4:20 a.m. PST

Sindri – I think it may have got routed to my spam folder, am checking again now :-)

alien BLOODY HELL surfer11 Oct 2011 4:26 a.m. PST

Sindri – you have mail – and I'll try and get some pics for you tonight :-)

PygmaelionAgain11 Oct 2011 8:28 a.m. PST

Not to shortcut any deal that might be underway (because those Warzone figures are darned good), but ~if~ you were looking for a cheap way to get a bunch of figures on the board fast…

You could always filter through the Star Wars Miniatures on ebay, or one of the TMP sponsor sites, and build yourself an army of Imperial Snow troopers for around a dollar a piece.

They'll never look as nice as non-prepaint figures, but they show up on round bases, and die just like I.G..

Sindri11 Oct 2011 11:37 a.m. PST

You could always filter through the Star Wars Miniatures on ebay, or one of the TMP sponsor sites, and build yourself an army of Imperial Snow troopers for around a dollar a piece.

I already have hundres of Stormtroopers/Snow Troopers and a few Dark Trooper Phase II's, but they don't look like they fit into 40K very well, nor do I want to repaint them(I plan on a Star Wars RP sometime)

Not to shortcut any deal that might be underway (because those Warzone figures are darned good), but ~if~ you were looking for a cheap way to get a bunch of figures on the board fast…
I'm hoping that Puster will just sell me the Bauhaus Troopers…

alien BLOODY HELL surfer16 Oct 2011 11:14 a.m. PST

Sindri – I've also got quite a lot of the warzone plastics left unbuilt. I've just sent you some pics of the cadians.

Sindri11 Nov 2011 3:10 p.m. PST

Anyone have any Bauhaus Troopers to sell? like LOTS of them? I decided Bauhaus will make my next Guard Army.

alien BLOODY HELL surfer14 Nov 2011 4:06 a.m. PST

So, you don't want the IG now then?? If not I'll put them back up for sale.
I do have some of the plastic Bauhaus as well, if that's what you fancy instead :-)

Sindri15 Nov 2011 10:20 p.m. PST

I do want the Bauhaus trooper's yes, I'm bored of Cadian's but don't have enough cash for DkoK or Steel Legion.

I mean I wouldn't mind buying your Cadians, but, I'll buy them if they don't sell, are your Bauhaus Trooper's put together/painted? if so could I see them? how many do you have?

alien BLOODY HELL surfer16 Nov 2011 6:44 a.m. PST

The bahaus are the basic plastic ones mate – unbuilt on sprues, probably still got 40 odd sitting around.

Cadians – I'll put them back up then – if anyone wants them I have 100 built and painted (not by me) and based (tabletop standard) cadians, plus some metal command figures and 9 heavy weapons teams. Looking for circa $120 USD-14 for them plus postage at cost. Would cost waaaaay more than that just to buy 100 cadians!

Sindri16 Nov 2011 8:14 a.m. PST

I knew they were plastic, but I have assumed you had some built or something, so, how much would you charge for them?

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