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Psyckosama30 Sep 2011 10:04 p.m. PST


I'm thinking of starting my own company (once I get the $$ together and the programing skills to match), I love this design, and am wondering what people think of it. The creator has already given me permission to use it.

I'd call it a Space Hoopty or something. The idea is its the kind of beat to heck old hover car you'd find on a colony world, probably owned by some local hick, some kind who's got the ugly old thing purring like a kitten, or some heroes beat to heck old ride they keep on their star ship for when they travel off ship…

So, would you but this in 15mm?

Psyckosama30 Sep 2011 10:35 p.m. PST

It's meant to be a sports car style civilian vehicle guys…

Though an optional driver is a good idea…

infojunky30 Sep 2011 10:36 p.m. PST


Chortle Fezian30 Sep 2011 11:11 p.m. PST

Try to fit in with an existing range. That will help your sales.

FoxtrotPapaRomeo01 Oct 2011 1:52 a.m. PST

sort of like a Star Wars speeder (watch out for copyright issues).

infojunky01 Oct 2011 1:59 a.m. PST

Let me rephrase that, I have stolen the image added it to my collection of Landspeeder art that I am using to inspire me.

With all that if you produce them I will buy at least a couple.

Coelacanth193801 Oct 2011 2:39 a.m. PST

How about modular cockpits? Civilian, police, military?

infojunky01 Oct 2011 3:45 a.m. PST

That is one of the ideas I am playing with.

Modular bits that one can build vehicles up with…

skippy000101 Oct 2011 5:19 a.m. PST

Go modular! Civilian and military. Although, there is not enough civilian futuristic vehicles out there-do a grav-ball mom SUV version, tow truck, ambulance, ice-cream truck with annoying jingle, limo, utilities pick-up, UPS/Postal truck, Brinks truck, metro police, colonial sheriffs landskimmer, Tombraider FAV(Fast Archeotech Vehicle), HoverHummer, LamboFerrairion. also drivers, passengers, babes etc.

Samulus01 Oct 2011 5:28 a.m. PST

Looks really cool, I'm gonna be moving into 15mm sci-f soon enough and I'd definitely buy one!

Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian01 Oct 2011 6:08 a.m. PST

Cool, but my first reaction was the front end is a little to "faceish" – I thought it was out of a kid's movie at first glance. Why does it need a roll-bar if it has that big fan shroud to keep it off the ground if it roll over?

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP01 Oct 2011 6:53 a.m. PST

Needs guns and armour.

Lion in the Stars01 Oct 2011 7:20 a.m. PST

Cool, but my first reaction was the front end is a little to "faceish"
Ironically, studies have determined that the more the front end of a motorcycle looks like a face, the farther away you can recognize it as something to avoid.

I agree with the question about the roll bar, but I'd buy several, especially if they were modular kits. Ok, 1-2 if they weren't modular, and probably 10 if they were.

Unrepentant Werewolf 201 Oct 2011 7:26 a.m. PST

Yes, I'd be interested in a couple at least.

Scorpio01 Oct 2011 7:40 a.m. PST

I'd prefer a closed cockpit, but that's a personal thing. Producing modular vehicles is an interesting concept.

Roderick Robertson Fezian01 Oct 2011 8:57 a.m. PST

The rollbar is what holds up your spotlights.

Klebert L Hall01 Oct 2011 9:18 a.m. PST

Sure, if it works.

BigDan Supporting Member of TMP01 Oct 2011 10:04 a.m. PST

I would in 15mm and/or 28mm.

Psyckosama01 Oct 2011 10:05 a.m. PST

Question, how would you guys make it modular then?

flintlocklaser01 Oct 2011 10:44 a.m. PST

I'm no sculptor, but what about making them two or three parts each, that can be mixed and matched? Front end, cabin, rear? It'd be a way to get some real variety, and if I could 'populate' the streets of a 15mm city with a mix of civilian vehicles that mirror the variety you see on a real-world street, I'd be stoked and a definite buyer of at least a dozen of them if they were priced similarly to other 15mm light vehicle kits.

Echoing what others have said, it would be nice to get analogs for:

-passenger vans
-panel/cargo vans
-sports cars
-pickup trucks

Wolfprophet01 Oct 2011 10:46 a.m. PST

"Question, how would you guys make it modular then?"

I imagine sections, front end, Front Seat section, backseat section(Optional) and rear section. Perhaps a removable or optional roof, which may or may not need a tiny bit of work to properly fit depending on the way you build it.

Then of course, different drivers and passengers.
Some natural ones for something as sportsy looking vehicle would "Old guy having midlife crisis", "The car collector", "The over privileged jock" and "Daddy's little princess." and their associated spouses, lovers, jock buddies, etc as I'm fairly sure those four types of people will never cease to exist. For something that doesn't look so sports car-ish, then you get the average guys and gals and whatever passengers might be relevant.

Alex Reed01 Oct 2011 3:20 p.m. PST


Austin Rob01 Oct 2011 4:48 p.m. PST

Would depend on the cost. As is (civilian sporty car thing) it would just be sort of terrain. That is, I would use it as a parked car for atmosphere in most games.

Only if it were militarized would I want more than one.

Think about the HUMMV. One basic design, several different modules: cargo, ambulance, command, troop carrier, AT, AA, etc.

Yonderboy01 Oct 2011 9:57 p.m. PST

If it looked a little more angular, it would fit in nicely with the G.O.T. vehicles.

Little Big Wars01 Oct 2011 10:29 p.m. PST

I dunno, with the launch of 5150:New Beginnings there's a great need for more civvie vehicles, beyond what Laserburn can already provide, anyways. I'd probably pick one or two up for that purpose (to be actually used, not as merely a terrain piece).

Psyckosama02 Oct 2011 2:07 a.m. PST

Well, at 15mm I don't think I can make it very modular but a hard top/soft top option does make perfect sense.

SMPress02 Oct 2011 6:14 a.m. PST

No. But I would buy it in 28mm for my Firefly games…

Goose66602 Oct 2011 6:18 a.m. PST

If it was 28mm, might be interested indeed. Anything else, no sorry. Not doing sci-fi in anything smaller at the mo. But looks nifty. Good luck.

lutonjames03 Oct 2011 7:18 a.m. PST

This isn't the vehicle i'm looking for…

Thomas Whitten03 Oct 2011 7:56 a.m. PST

28mm, yes. 15mm, no.

richarDISNEY03 Oct 2011 8:12 a.m. PST

Not in 15mm…

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP03 Oct 2011 11:05 a.m. PST

What car does the front end remind me of? Ford?


wehrmacht03 Oct 2011 1:35 p.m. PST

Should be a closed cockpit, that way you don't need crew models.

Plus, when you look at today's market convertibles represent about 1.5% of total sales. So there are 100 hardtops on the road for every roadster. Have to believe that this is unlikely to change in the "future", Star Wars notwithstanding ;-)



Psyckosama03 Oct 2011 5:16 p.m. PST

@wehrmacht I'm going to give it two roof options.

Patrick Sexton Supporting Member of TMP04 Oct 2011 8:41 a.m. PST

Yes in both 15mm and 28mm.

Keep the roll bar and go with the various options.

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