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"Want More Denizen Ventaurans and Feds?" Topic

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Mako1123 Sep 2011 1:34 p.m. PST

If you love these figures like I do, in either 15mm or 25mm/28mm scales, then let Denizen and Eureka Minis know:

That way, hopefully they'll consider producing more poses in the 25mm/28mm scale (supposedly, they are about 27mm to their eyes, based upon one report), and authorize Nic at Eureka to have the Federation troops produced in 15mm scale too.

While you're at it, mention you'd like to see more 15mm poses as well, in addition to the ones in the larger scale.

Despite their age, the larger figs are still some of the nicest looking Sci-Fi figs available in either scale, so I'd like to see more poses of them produced.

I can use a full platoon (40 figs), or company (120+) of these guys, in both scales.

The 15mm Ventaurans were produced, since there was a groundswell of support for them from the gaming public.

We now need to lobby heavily to get the 15mm Federation troops produced too.

No doubt, they'll be happy to produce more, if the same level of interest is shown for the new minis also.

captainquirk23 Sep 2011 1:42 p.m. PST

Would rather see the Khiff produced in 15mm next

David Miniature Armies23 Sep 2011 2:14 p.m. PST

love to see the Feds in 15mm alomg with the mid tech troops.

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP23 Sep 2011 2:45 p.m. PST

I love both races. I have about 60+ Feds working towards a company and 30+ Ventaurans so far.

I'm behind you 100% on more poses for both!

For Feds I'd like to see some generic artillery crew poses that could work with support guns from other makers (GZG, etc…). I think that would be a nice way to go.

For Ventaurans I'd like more support weapons and more higher command staff & a sniper.

I can tell you the only way either company can expand their ranges is based on sales, ie. income. So keep the orders coming fellas.

Helpful emails with polite suggestions never hurt either!


Mako1123 Sep 2011 3:12 p.m. PST

I love the Fed prone trooper, and their heavy anti-tank rocket launcher team.

Wish they'd produce something similar for the Ventaurans.

Some anti-flyer missile launchers for both would be useful too, along with some gritty, action poses of troops looking as if they are in a firefight, firing their weapons, or running in a bit of a crouch to keep from getting hit.

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP23 Sep 2011 5:35 p.m. PST

I agree, gernerally not enough AAA done for sci-fi.

ordinarybass24 Sep 2011 8:18 a.m. PST

Is there a 300 club entry for the 25/27mm Ventaurans?

I'd be interested in some more sculpts, but honestly a big part of the charm that they are so darn cheap ($1.50 a piece), something that Eureka probably couldn't get near.

I'd buy some more, but it wouldn't be a whole army's worth.

AVAMANGO24 Sep 2011 8:35 a.m. PST

I actually sold my 25mm Ventaurans about a year ago to try and reduce the metal mountain ive collected over the years, i kind of regret selling them now as i had them for so long, but i had to be strong and somethings just had to go. Now i need to part with a load of Copplestone troopers wearing berets and a Scotia APC, aload of 20mm Stormtroopers and 3x AT-ST's and a small mound of Battletech mechs and terrain and that just scratching the surface i wont mention the D&D stuff…..

Umpapa25 Sep 2011 10:00 a.m. PST

I concur with Dorkheresy, I would love Khiff more.

IMVVVHO there is enough human forces on the market.

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