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2,738 hits since 4 Sep 2011
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo BobTYW Supporting Member of TMP05 Sep 2011 1:34 p.m. PST

I'm thinking of getting into the Crusades period around the time of "Kingdom of Heaven" in either 6mm or 10mm. Who makes figures for both the Crusaders and Saracen/Arabs. This scales will allow for the massed battle sequences and seiges that took place. Also, if artillery such as catapults, trebuchets are made in the smaller scales as well. Comments / recommendations welcome.


Bashytubits05 Sep 2011 1:53 p.m. PST

In 10mm you have Pendraken, Old glory, Magister Militum and Irregular. There are probably others but these 4 have lots of stuff and as I have miniatures from all these manufacturers they are very compatible in my opinion.

Personal logo McKinstry Supporting Member of TMP Fezian05 Sep 2011 2:29 p.m. PST

I'm doing Third Crusade in 10mm using Impetus and between Old Glory, Pendraken, Magister Militum, Tridenete Bologna and Irregular, you can get anything you need.

rampantlion05 Sep 2011 3:09 p.m. PST

I did 2 feudal armies in 6mm using Irregular, Heroics and Ros and some of the levy spearmen from the WOTR range from Baccus.


McWong7305 Sep 2011 5:10 p.m. PST

Looked at all the scales and purely at a quality of sculpting and quality of service you can't go past Legio Heroica in 15mm. These are the best Crusades era figures I have ever held, in any scale. Their Ayyubid Egyptians are the best on the market.

Keraunos06 Sep 2011 2:20 a.m. PST

I'd argue that the new Milirton Muslims are even better than the legio – but both are lovely.

neither is 10mm though

SteelonSand06 Sep 2011 9:05 a.m. PST

Just a small addition to what the others have so succinctly recommended above – I'm afraid questions of size and 'heft' tend to raise their ugly head – 10mm from Irregular are noticeably smaller and slighter than the others, with perhaps Magister Militum being the closest – Pendraken and Tridente Bologna are, IMHO, the best mix.

If the figures are on separate bases, however, or you might use the 'smaller' looking figs for lighter units, should be OK – probably worth getting some samples before committing.

As to siege engines etc, both Old Glory and Pendraken have some,and honourable mention should go to Kallistra, who have a good range of equipment as part of their Hordes and Heroes ranges – take care, though – their 10mm figs are definitely larger and heftier than all the others, but the kit should be fine.

Oh, and a footnote – Tiny Tin Troops do some beautiful banners and flags for the period in 10mm – worth checking out:

Anderson Collection07 Sep 2011 6:21 a.m. PST

Essex do these in 15mm one of their best ranges!





Personal logo oldbob Supporting Member of TMP07 Sep 2011 6:44 a.m. PST

For 10mm in this period definitely check out "Tridente Bologna" not that well known,but really beautiful little miniatures! The pictures are O.K., but the actual figures are even better!

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