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"plastic scifi figures (1/72)" Topic

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Captain Darling20 Jun 2004 10:45 a.m. PST


I´m thinking of doing some scifi wargaming using plastic 1/72 soldiers. Do any manufacturers make any scifi in that scale - I´m pretty sure that airfix, revell, ect don´t have anything like this but maybe someone else? (Any style will do.)

Also, does anyone make soldiers wih gasmasks or NBC suits as these would also work for what I want.


the trojan bunny20 Jun 2004 1:02 p.m. PST

There is one set, by Orion I think. I believe it's hard to come across. See for soldiers with gasmasks as I'm unsure. Perhaps the modern NATO groundcrew by airfix as the box cover has a soldier wearing a gasmask.

Good luck!


Friendlyfire20 Jun 2004 1:32 p.m. PST


Check out these figures,


Maybe with the right camo scheme they can look pretty futuristic.

Hope this helps,


Griefbringer20 Jun 2004 1:55 p.m. PST

Friendlyfire: got to agree that those guys look pretty futuristic already without paint!

I have to say that I haven't seen any real scifi 1/72 figures out there, but some of the most modern ones (mostly Revell) could also work for near future scenarios, and perhaps with a bit of converting and suitable paint job also for a bit more distant future.

I do not have idea if there are any metal 20mm scifi models that would be suitable.


jadedragon20 Jun 2004 11:24 p.m. PST

There are quite a few 1/72 sets you can use, provided you don't mind a rather space- opera-ish feel-

-There are quite a few barbarian sets you can use. Paint them red- skinned and you have martian natives.

-Get a roman or egyptian set, replace their weapons with guns and you have a decadent space empire.

-Airfix do an astronaut set. I don't know if its still in circulation, but I have seen it at airforce museums and such.

-Samurai make anime-ish space rangers, with electric blue weapons.

-Large plastic bugs would make interesting alien creatures/ mutated horrors easily enough.

-Use a medieval set for the backwater inhabitants of a lost planet (knights can be painted gloss black for archaic power armour too)

-A napoleonic set would make a suitably pompous bodyguard for a galactic emperor or similar dignitary.

-World war one and two tanks can be kitbashed for a vintage feel on tanks and buildings.

Combine these with some suitably eldritch terrain, a colonial/world war/modern set for the footslogging humans and you're all set! Wow, I managed to inspire myself (scuttles off)

Scurvy21 Jun 2004 5:22 a.m. PST

Tamia or Fujiami or some names like that make 1/76 germans in gas masks. Dont look to bad either.

Griefbringer21 Jun 2004 6:36 a.m. PST

For Airfix astronauts, check out:


I guess they are pretty hard to get these days.


Scurvy21 Jun 2004 7:41 a.m. PST

Talking about rare check the price 1/35? scale Airfix SAS go for.

Oh to have 3 dozen boxes of those in the back shed.

Mike Monaco21 Jun 2004 7:56 a.m. PST

You can sometimes find old Buck Rogers figures (from the boardgame) which are 1/72. They can be had very cheaply from a scientific surplus outlet whose name escapes me. Kent Sprecher's Toy Soldier HQ sells some older stuff which may be a little pricier as it is OOP.

Captain Darling21 Jun 2004 9:01 a.m. PST

Cheers guys

I already have lots of WW2 figs (axis & allies) and I am sure that I can converts some of these, also gonna do some of the NATO & other more modern troops, especially those german special forces types. I am also gonna try and order some of those orion scifi plastics which look quite good cause they also come with some mech type things.

Scurvy - I have checked the Tamia website and it doesn´t look like they still do anything along these lines,but I have not been able to find anything online for Fujiami. does anyone have a current website for these guys? (Or is the name written differently?


Griefbringer21 Jun 2004 9:22 a.m. PST

The correct name might be Fujimi.


Griefbringer21 Jun 2004 10:21 a.m. PST

There were also some Nato and Warsaw Pact kits from Esci that contained models that might look pretty good in a futuristic setting - difficult to get, though.


aidanbz21 Jun 2004 11:01 a.m. PST

There were some Star Wars figures in 1:72 from Micro machines including Tie fighter pilots, stormtroopers, jawas, ewoks, the main characters, rebel pilots.

Don't think they are still available, but you could look on eBay etc.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP21 Jun 2004 11:56 a.m. PST

There are cheap plastic astronauts available at virtually any large toy store or discount store. They don't have faceplates... they're just made as if the "glass" were invisible. Should be easy to convert.

(One oddity... there's one figure who is obviously holding and talking into a walkie-talkie. While wearing his space helmet. Presumably on the moon. LOL.).

Hey You Supporting Member of TMP21 Jun 2004 1:46 p.m. PST

THE name in 1/72 scale sci-fi is John McEwan, and the website is: These are metal figures though.

I have seen at least two plastic sets from Russia. I will try and find pictures and websites later.

the trojan bunny21 Jun 2004 10:15 p.m. PST


Aren't those 1/32 scale?


Personal logo javelin98 Supporting Member of TMP23 Jun 2004 7:32 a.m. PST


The science surplus you're thinking of is probably

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