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"Using Quar in your own SF Universe" Topic

23 Posts

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pcelella23 Sep 2011 1:09 p.m. PST

I just placed an order for some of Zombiesmith's excellent 15mm scale Quar. I'm hoping to use them in science fiction gaming, matching them against other armies by different manufacturers. Now, the Quar are designed to look like they are at a tech level comparable to WW1, and my concern is that if I use them that way, they will be just cannon fodder. So, other than using the Quar in their own internecine wars as detailed in "This Quar's War", I was wondering how other people might be making use of these figures in their own science fiction universes.

Peter C
Sword and Sandal Gaming Blog

Psyckosama23 Sep 2011 1:26 p.m. PST

Relatively primitive race on a planet with massive quantities of the local unobtainable super metal. Because of it they've come in contact with large numbers of aliens and through trade with the friendly aliens have reached a Schizo-tech Diesel-punk level of advancement… They have a mixture of the insanely advanced and the mindbogglingly primitive working side by side…




I'd use both of these for them… Piloted Warbots and GIANT TANKS.

Stealth100023 Sep 2011 1:27 p.m. PST

I would do an invasion by evil earthmen.

Komorigumo23 Sep 2011 1:49 p.m. PST

I placed an order about a week ago for 15mm Quar as well. And I'll be using them more or less in exactly the same way as you are, pcelella. Here is what I am thinking:

Pushing the 'official' Quar timeline ahead by 50 or 100 years, so the official vehicles are what more or less obsolete, and the new vehicles might resemble something else slightly more high tech (right now I am considering the Trencher tanks from Proxie models, but lots of WW2 vehicles would seem to fit too).

Their weapons pack more punch than it originally might seem – so the high tech humans who start the invasion of the Quar homeworld, thinking that their Rigid Carapace Plate and Power Armor would be immune to the ballistic 12mm weapons of the Quar were in for a surprise as their rounds punched through them like a laser bolt (or plasma, or whatever).

The Quar found that they quickly adapted to new circumstances and technology, and it wasn't long before they started to reverse engineer the technology of the invaders. When their trenches proved pointless to the invaders flying vehicles, they adapted. Marksquar were given some salvaged weapons of the enemy to test and those that managed to do well against the enemy were rapidly reserve engineered. Walkers were developed to combat the mecha of the enemy, and so on.

All just rough ideas right now – as i am still awaiting my 150 or so Quar. We plan to use Gruntz until Tom's War is available and then see how both systems compare.

Only Warlock23 Sep 2011 2:34 p.m. PST

I have about 80 Quar Infantry along with some converted WWI and WWII vehicles, as well as a couple Quar Baelog tanks for support.

Lentulus23 Sep 2011 2:49 p.m. PST

I'll be ordering a few as a low-tech force for Tomorrow's War. Combative little beggars, probably make great mercs. And I don't think invading their homeworld would be a real good idea.

tberry740323 Sep 2011 2:58 p.m. PST

"…evil earthmen…" is redundant. evil grin

The Other Tim

Spooner623 Sep 2011 3:04 p.m. PST

Even archaic mobile artillery of the Quar pack a big 155mm punch.



pcelella23 Sep 2011 3:16 p.m. PST

I like the idea of using Quar as mercs, but I was trying to conceive of a scenario where low-tech mercs would be useful in a surrounding higher tech galactic civilization.

Peter C
Sword and Sandal Gaming Blog

tberry740323 Sep 2011 3:19 p.m. PST

A couple of ways to go:

1) "Invasion of the Quar homeworld" – not really an invasion. The Quar homeworld is an Quarantined world. It has a viable, intelligent indigenous population who are well below the outworlder's tech level.

You could have a small party of "entrepreneurs" that have found something that is worth risking "rehabilitation" enough to sneak onto the planet and do a little creative plundering. Give them maybe a company of grunts with a couple of light armored vehicles and heavy weapons support.

Or you could have a troop transport have a catastrophic engine failure that requires them to set down on the planet and try to fix it.

Along come the Crusaders (cause that is all that is out now in 15mm) in waves (maybe a couple of companies at a time) to wipe them out.

Give the invaders a set number of days to do what they need doing and let the Quar have at them once a day.

The first group wins if they escape with whatever they came for.

The second group wins if they escape.

2) Quar Mercenaries. Set them up like the "Janissary" series by Jerry Pournelle. Off-world companies use "primitive" peoples to fight their wars for them on planets they want to exploit that have a population of equal technical level with the Quar.

pcelella23 Sep 2011 3:21 p.m. PST

I have about 80 Quar Infantry along with some converted WWI and WWII vehicles, as well as a couple Quar Baelog tanks for support.

I would love know what you used for those converted vehicles, and if possible, pics of how they turned out.

Peter C
Sword and Sandal Gaming Blog

Coyotepunc and Hatshepsuut23 Sep 2011 3:31 p.m. PST

I set up a Traveller adventure arc with the Quar as agents of the K'kree, trading with human pocket empires between the Human Imperium andthe K'kree Two Thousand Worlds. The Quar crew of their freighter/trader decided they didn't like being the dupes of the K'kree anymore, and made a run for it. The characters become involved when a K'kree diplomatic mission (read: big scary military expediton with far more firepower than the plnet can handle) show up in orbit requesting the character group *specifically by name* to help them track down their missing clients freight/trader crew.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP24 Sep 2011 7:40 a.m. PST

Love the "War Pigs" !!! And their Pig Panzer !!! thumbs up Who make'm !? As far as 15mm Quar … I was thinking about using them with my 6mm Sci-fi forces … they are just tall aliens ! Quar are shorter than humans, so a 15mm Quar is really closer to 11mm … to be in scale with 15mm humans, IIRC …

Eli Arndt26 Sep 2011 7:37 a.m. PST

I wish the 15mm Quar were in pants instead of shorts. I'd like to use them but currently have no plans for any sort of tropical conflicts they would fit into.

I had considered converting them to great coats. It's actually easier to do than converting them to long pants. Might go with an ethnicly unique uniform with pants tucked into high gaiters.


headzombie26 Sep 2011 9:47 a.m. PST

It wouldn't be too hard to paint them as in pants. The line for shorts is really small and most people ignore it!

Eli Arndt26 Sep 2011 10:45 a.m. PST

Good info!

Thanks Mr. Head Zombie!


infojunky26 Sep 2011 11:15 a.m. PST

I use them as yet another group of belligerent aliens that populate my Alien Roads setting….

Lentulus26 Sep 2011 4:07 p.m. PST

wouldn't be too hard to paint them as in pants

They rather strike me as the "puttee" sort – probably because their tech is so WWI-ish.

CorSecEng27 Sep 2011 6:37 p.m. PST

The weapons are simple but can easily be seen as more high tech weapons. They are in cloth uniforms instead of hard body armor and helmets. Not much that a good paint job can't make them seem less WWI ish.

I'm using mine as an individual race on par technology wise with the rest of my forces. They have converted mechwarrior grav tanks as APCs and light tank.

Just got an amazing set of resin buildings at the HurriCon Flea Market. The doors are a bit small for the quar and really small for normal 15mm. Still debating on using them as is or modifying the doors. The have bits for windows and solar panels. Great looking stuff. I have a few larger buildings in the set that are going to get some conversion. One will be a comm building.

I hope to have them finished in a few weeks. The figs are mostly painted. I'll be posting shots of all my armies as they get finished. Working on Mangalors as well. I also have to rebase my rebel mini EDF force and repaint my Sahadeen stuff.

Dunadan29 Sep 2011 9:45 a.m. PST

I've got them on my list of minis to use if I ever start my Miyazaki-esque gaming project.

Eli Arndt29 Sep 2011 11:47 a.m. PST

Dunadan I also had plans to use them in a Miyazaki inspired game. What are your plans for opposition?

I was planning on Quar vs Humans.


KCgamer06 Nov 2011 10:28 a.m. PST

I'm using Quar based in fire teams for Future War Commander. Using kind of obscure vehicles from the world wars with them. I.e. British Mk IV tanks from 1917 as IFV's, Soviet T-35 land battleships as heavy support tanks, Priest Kangaroos as open-topped APC's, etc.

One word of advise: use 15mm vehicles rather than 12mm; Quar are indeed short, but very stout. In my experience, 12mm vehicles just looked too small next to the infantry.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian06 Nov 2011 12:03 p.m. PST

Peter C,

umm, Eltee, those ain't "primitive rifles!" Those're GYROJETS!evil grin

Can y'all say "take yer powered armour head off with one shot!"

I KNEW you could!evil grin

Leland R. Erickson

P.S. I own a slowly growing platoon of 28mm Quar, including one of those nifty automatic heavy shotgun teams, which will be joining my assorted "Imperial Terran Sepoy Regiment" ranks under some appropriately higher tech human officers in the very near future… evil grin

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