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"Another Tomorrow's War AAR from Recruits" Topic

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MKGipson12 Sep 2011 6:33 p.m. PST


Hi all! Here is my AAR for my "Recruits" experience and the "Tomorrow's War" games I ran.

It was fun!

Mark G.

Mooseworks812 Sep 2011 6:46 p.m. PST


Dragon Gunner12 Sep 2011 7:51 p.m. PST

Thanks for sharing the report its given me a few ideas.

Sergeant Crunch12 Sep 2011 9:16 p.m. PST

Awesome report. I've been wanting to do some scenarios based off the Slammer's exploits and Paying the Piper has plenty of encounters that could be used. Though I think for Plattner's World you'd need more trees. And a jeep to represent Major Steuben as a special reinforcement…

MKGipson13 Sep 2011 6:44 a.m. PST

Thanks! I do need to get more trees since the quantity I have seems to not be enough. Of course, in this section of Plattner's world (outer edge of the central highlands) the trees are smaller and less crowded.
Making a platoon of the "White Mice" would be interesting. They would have a high troop quality in Tomorrow's War rules – D10. Have to think about that…maybe after my current minis backlog is whittled down a little.

Redroom13 Sep 2011 11:55 a.m. PST

I like the hidden markers/cows. Avalon Hill's squad leader had counters like that, but the cows sound more fun.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Sep 2011 4:35 p.m. PST

Looks like it was a good game and you guys had fun! I really like how you painted up the Proxie tanks. In fact, seeing your TD's caused me to buy some.

Any further thoughts on the TW rulebook?



MKGipson13 Sep 2011 6:16 p.m. PST

Thanks for the complement on the paint job. I was trying for sort of a "3 color" digicam look that would stand out on the gaming table. Sort of contrary to real camoflage but it is important that gaming pieces be easily and immediately identified during the game.

The rulebook is of high print quality and easy to handle. Could be a touch easier to read, with the background pattern on the pages making the contrast to the lettering a little less than I'd like.

The rules are the same clarity you can find in "Force on Force". The game designers state that "Force on Force" was actually the "test" for "Tomorrow's War". The book leads you through the rules and it has been easy for me to find things in it. Keep in mind that as a play-tester I have had a play test copy (big honkin' binder) for a while.

I love playing "Tomorrow's War" and other Ambush Alley Games stuff. The activation/interruption sequence is brilliant, keeping all the players heads in the game at all times. You almost never have to sit and wait for the other guy to finish doing something. Steady action for everybody.

It is a game that can be played seriously but keeps its sense of fun.

MKGipson13 Sep 2011 6:17 p.m. PST

Oh, and if you pick up a copy of the rulebook be sure to order a "Fog of War" deck from AAG. It is *SOOOOO* much nicer to use real cards instead of cut out cardstock!

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Sep 2011 9:10 p.m. PST

Thanks for the feedback. I own all the AA original books. I bought the new FoF hardback. I thought it was even more clear and concise than the originals. I was hoping TW would be in the same vein.



evilleMonkeigh14 Sep 2011 2:19 a.m. PST

The reaction-sequence (which AAG systems share with Infinity) is a real strength. I'm waiting for someone to apply it to a fighter or spaceship game…

Ambush Alley Games14 Sep 2011 5:27 a.m. PST

Mark did an awesome job with his game at Recruits! I had a lot of folks come by and tell me how much fun they had with it. Maybe next time I'll get to play in it, too!


Lfseeney17 Sep 2011 2:17 p.m. PST

I got to play in Mark's game there, and it was really fun.
Never played FoF but have read the rules, TW was great fun.

Played 5 games at the Con, then my back finally gave out and I crawled into bed for 24 hrs.

The system flows really well once you get used to the Reactions, well I should say Stating your Intent.

"I will Move this Unit here and Fire on that Unit", then your opponent decides who and how Units React.

IMHO, so much better than You Go and Move, Shoot,
Then If I have anything left I Move, Shoot. :)

The Flexibility of the TW rules has allowed, from Hammer's Slammers, to 40K, to XComish to Star Wars games.

Then of course TW is getting it's own line of figures to go with the setting Shawn has wrote up.

So far I have been able to Model most anything, and keep the feel in the game. Plus the Community at AA's site is very helpful and easy to get along with.

It was a blast to learn the Tank rules on such a great table, and mission.

And cows rock.


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