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vojvoda01 Oct 2011 7:36 p.m. PST

I reorganized my forces to day to see how it will work for 8 players. Each play on a side is going to get a pretty healthy force.

Each Rebel commander will have:
One named character (Leia, Han, Chewbacca, etc) with two Hoth soldier escort.
Four Squads of Hoth soldiers each of 8 troopers and one officer.
Two sections of Snow speeders each of two Snowspeeders and four pilots.
One Golan Battery of four Turret Guns and officer.
Two sections of Atgar Laser cannons of two guns each and Officer.
Two Tantan forward observers.
Two sections of Repeating Blasers each with a command and two assistant Gunners, and two Repeating blasters.
One Rebel Cart with additional officer.

*Reinforcements (will not use unless battle goes into Echo Base)
1 Commando squad. 8 commandos and 1 officer
Two Squads of 8 Rebel troopers (one officer and 7 troopers)
1 Vangard heavy weapons section of six troopers and 1 officer.
I Rebel command section of 1 officer and 3 troopers.

Imperial Force:
1 AT-AT Walker
2 AT-ST Walkers
One command section of three Snowtroopers
1 Tie Crawler
Two Probe Droids (Forward Observers)
One three man section of Scout troopers
4 Squads of 14 Snow Troopers each
2 E-Web sections of two guns each and three assistant gunners and 1 Officer


I Shuttle with additional Stormtroopers, 37 figures have not work out the squad make up yet but mostly thinking of three squads of 10 and a 6 man heavy weapons section and 1 officer.

My Nephew (he is 26) and I are going to playtest this Sunday on a 12 foot by three foot table. I expect to kick Luke's butt. He is getting pretty good with my rules but the "Force" is not yet strong with this one. I have all the troop stands, for two players painted and basing done. The other 1/3 or so still need based painted and textured.

We are only going to have two players, he and I, but I have two additional players set aside in case by Brother-in-Law decides not to watch football, fat chance.

But since we are going to be in his family room where the big TV is he will have to watch us play. He is a bigger Star War geek then I am. He has every inch of the walls down there covered in not in his Star Wars collection "every 3" figure ever made, plus legions of Storm Troopers and Snow Trooper and some sports memorabilia. He will not open them and let me use them however. For Christmas this past year I gave him an Ernie Banks rookie card. He took down his wedding picture in the master bed room and put the card in a frame in it's place. It lasted a week before my sister made him move it.

James Mattes

PS: What happened to the Star Wars board I thought we voted for?

Fishbuckle01 Oct 2011 11:45 p.m. PST

Sounds excellent, James. What rules are you using for this?

Star Wars wargames and NFL are two of my favourite things. That must make me entirely odd. Ah well.

Will you post pictures?!?

vojvoda02 Oct 2011 2:03 a.m. PST

I wrote my own based on Star Wars Miniature Battles, FUBAR, Forge of War, and A Dirtside II Conversion. Plus two other guys home rules.

If my sister is there I think she has a digital, I game mine to my youngest son when he went to boy scout camp but have not gotten to see them so they still have it. I only have a 35mm here. I will be posting the rules and images to my blog when I get them done and camera back.

James Mattes

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