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Sane Max01 Sep 2011 4:21 a.m. PST

Kelly's Heroes.

There. I said it. So Sue me.

Anyone else not like 'Films you are expected to Like' ?


'Always with the negative waves'

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP01 Sep 2011 4:23 a.m. PST

Blade Runner is only ok

Dark Knights And Bloody Dawns01 Sep 2011 4:33 a.m. PST

Blade Runner with the Directors cut is better, just.

CPT Jake01 Sep 2011 4:38 a.m. PST


flicking wargamer01 Sep 2011 4:51 a.m. PST

Transformers. Never was interested in the cartoon. Not interested now (though it is cool in the last movie that they are based out of the Department of Health and Human Services building since I work for them, so the transformers and my organization are sisters. Now Contagion IS my organization.).

Captain Sensible01 Sep 2011 5:00 a.m. PST

I didn't like Titanic. I would explain why, but I don't want to spoil the ending for anyone that hasn't seen it yet.

Pat Ripley Fezian01 Sep 2011 5:08 a.m. PST

havent seen titanic. :) still.

Garand01 Sep 2011 5:10 a.m. PST

I don't like Kelly's Heroes either, and try to avoid it whenever it is on. So far I have been successful…


Dynaman878901 Sep 2011 5:21 a.m. PST

Latest Batman, sorry folks, but there is no way THAT joker could have pulled off the bombings depicted in that movie – he had enough explosives in the hospital alone that it would have to be taking up entire rooms…

For war movies, I despise Apocolypse Now, The Thin Red Line is a stinker too (but I'd be surprised to find anyone that likes it)

ATP Painting Studio01 Sep 2011 5:26 a.m. PST

I thought the Thin Red Line was alright… but lost focus and ended up drifting aimlessly.

The Battle of the Bulge inspires much nerdrage in me for the tanks.

Sane Max01 Sep 2011 5:27 a.m. PST

'Films you are expected to Like'

didn't like Titanic.

Does-Not-Compute. You feel you should like Titanic? Are you a Laydee?


Whatisitgood4atwork01 Sep 2011 5:30 a.m. PST

Titanic was a chick flick. Not surprised when a guy doesn't like it.

A girlfriend forced me to watch it and all the way through (all 14 hours or so it seemed) I was just thinking; sink, sink, just effing sink now already.

And yeah, the latest Batman sucked too. It would have been okay if it had ended when he caught the guy the first time. The extra hour or so was excruciating. Yeah I know you're a hero Batman, but a Saint would have killed this bum by now. Just put him out of my misery.

WarWizard01 Sep 2011 6:22 a.m. PST

For me:
Dances With Wolves

I never cared for "Transformers" either. Have not seen any of the films.

Tried watching "Dances with Wolves" twice. Feel asleep both times in about 20 minutes thru. Don't want to try a third.

"Avatar". Saw it in 3D. Special effects A. Story F.
Please no sequels.


So many, and so little time to list them…
Dune before they added the stuff for the TV version.

Personal logo enfant perdus Supporting Member of TMP01 Sep 2011 6:24 a.m. PST

I despise Kelly's Heroes and Goodfellas.

John the OFM01 Sep 2011 6:26 a.m. PST

Citizen Kane is a given. grin

As for Kelly's Heroes, let's just say that I don't clear my schedule when it comes on, and leave it go at that.

Saving Private Ryan is another. I had someone foaming at the mouth about that just two days ago because I find the plot ridiculous. Like the Pentagon had nothing better to do…

I hate ALL superhero and comic book movies. Maybe "HATE" is a bit too strong. Let's just say that I dislike the whole genre going in, and any superhero movie has a VERY steep hill to climb before I grudgingly admit that it might be not all THAT bad. As a genre, they suck.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP01 Sep 2011 6:36 a.m. PST

Saving Private Ryan, Last of the Mohicans, The Godfather (all of 'em), True Grit, Avatar…

On the flip side I love Thin Red Line, Battle of the Bulge and Dead Man.

ArchiducCharles01 Sep 2011 6:46 a.m. PST

Battle of Britain, No country for old men, Thin Red Line (I actually left the theatre before the end for that one, only time I ever did that).

M C MonkeyDew01 Sep 2011 6:49 a.m. PST

Star Wars. All of them. Can't stand 'em.

Luke is a dweeb. Anakin is a Bleeped text. Don't get me started on Yoda…

Have only see the most recent 5 because my boy likes them.

alien BLOODY HELL surfer01 Sep 2011 7:32 a.m. PST

Star Trek films.
Hollywood-ised WW2 films.
Mel Gibson-ised 'historical' films.
Any war films if I have to sit next to someone who games that period and goes on about what's wrong all the time.

Flat Beer and Cold Pizza01 Sep 2011 7:38 a.m. PST

Napoleon Dynamite. I've never understood the hype this movie received; it bored me catatonic.

The Third Man. The plot's good enough, but that accursed bazuki or whatever it is that's constantly playing in the background makes it almost unbearable to watch.

Braveheart. So much BS you'd need a backhoe to shovel it.

Big Red Supporting Member of TMP14 Sep 2011 11:30 a.m. PST

"…but that accursed bazuki or whatever it is…"

Zither, you hate the zither music.

number408 Jan 2012 9:05 p.m. PST

I shall probably be branded as a heretic for saying "Band of Brothers"….

The Shadow10 Feb 2012 9:59 a.m. PST

Ben-Hur – Very long and very boring except for the chariot scene. One of the few films that actually put me to sleep in the theater.

Lawrence of Arabia – Could Peter O'Toole possibly look more Gay?

Dances With Wolves – Every white male in the film is either evil or nuts!…except for the hero who is a deserter. The Native Americans are noble and good looking while the soldiers are ignorant, vicious fools who want to destroy all that's natural and beautiful. Typical Hollywood liberal propaganda.

Casablanca – Really 2nd rate compared to other Bogart films of the era like "The Maltese Falcon" and "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre".

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance – Long on talk, short on action.

No Country For Old Men – I was expecting a climax, like a showdown between the hunter and the hunted, but it didn't happened. The "hero" was killed off screen and the hired killer that was chasing him, but never caught him, just walked away. I guess this is Coen brothers "high art". What a let down.

Inglorious Basterds – Long tedious stretches of boring conversation interrupted by occasional violent action. Tarantino at his most self indulgent.

The Shadow10 Feb 2012 10:01 a.m. PST

>>I didn't like Titanic. I would explain why, but I don't want to spoil the ending for anyone that hasn't seen it yet.<<

LOL. Clever. Good one!

zoneofcontrol11 Feb 2012 7:41 p.m. PST

I have a sinking feeling that I know what happened.

Captain Gideon10 Apr 2012 10:57 p.m. PST

Talk about boring movies well 2001 A Space Odyssey was that for me it put me to sleep in the theater,I can't stand that film.

A close second would be When Worlds Collide this also put me to sleep in the theater as well.

I really like Kelly's Heroes to me it was a very good film and I don't know why anyone would not like it.

John D Salt15 Apr 2012 10:47 a.m. PST

I agree that "No Country for Old Men" is rubbish, but then I find the Cohen brothers very variable -- "Burn Before Reading" is the only thing of theirs I really like, and I find "The Great Lebowski" is no more than mildly amusing.

"Citizen Kane" is, indeed, mightily overblown, and why it is so often rated the best film ever made I cannot imagine. "Casablanca", on the other hand, is utterly wonderful, and anyone who doesn't like it must have had their cinematic appreciation glands surgically removed.

Now then, let's see what other bad films one is expected to like:

"Platoon", "The Deer Hunter" and the second half of "Apocalypse Now" are all utter tosh, and "Full Metal Jacket" is little better. There seems to be something about Viet Nam that prevents non-Australians making decent films.

"The Bridge" is overrated, and "Come and See" is utter rubbish, slow, dull, self-indulgent, with far to much gurning at the camera, and not in any way redeemed by the mysterious appearance of the astral tarsier.

"Blazing Saddles" is desperately unfunny, I cannot imagine what the appeal of "Goodfellas" is supposed to be, "Donnie Darko" would perhaps have made an adequate 10-minute short, "A Bout de Souffle" is brain-meltingly pointless, "Logan's Run" needs a sharp reduction in length and more Jenny Agutter, and one could say much the same about "Walkabout".

Kelly's Heroes, however, is brilliant.

All the best,


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