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"Custom-built Starships for Boarding Battles/Scenics?" Topic

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Mako1124 Sep 2011 1:28 p.m. PST

Okay, time to share your photos, or links to photos of custom-built starships, shuttles, or dropships that you are using as either backdrops on a planet, for land-based battles, or are using for actual boarding actions, and other battles onboard, in space, for games like SpaceHulk, and the like, e.g. battles in the corridors and open areas of a space vessel using 15mm, 25mm, or other scale minis.

I imagine there are lots of great foam-board vessels out there just waiting to be discovered/shared.

I'm especially interested in deck plans for the vessels, and/or how you've laid them out to make them interesting, and a bit more defensible. A straight, single corridor up the middle is a little boring, and predictable. We need corners, nooks, and other areas to hide behind while defending, or to use for cover when assaulting the bridge.

Would love to see some ships with interiors too, that have used cardboard, foamboard, or other materials in order to make the walls, bulkheads, doors, etc.

I've seen some really great ones for larger Star Wars battles, using those generic, commercial, color-printed walls, floors, etc., as well as some using resin pieces too. Most of these seem to be for buildings, in many cases though.

I'd really love to see any custom-made ship interiors people have come up with, but please feel free to share anything that you think looks really great.

Construction tips would be greatly appreciated too.

Psyckosama24 Sep 2011 2:13 p.m. PST

One idea I had for building starship interiors… LEGOS. Lego walls, lego vent panel floors… properlly used lego bits can make a cool looking ship!

Allen5724 Sep 2011 5:31 p.m. PST

The SF sets by Dwarven Forge are pricey but make nice interiors. The big problem is that they tend to be very much straight corridors and right angles.

Katzbalger24 Sep 2011 5:34 p.m. PST

Here's a link to a pic of one I put together for a local convention. The original idea was for the light gray to be the boarding shuttle with the dark being the larger ship being boarded, but the larger ship was originally intended to be made of at least two 2' X 2' boards and I ran out of time.


Construction material is MDF, with printed paper, Legos, sand paper, and various recycled greebles added for interest.


Cacique Caribe24 Sep 2011 6:12 p.m. PST

Check out this set up:


TMP link


Ron W DuBray24 Sep 2011 6:54 p.m. PST
timlillig24 Sep 2011 8:42 p.m. PST

That tower is very impressive. the first necoromunda game I ever saw was played on a board like that.

Mako1125 Sep 2011 2:16 p.m. PST

Wow, those are very nice.

Thanks for sharing your pics, and/or links.

Keep 'em coming if you come across, or can think of more.

Ouzel, who makes the little, tiny gray aliens shown in the pics?

They look like good candidates for head-swaps onto astronaut bodies.

Dr Mathias Fezian25 Sep 2011 3:24 p.m. PST

Here's a link to Hirst Arts, where I posted some pics of my Space Hulk build.


I need to update it- I've finished all the sections for a 3rd edition Hulk. I'm just waiting to finish up the 'stealers and Terminators.

There's a lot of really cool ship builds on the Hirst forums.

Ron W DuBray25 Sep 2011 3:39 p.m. PST

zombiesmith if I remember right

Mako1125 Sep 2011 7:30 p.m. PST

Thanks for the info.

I'll check them out.

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