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"Do You Use Your Miniatures for A Variety of Game Systems?" Topic

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29 Jun 2012 4:53 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Removed from TMP Poll Suggestions board
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GreatScot7219 Sep 2011 6:18 a.m. PST

On numerous occasions, I have encountered gamers who will only use miniatures associated with a particular ruleset with that ruleset and no others. On the other end of the spectrum, gamers like me will use whatever figures are available with a given ruleset, often ignoring the "official" miniature line, and will recycle minis from old, unloved systems into new games without a second thought.

Where, then, do you stand?

1. I prefer using official miniatures with an associated game system. If the game goes out of use, I will probably never game with those miniatures again. It doesn't make sense to me to use figures with a game system of which they are not a part. I might hold onto old figures because I like them, but I won't game with them.

2. I prefer using official miniatures with an associated game system, but I will occasionally proxy other figures into the game system just until I can get the "right" miniatures from official line. Old figures usually go into storage when the game system falls out of use, but if I really like them I may hold onto them and find some way to incorporate a few of them into other game systems.

3. I prefer using official miniatures with an associated ruleset, but once that ruleset falls out of use, there is no way I am letting those official figures I paid so much for go unused. I will hold onto them and incorporate them into some type of generic game system.

4. I really have no preference about using official miniatures with an associated ruleset. Sometimes, if I like the official figure line, I will buy some, but I am just as likely to recycle old figures that I already own.

5. I really dislike buying figures from an official figure line just so that I can play a particular game. Chances are that I have something in my collection that I can proxy, and that is good enough for me. If I don't have anything in my collection that I can use, I am probably more likely to pick up some third party figures because they are more appealing to me/cheaper/more accessible than the official ones.

CPT Jake19 Sep 2011 6:24 a.m. PST

6. I play rules systems that encourage use of any figures and often do not have their own figure line associated with the rule set.

whill419 Sep 2011 6:26 a.m. PST


Chris Rance19 Sep 2011 6:43 a.m. PST

4 and/or 6.

The only reason for me to buy "official" minis – other than the fact that I like them for themselves – is if they are for an RPG (a monster or somesuch) where I can't get a reasonably close proxy anywhere else. I am very wary of this "official" labelling anyway; I am from the school of gaming whereby they are "your" rules to use in anyway you see fit, not something set in stone and handed down from on high. Maybe this is no longer the fashionable view?

As you may be able to tell, I am not a tournament player, so I don't know if that would make a difference.

Sundance19 Sep 2011 6:48 a.m. PST

6 I don't play any rules that offer or require official figures so it isn't a problem. And I play several different rules with the same figures.

elsyrsyn19 Sep 2011 6:49 a.m. PST

What Jake said. Official miniatures? What nonsense.


timlillig19 Sep 2011 6:50 a.m. PST

7. I prefer rules systems that encourage the use of any figures and I often include figures from as many different manufacturers as possible in a game.

Dynaman878919 Sep 2011 6:56 a.m. PST

10 – I buy figures I like, base them how I see fit and play at the ground scale I feel like using.

For me, basing(*) rules are a suggestion and not holy writ.

(*) – And having to use a certain set of figs to play a game is right out. Rules like that I generally don't buy anyway.

The Monstrous Jake19 Sep 2011 6:59 a.m. PST

This question is highly dependent on the sort of games you play.

I do a lot of historical naval miniatures. There are no official rules tied to official miniatures. Just rules and miniatures.

Broadsword19 Sep 2011 7:08 a.m. PST
Martin Rapier19 Sep 2011 7:34 a.m. PST

I do not recognise the concept of 'official' figures.

Perhaps if we lived in Stalins Russia….

richarDISNEY19 Sep 2011 7:46 a.m. PST


FredNoris19 Sep 2011 7:55 a.m. PST


Dynaman878919 Sep 2011 8:00 a.m. PST

> Perhaps if we lived in Stalins Russia….


In Stalinist Russia miniatures buy…

GreatScot7219 Sep 2011 8:08 a.m. PST

I understand Jake's point in 6 that many of you agree with. My question was predicated on the notion that you would be interested in playing a game that has an associated miniatures line, which would have been helpful if I had included it. grin

I got to thinking about this because a guy who is a local gamer expressed interest in having a game of infinity (a ruleset that I have been very curious about)but bemoaned the fact that he had gotten rid of his Infinity figures. When I offered to play him a game and use proxy figures, he seemed very surprised and a little disturbed by the notion.

CeruLucifus19 Sep 2011 8:34 a.m. PST

8) Didn't read poll choices, edit them down please.

I use miniatures appropriate for the games I play. Official miniatures often fit well so I often get them. With each new game, I use as many of my current miniatures as can be made to fit. I will happily source alternate miniatures for a good reason such as already painted.

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP19 Sep 2011 9:25 a.m. PST

I use my miniatures for whatever I darn well please.

Lentulus19 Sep 2011 9:30 a.m. PST


Ranger32219 Sep 2011 9:58 a.m. PST

Well, we only play LOTR SBG, so our LOTR figures only see use in that system. I have been thinking of trying SOBH with them, and we may start a D&D campaign using LOTR figs…

StarfuryXL519 Sep 2011 11:51 a.m. PST


religon19 Sep 2011 1:13 p.m. PST

I vary with the movie association or IP of the line.

Star Wars…while I convert the odd figure, most are official figures.

BattleTech…only official figures.

Superheroes…while I convert the odd figure, most are official figures but freely add civilians and goons from any source.

Historical…anything goes.

Fantasy…anything goes except LOTR or Warhammer.

LOTR…prefer the GW ranges for evil, hobbits and elves but mix dwarves and men of other ranges freely.

Warhammer…I rather like a couple of the WFB armies (Skaven, Lizardmen, and even the orcs) but don't use the rules very often.

Blood Bowl…anything goes.

Given up for good19 Sep 2011 3:01 p.m. PST

4 6 and 7 for me.

Mainly 4 though

Cerdic19 Sep 2011 4:18 p.m. PST

6 and 7

Waterloo19 Sep 2011 6:05 p.m. PST



What Shagnasty said.

vojvoda20 Sep 2011 2:07 a.m. PST

For Star Wars I do, but otherwise I do as most here have said. I use whatever I want.
James Mattes

Omemin20 Sep 2011 9:44 a.m. PST

As a historicals gamer, there is NO set that can require a line of official miniatures and make it stick. There are too many other options out there.

I also detest rules with bajillions of sub-books of rules that you have to buy in order to play them (a la D&D and Flames of War).

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