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"Star Wars lists for use with Stargrunt II" Topic

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Brummie Lad28 Sep 2011 4:25 a.m. PST

I played a game of Star Wars using Stargrunt II and a load of my mates figures a couple of weeks back, set in the Empire era (Rebs vs Stormtroopers), and since then, I've been building my own collection back up (again!!!)

The squad composition we used worked for me, but I was wondering if there are any specific lists out there. Does anyone know if these have been composed?


vojvoda28 Sep 2011 4:40 a.m. PST

Let me check I have the downloads and probably do have a list. I have mine organized for my rules which I stold a bunch of idead off other rules. I will tell you that I ended up going with forces based on a nine to 12 man squad for my Rebels and a heavy weapons section of three to four figures. But I have lots of squads and figures.

James Mattes

vojvoda28 Sep 2011 4:50 a.m. PST

PM someone on this thread there are guy who I know have done it.

TMP link


James Mattes

vojvoda28 Sep 2011 5:18 a.m. PST

Found the link I was looking for.


James Mattes

Mako1128 Sep 2011 10:51 a.m. PST

10 man squads, if I recall correctly, for the Empire, assuming they are full strength. Source is the Star Wars Miniatures Battles rulebook.

Seem to recall the rebel units were a little larger, e.g. the 12 troops mentioned.

Of course, with losses, you could be down to 8 troops quite easily. I think a number of the units on the Death Star, or in Star Wars IV only seem to have about 8 guys in them, if you make your TO&E's to match the movies.

vojvoda28 Sep 2011 12:56 p.m. PST

Mako11 is spot on "Players maneuver their troops in groups of betwen 3 and 10 fugures call Squads. Each Squad contains a commande, one or more stanndard soldiers, and possibly one or two specialist"s.

James Mattes

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Sep 2011 2:24 p.m. PST

Hey guys. How did you feel Stargrunt handled Star Wars? Did it have a Stargrunt feel or Star wars one? Stargrunt provides for a great game. I'm always on the lookout for a set that does Star Wars well. I'm just worried it'll be like regular Stargrunt and I can only use a platoon or less on the table to play in 2-3 hours.




Fishbuckle28 Sep 2011 2:40 p.m. PST

Hi John

I was Ryan's opponent for the game he mentions. I should say at this point that I like a 'gritty' version of Star Wars in my games, which is why I play with StarGrunt. As such, it did feel more like StarGrunt with SW trappings, to my mind anyway. This includes stormtroopers being quite tough given they are in armour and the rebels generally weaker. I give them better leadership and more troops with better quality to balance out.

The game we played had one full platoon each (3 squads+command squad) and also 2 or three attached specialist squads. So we must have had about 7 squads on the table each. Given it was the first time Ryan had played, we almost finished in about 3 hours I'd say, although it could have carried on for longer if we'd wanted. The scenario was driven by the rebels removing a droid from the table, so this would have acted as a limit on game length though. If it was a straight battle it would have gone on much longer probably.

As an aside, I just started a game of GASLIGHT using my SW figures and am anticipating this will be closer in feel to the tone of the movies!

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Sep 2011 5:20 p.m. PST

I sorta figured it might play out that way. Funny thing is I have long thought that Gaslight would be a good fit for Star Wars games. I know a few years ago there was some discussion on the yahoo group about it. But no lists were ever done, IIRC.

If you do try it please post about your experience if you can.



Brummie Lad29 Sep 2011 4:59 a.m. PST

Mako + Vojvoda: Thanks for that. We played with 6 troops in an imperial unit (1 commander, 1 heavy weapon, 4 grunts), and then the Rebels had 2 extra troopers per squad. This worked okay I think, as the Stormtroopers have better armour/weapons. It was a good balance I think.

John: As Chris mentioned, it was my first game of Star Wars using Star Grunt. I really enjoyed the realism, but I don't think it handles characters/force powers very well. Chris had arranged it so that characters had saving throws and a bonus in combat, which worked,but not very Star Warsy!!!

I'm contemplating trying Forge of War at some point….


tmason29 Sep 2011 5:49 a.m. PST

I have played a couple of star wars games using SG and they worked well. I have a house mod to SG (regardless of period) that changes close combat slightly to allow for more variation in weapons/ troop types. This has proven important for star wars as it gives the lightsaber armed jedi a bit more character.

Essentially CC is handled just like ranged combat. Each 'round' has 2 phases where each side takes the roll of 'attacker'. The phases are considered simultaneous, so the side that defends in the first phase gets to include any casualties in their phase when they attack.

CC weapons are given an attack value and impact just like ranged weapons. To attack, you add up the combat values of all weapons in the squad and add any support/ special weapon dice (such as a lightsaber) and roll these with the unit quality die. The defender rolls their quality die. Hits and casualties are worked out just like squad shooting. Then the 'defender' has a go at being the attacker for the second phase. At the end of combat both sides check confidence more or less as for charging.

This method means that you can have things like aliens with lots of spikey claws that have a combat value of 2 or 3 and so fewer of them are needed to score hits against humans and weapons can have high (lightsaber) or low impact values againts armour.

Brummie Lad29 Sep 2011 6:55 a.m. PST

Tmason: That sounds like a very decent idea! Have you included Force powers in any of your games? If so, how did you go about representing them?

Fishbuckle29 Sep 2011 7:29 a.m. PST

Quote: "Chris had arranged it so that characters had saving throws and a bonus in combat, which worked,but not very Star Warsy!!!"

Dude! That was because I didn't have a ton of time to sort things out and didn't want anything too radical which might unbalance the game and ruin our enjoyment of it!

That's my defence, people!


Brummie Lad29 Sep 2011 7:37 a.m. PST

Another example of me not typing what I mean! lol

Within the framework of the rules, it worked. It was very Star Grunty! lol

Fishbuckle29 Sep 2011 7:47 a.m. PST

Haha. Well, it was certainly a fun game. But for Star Wars I think you will like GASLIGHT more.

What I might do is take the force powers listed on the cards that come with the SW miniatures and convert them. GASLIGHT already has a long list of abilities characters can use, so it shoudl be easy to integrate them.

tmason29 Sep 2011 11:10 p.m. PST

I have included some force powers in SG. things like 'force push' etc are a pretty straight forward weapon conversion. Other options are to affect friendly and enemy confidence or reaction tests.

I have done quite a lot of conversion of special rules from 40k to SG, so I imagine it would be fairly straight forward to do more complex force rules.

Some of the 40k stuff is at

I recently worked out some new vehicle rules that I must try with star wars scenarios some time. I bought 2 of the ATAT walkers when they were being sold off relatively cheaply, but have not even unpacked them as they would have been overkill in SG. I now think I could use them.

Knockman30 Sep 2011 4:13 a.m. PST

tmason – really like your CC ideas, and I'll be abjectly honest and say I'll be pinching that to try out.

Although I can't say I've used SG2 in a Star Wars setting myself (I tend to aim for Classic Traveller RPG based ideas instead), one thing I had added to allow player-characters to affect a tabletop game was to include 'Special Actions'

Special Actions are only available to hero leaders, arch-villains, characters, etc, and not for crews or squads. What constitutes the actual Special Action is down to the scenario or umpire, and the abilities of the character. And resolution of the action (if it wasn't an automatic effect) was done on a simple common task number test (3+), allowing the character to roll Quality Dice equal to his skill level.

So maybe something like that would sort the Jedi/Sith-stylee special powers perhaps?

Fishbuckle30 Sep 2011 4:25 a.m. PST

Knockman: That's a good idea and similar to the lines I was thinking along. Unfortunately, now I have played SW using GASLIGHT, I don;t know if I will use SG2 again!

But the 'worst' thing is that it means I will be wanting to buy more 'hard' sci-fi figures to use with SG2. Haha.

Knockman30 Sep 2011 6:03 a.m. PST

@ChrisW: well, in return sir, you've inspired me to take a closer look at GASLIGHT, so I think we've ensured a classic 1980's M.A.D. for our respective wallets/finances :o)

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